123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408 |
- #Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017
- #see license.txt for license details
- #history https://hg.reportlab.com/hg-public/reportlab/log/tip/src/reportlab/graphics/charts/spider.py
- # spider chart, also known as radar chart
- __version__='3.3.0'
- __doc__="""Spider Chart
- Normal use shows variation of 5-10 parameters against some 'norm' or target.
- When there is more than one series, place the series with the largest
- numbers first, as it will be overdrawn by each successive one.
- """
- import copy
- from math import sin, cos, pi
- from reportlab.lib import colors
- from reportlab.lib.validators import isColor, isNumber, isListOfNumbersOrNone,\
- isListOfNumbers, isColorOrNone, isString,\
- isListOfStringsOrNone, OneOf, SequenceOf,\
- isBoolean, isListOfColors, isNumberOrNone,\
- isNoneOrListOfNoneOrStrings, isTextAnchor,\
- isNoneOrListOfNoneOrNumbers, isBoxAnchor,\
- isStringOrNone, isStringOrNone, EitherOr,\
- isCallable
- from reportlab.lib.attrmap import *
- from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
- from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Group, Drawing, Line, Rect, Polygon, PolyLine, Ellipse, \
- Wedge, String, STATE_DEFAULTS
- from reportlab.graphics.widgetbase import Widget, TypedPropertyCollection, PropHolder
- from reportlab.graphics.charts.areas import PlotArea
- from reportlab.graphics.charts.legends import _objStr
- from reportlab.graphics.charts.piecharts import WedgeLabel
- from reportlab.graphics.widgets.markers import makeMarker, uSymbol2Symbol, isSymbol
- class StrandProperty(PropHolder):
- _attrMap = AttrMap(
- strokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='width'),
- fillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc='filling color'),
- strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc='stroke color'),
- strokeDashArray = AttrMapValue(isListOfNumbersOrNone,desc='dashing pattern, e.g. (3,2)'),
- symbol = AttrMapValue(EitherOr((isStringOrNone,isSymbol)), desc='Widget placed at data points.',advancedUsage=1),
- symbolSize= AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Symbol size.',advancedUsage=1),
- name = AttrMapValue(isStringOrNone, desc='Name of the strand.'),
- )
- def __init__(self):
- self.strokeWidth = 1
- self.fillColor = None
- self.strokeColor = STATE_DEFAULTS["strokeColor"]
- self.strokeDashArray = STATE_DEFAULTS["strokeDashArray"]
- self.symbol = None
- self.symbolSize = 5
- self.name = None
- class SpokeProperty(PropHolder):
- _attrMap = AttrMap(
- strokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='width'),
- fillColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc='filling color'),
- strokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColorOrNone,desc='stroke color'),
- strokeDashArray = AttrMapValue(isListOfNumbersOrNone,desc='dashing pattern, e.g. (2,1)'),
- labelRadius = AttrMapValue(isNumber,desc='label radius',advancedUsage=1),
- visible = AttrMapValue(isBoolean,desc="True if the spoke line is to be drawn"),
- )
- def __init__(self,**kw):
- self.strokeWidth = 0.5
- self.fillColor = None
- self.strokeColor = STATE_DEFAULTS["strokeColor"]
- self.strokeDashArray = STATE_DEFAULTS["strokeDashArray"]
- self.visible = 1
- self.labelRadius = 1.05
- class SpokeLabel(WedgeLabel):
- def __init__(self,**kw):
- WedgeLabel.__init__(self,**kw)
- if '_text' not in list(kw.keys()): self._text = ''
- class StrandLabel(SpokeLabel):
- _attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=SpokeLabel,
- format = AttrMapValue(EitherOr((isStringOrNone,isCallable)),desc="Format for the label"),
- dR = AttrMapValue(isNumberOrNone,desc="radial shift for label"),
- )
- def __init__(self,**kw):
- self.format = ''
- self.dR = 0
- SpokeLabel.__init__(self,**kw)
- def _setupLabel(labelClass, text, radius, cx, cy, angle, car, sar, sty):
