123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395 |
- #Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017
- #see license.txt for license details
- #history https://hg.reportlab.com/hg-public/reportlab/log/tip/src/reportlab/graphics/charts/utils.py
- __version__='3.3.0'
- __doc__="Utilities used here and there."
- from time import mktime, gmtime, strftime
- from math import log10, pi, floor, sin, cos, sqrt, hypot
- import weakref
- from reportlab.graphics.shapes import transformPoint, transformPoints, inverse, Ellipse, Group, String, Path, numericXShift
- from reportlab.lib.utils import flatten
- from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth
- ### Dinu's stuff used in some line plots (likely to vansih).
- def mkTimeTuple(timeString):
- "Convert a 'dd/mm/yyyy' formatted string to a tuple for use in the time module."
- L = [0] * 9
- dd, mm, yyyy = list(map(int, timeString.split('/')))
- L[:3] = [yyyy, mm, dd]
- return tuple(L)
- def str2seconds(timeString):
- "Convert a number of seconds since the epoch into a date string."
- return mktime(mkTimeTuple(timeString))
- def seconds2str(seconds):
- "Convert a date string into the number of seconds since the epoch."
- return strftime('%Y-%m-%d', gmtime(seconds))
- ### Aaron's rounding function for making nice values on axes.
- def nextRoundNumber(x):
- """Return the first 'nice round number' greater than or equal to x
- Used in selecting apropriate tick mark intervals; we say we want
- an interval which places ticks at least 10 points apart, work out
- what that is in chart space, and ask for the nextRoundNumber().
- Tries the series 1,2,5,10,20,50,100.., going up or down as needed.
- """
- #guess to nearest order of magnitude
- if x in (0, 1):
- return x
- if x < 0:
- return -1.0 * nextRoundNumber(-x)
- else:
- lg = int(log10(x))
- if lg == 0:
- if x < 1:
- base = 0.1
- else:
- base = 1.0
- elif lg < 0:
- base = 10.0 ** (lg - 1)
- else:
- base = 10.0 ** lg # e.g. base(153) = 100
- # base will always be lower than x
- if base >= x:
- return base * 1.0
- elif (base * 2) >= x:
- return base * 2.0
- elif (base * 5) >= x:
- return base * 5.0
- else:
- return base * 10.0
- _intervals=(.1, .2, .25, .5)
- _j_max=len(_intervals)-1
- def find_interval(lo,hi,I=5):
- 'determine tick parameters for range [lo, hi] using I intervals'
- if lo >= hi:
- if lo==hi:
- if lo==0:
- lo = -.1
- hi = .1
- else:
- lo = 0.9*lo
- hi = 1.1*hi
- else:
- raise ValueError("lo>hi")
- x=(hi - lo)/float(I)
- b= (x>0 and (x<1 or x>10)) and 10**floor(log10(x)) or 1
- b = b
- while 1:
- a = x/b
- if a<=_intervals[-1]: break
- b = b*10
- j = 0
- while a>_intervals[j]: j = j + 1
- while 1:
- ss = _intervals[j]*b
- n = lo/ss
- l = int(n)-(n<0)
- n = ss*l
- x = ss*(l+I)
- a = I*ss
- if n>0:
- if a>=hi:
- n = 0.0
- x = a
- elif hi<0:
- a = -a
- if lo>a:
- n = a
- x = 0
- if hi<=x and n<=lo: break
- j = j + 1
- if j>_j_max:
- j = 0
- b = b*10
- return n, x, ss, lo - n + x - hi
- def find_good_grid(lower,upper,n=(4,5,6,7,8,9), grid=None):
- if grid:
- t = divmod(lower,grid)[0] * grid
- hi, z = divmod(upper,grid)
- if z>1e-8: hi = hi+1
- hi = hi*grid
- else:
- try:
- n[0]