- L = labelClass()
- L._text = text
- L.x = cx + radius*car
- L.y = cy + radius*sar
- L._pmv = angle*180/pi
- L.boxAnchor = sty.boxAnchor
- L.dx = sty.dx
- L.dy = sty.dy
- L.angle = sty.angle
- L.boxAnchor = sty.boxAnchor
- L.boxStrokeColor = sty.boxStrokeColor
- L.boxStrokeWidth = sty.boxStrokeWidth
- L.boxFillColor = sty.boxFillColor
- L.strokeColor = sty.strokeColor
- L.strokeWidth = sty.strokeWidth
- L.leading = sty.leading
- L.width = sty.width
- L.maxWidth = sty.maxWidth
- L.height = sty.height
- L.textAnchor = sty.textAnchor
- L.visible = sty.visible
- L.topPadding = sty.topPadding
- L.leftPadding = sty.leftPadding
- L.rightPadding = sty.rightPadding
- L.bottomPadding = sty.bottomPadding
- L.fontName = sty.fontName
- L.fontSize = sty.fontSize
- L.fillColor = sty.fillColor
- return L
- class SpiderChart(PlotArea):
- _attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=PlotArea,
- data = AttrMapValue(None, desc='Data to be plotted, list of (lists of) numbers.'),
- labels = AttrMapValue(isListOfStringsOrNone, desc="optional list of labels to use for each data point"),
- startAngle = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc="angle of first slice; like the compass, 0 is due North"),
- direction = AttrMapValue( OneOf('clockwise', 'anticlockwise'), desc="'clockwise' or 'anticlockwise'"),
- strands = AttrMapValue(None, desc="collection of strand descriptor objects"),
- spokes = AttrMapValue(None, desc="collection of spoke descriptor objects"),
- strandLabels = AttrMapValue(None, desc="collection of strand label descriptor objects"),
- spokeLabels = AttrMapValue(None, desc="collection of spoke label descriptor objects"),
- )
- def makeSwatchSample(self, rowNo, x, y, width, height):
- baseStyle = self.strands
- styleIdx = rowNo % len(baseStyle)
- style = baseStyle[styleIdx]
- strokeColor = getattr(style, 'strokeColor', getattr(baseStyle,'strokeColor',None))
- fillColor = getattr(style, 'fillColor', getattr(baseStyle,'fillColor',None))
- strokeDashArray = getattr(style, 'strokeDashArray', getattr(baseStyle,'strokeDashArray',None))
- strokeWidth = getattr(style, 'strokeWidth', getattr(baseStyle, 'strokeWidth',0))
- symbol = getattr(style, 'symbol', getattr(baseStyle, 'symbol',None))
- ym = y+height/2.0
- if fillColor is None and strokeColor is not None and strokeWidth>0:
- bg = Line(x,ym,x+width,ym,strokeWidth=strokeWidth,strokeColor=strokeColor,
- strokeDashArray=strokeDashArray)
- elif fillColor is not None:
- bg = Rect(x,y,width,height,strokeWidth=strokeWidth,strokeColor=strokeColor,
- strokeDashArray=strokeDashArray,fillColor=fillColor)
- else:
- bg = None
- if symbol:
- symbol = uSymbol2Symbol(symbol,x+width/2.,ym,color)
- if bg:
- g = Group()
- g.add(bg)
- g.add(symbol)
- return g
- return symbol or bg
- def getSeriesName(self,i,default=None):
- '''return series name i or default'''
- return _objStr(getattr(self.strands[i],'name',default))
- def __init__(self):
- PlotArea.__init__(self)
- self.data = [[10,12,14,16,14,12], [6,8,10,12,9,11]]
- self.labels = None # or list of strings
- self.labels = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
- self.startAngle = 90
- self.direction = "clockwise"
- self.strands = TypedPropertyCollection(StrandProperty)
- self.spokes = TypedPropertyCollection(SpokeProperty)
- self.spokeLabels = TypedPropertyCollection(SpokeLabel)
- self.spokeLabels._text = None
- self.strandLabels = TypedPropertyCollection(StrandLabel)
- self.x = 10
- self.y = 10
- self.width = 180
- self.height = 180
- def demo(self):
- d = Drawing(200, 200)
- d.add(SpiderChart())
- return d
- def normalizeData(self, outer = 0.0):
- """Turns data into normalized ones where each datum is < 1.0,
- and 1.0 = maximum radius. Adds 10% at outside edge by default"""
- data = self.data
- assert min(list(map(min,data))) >=0, "Cannot do spider plots of negative numbers!"