- except TypeError:
- n = range(max(1,n-2),max(n+3,2))
- w = 1e308
- for i in n:
- z=find_interval(lower,upper,i)
- if z[3]<w:
- t, hi, grid = z[:3]
- w=z[3]
- return t, hi, grid
- def ticks(lower, upper, n=(4,5,6,7,8,9), split=1, percent=0, grid=None, labelVOffset=0):
- '''
- return tick positions and labels for range lower<=x<=upper
- n=number of intervals to try (can be a list or sequence)
- split=1 return ticks then labels else (tick,label) pairs
- '''
- t, hi, grid = find_good_grid(lower, upper, n, grid)
- power = floor(log10(grid))
- if power==0: power = 1
- w = grid/10.**power
- w = int(w)!=w
- if power > 3 or power < -3:
- format = '%+'+repr(w+7)+'.0e'
- else:
- if power >= 0:
- digits = int(power)+w
- format = '%' + repr(digits)+'.0f'
- else:
- digits = w-int(power)
- format = '%'+repr(digits+2)+'.'+repr(digits)+'f'
- if percent: format=format+'%%'
- T = []
- n = int(float(hi-t)/grid+0.1)+1
- if split:
- labels = []
- for i in range(n):
- v = t+grid*i
- T.append(v)
- labels.append(format % (v+labelVOffset))
- return T, labels
- else:
- for i in range(n):
- v = t+grid*i
- T.append((v, format % (v+labelVOffset)))
- return T
- def findNones(data):
- m = len(data)
- if None in data:
- b = 0
- while b<m and data[b] is None:
- b += 1
- if b==m: return data
- l = m-1
- while data[l] is None:
- l -= 1
- l+=1
- if b or l: data = data[b:l]
- I = [i for i in range(len(data)) if data[i] is None]
- for i in I:
- data[i] = 0.5*(data[i-1]+data[i+1])
- return b, l, data
- return 0,m,data
- def pairFixNones(pairs):
- Y = [x[1] for x in pairs]
- b,l,nY = findNones(Y)
- m = len(Y)
- if b or l<m or nY!=Y:
- if b or l<m: pairs = pairs[b:l]
- pairs = [(x[0],y) for x,y in zip(pairs,nY)]
- return pairs
- def maverage(data,n=6):
- data = (n-1)*[data[0]]+data
- data = [float(sum(data[i-n:i]))/n for i in range(n,len(data)+1)]
- return data
- def pairMaverage(data,n=6):
- return [(x[0],s) for x,s in zip(data, maverage([x[1] for x in data],n))]
- class DrawTimeCollector(object):
- '''
- generic mechanism for collecting information about nodes at the time they are about to be drawn
- '''
- def __init__(self,formats=['gif']):
- self._nodes = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
- self.clear()
- self._pmcanv = None
- self.formats = formats
- self.disabled = False
- def clear(self):
- self._info = []
- self._info_append = self._info.append
- def record(self,func,node,*args,**kwds):
- self._nodes[node] = (func,args,kwds)
- node.__dict__['_drawTimeCallback'] = self
- def __call__(self,node,canvas,renderer):
- func = self._nodes.get(node,None)
- if func:
- func, args, kwds = func
- i = func(node,canvas,renderer, *args, **kwds)
- if i is not None: self._info_append(i)
- @staticmethod
- def rectDrawTimeCallback(node,canvas,renderer,**kwds):
- A = getattr(canvas,'ctm',None)
- if not A: return
- x1 = node.x
- y1 = node.y
- x2 = x1 + node.width
- y2 = y1 + node.height
- D = kwds.copy()
- D['rect']=DrawTimeCollector.transformAndFlatten(A,((x1,y1),(x2,y2)))
- return D
- @staticmethod
- def transformAndFlatten(A,p):
- ''' transform an flatten a list of points
- A transformation matrix
- p points [(x0,y0),....(xk,yk).....]
- '''
- if tuple(A)!=(1,0,0,1,0,0):
- iA = inverse(A)
- p = transformPoints(iA,p)
- return tuple(flatten(p))
- @property
- def pmcanv(self):
- if not self._pmcanv:
- import renderPM
- self._pmcanv = renderPM.PMCanvas(1,1)
- return self._pmcanv
- def wedgeDrawTimeCallback(self,node,canvas,renderer,**kwds):
- A = getattr(canvas,'ctm',None)
- if not A: return
- if isinstance(node,Ellipse):
- c = self.pmcanv
- c.ellipse(node.cx, node.cy, node.rx,node.ry)
- p = c.vpath
- p = [(x[1],x[2]) for x in p]
- else:
- p = node.asPolygon().points
- p = [(p[i],p[i+1]) for i in range(0,len(p),2)]
- D = kwds.copy()
- D['poly'] = self.transformAndFlatten(A,p)
- return D
- def save(self,fnroot):
- '''
- save the current information known to this collector
- fnroot is the root name of a resource to name the saved info
- override this to get the right semantics for your collector
- '''
- import pprint
- f=open(fnroot+'.default-collector.out','w')
- try:
- pprint.pprint(self._info,f)
- finally:
- f.close()
- def xyDist(xxx_todo_changeme, xxx_todo_changeme1 ):
- '''return distance between two points'''
- (x0,y0) = xxx_todo_changeme
- (x1,y1) = xxx_todo_changeme1
- return hypot((x1-x0),(y1-y0))
- def lineSegmentIntersect(xxx_todo_changeme2, xxx_todo_changeme3, xxx_todo_changeme4, xxx_todo_changeme5
- ):
- (x00,y00) = xxx_todo_changeme2
- (x01,y01) = xxx_todo_changeme3
- (x10,y10) = xxx_todo_changeme4
- (x11,y11) = xxx_todo_changeme5
- p = x00,y00
- r = x01-x00,y01-y00
- q = x10,y10
- s = x11-x10,y11-y10
- rs = float(r[0]*s[1]-r[1]*s[0])
- qp = q[0]-p[0],q[1]-p[1]
- qpr = qp[0]*r[1]-qp[1]*r[0]
- qps = qp[0]*s[1]-qp[1]*s[0]
- if abs(rs)<1e-8:
- if abs(qpr)<1e-8: return 'collinear'
- return None
- t = qps/rs
- u = qpr/rs
- if 0<=t<=1 and 0<=u<=1:
- return p[0]+t*r[0], p[1]+t*r[1]
- def makeCircularString(x, y, radius, angle, text, fontName, fontSize, inside=0, G=None,textAnchor='start'):
- '''make a group with circular text in it'''
- if not G: G = Group()
- angle %= 360
- pi180 = pi/180
- phi = angle*pi180
- width = stringWidth(text, fontName, fontSize)
- sig = inside and -1 or 1
- hsig = sig*0.5
- sig90 = sig*90
- if textAnchor!='start':
- if textAnchor=='middle':
- phi += sig*(0.5*width)/radius
- elif textAnchor=='end':
- phi += sig*float(width)/radius
- elif textAnchor=='numeric':
- phi += sig*float(numericXShift(textAnchor,text,width,fontName,fontSize,None))/radius
- for letter in text:
- width = stringWidth(letter, fontName, fontSize)
- beta = float(width)/radius
- h = Group()
- h.add(String(0, 0, letter, fontName=fontName,fontSize=fontSize,textAnchor="start"))
- h.translate(x+cos(phi)*radius,y+sin(phi)*radius) #translate to radius and angle
- h.rotate((phi-hsig*beta)/pi180-sig90) # rotate as needed
- G.add(h) #add to main group
- phi -= sig*beta #increment
- return G
- class CustomDrawChanger:
- '''
- a class to simplify making changes at draw time
- '''
- def __init__(self):
- self.store = None
- def __call__(self,change,obj):
- if change:
- self.store = self._changer(obj)
- assert isinstance(self.store,dict), '%s.changer should return a dict of changed attributes' % self.__class__.__name__
- elif self.store is not None:
- for a,v in self.store.items():
- setattr(obj,a,v)
- self.store = None
- def _changer(self,obj):
- '''
- When implemented this method should return a dictionary of
- original attribute values so that a future self(False,obj)
- can restore them.
- '''
- raise RuntimeError('Abstract method _changer called')
- class FillPairedData(list):
- def __init__(self,v,other=0):
- list.__init__(self,v)
- self.other = other