- norm = max(list(map(max,data)))
- norm *= (1.0+outer)
- if norm<1e-9: norm = 1.0
- self._norm = norm
- return [[e/norm for e in row] for row in data]
- def _innerDrawLabel(self, sty, radius, cx, cy, angle, car, sar, labelClass=StrandLabel):
- "Draw a label for a given item in the list."
- fmt = sty.format
- value = radius*self._norm
- if not fmt:
- text = None
- elif isinstance(fmt,str):
- if fmt == 'values':
- text = sty._text
- else:
- text = fmt % value
- elif hasattr(fmt,'__call__'):
- text = fmt(value)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unknown formatter type %s, expected string or function" % fmt)
- if text:
- dR = sty.dR
- if dR:
- radius += dR/self._radius
- L = _setupLabel(labelClass, text, radius, cx, cy, angle, car, sar, sty)
- if dR<0: L._anti = 1
- else:
- L = None
- return L
- def draw(self):
- # normalize slice data
- g = self.makeBackground() or Group()
- xradius = self.width/2.0
- yradius = self.height/2.0
- self._radius = radius = min(xradius, yradius)
- cx = self.x + xradius
- cy = self.y + yradius
- data = self.normalizeData()
- self._seriesCount = len(data)
- n = len(data[0])
- #labels
- if self.labels is None:
- labels = [''] * n
- else:
- labels = self.labels
- #there's no point in raising errors for less than enough errors if
- #we silently create all for the extreme case of no labels.
- i = n-len(labels)
- if i>0:
- labels = labels + ['']*i
- S = []
- STRANDS = []
- syms = []
- labs = []
- csa = []
- angle = self.startAngle*pi/180
- direction = self.direction == "clockwise" and -1 or 1
- angleBetween = direction*(2 * pi)/float(n)
- spokes = self.spokes
- spokeLabels = self.spokeLabels
- for i in range(n):
- car = cos(angle)*radius
- sar = sin(angle)*radius
- csa.append((car,sar,angle))
- si = self.spokes[i]
- if si.visible:
- spoke = Line(cx, cy, cx + car, cy + sar, strokeWidth = si.strokeWidth, strokeColor=si.strokeColor, strokeDashArray=si.strokeDashArray)
- S.append(spoke)
- sli = spokeLabels[i]
- text = sli._text
- if not text: text = labels[i]
- if text:
- S.append(_setupLabel(WedgeLabel, text, si.labelRadius, cx, cy, angle, car, sar, sli))
- angle += angleBetween
- # now plot the polygons
- rowIdx = 0
- strands = self.strands
- strandLabels = self.strandLabels
- for row in data:
- # series plot
- rsty = strands[rowIdx]
- points = []
- car, sar = csa[-1][:2]
- r = row[-1]
- points.append(cx+car*r)
- points.append(cy+sar*r)
- for i in range(n):
- car, sar, angle = csa[i]
- r = row[i]
- points.append(cx+car*r)
- points.append(cy+sar*r)
- L = self._innerDrawLabel(strandLabels[(rowIdx,i)], r, cx, cy, angle, car, sar, labelClass=StrandLabel)
- if L: labs.append(L)
- sty = strands[(rowIdx,i)]
- uSymbol = sty.symbol
- # put in a marker, if it needs one
- if uSymbol:
- s_x = cx+car*r
- s_y = cy+sar*r
- s_fillColor = sty.fillColor
- s_strokeColor = sty.strokeColor
- s_strokeWidth = sty.strokeWidth
- s_angle = 0
- s_size = sty.symbolSize
- if type(uSymbol) is type(''):
- symbol = makeMarker(uSymbol,
- size = s_size,
- x = s_x,
- y = s_y,
- fillColor = s_fillColor,
- strokeColor = s_strokeColor,
- strokeWidth = s_strokeWidth,
- angle = s_angle,
- )
- else:
- symbol = uSymbol2Symbol(uSymbol,s_x,s_y,s_fillColor)
- for k,v in (('size', s_size), ('fillColor', s_fillColor),
- ('x', s_x), ('y', s_y),
- ('strokeColor',s_strokeColor), ('strokeWidth',s_strokeWidth),
- ('angle',s_angle),):
- if getattr(symbol,k,None) is None:
- try:
- setattr(symbol,k,v)
- except:
- pass
- syms.append(symbol)
- # make up the 'strand'
- if rsty.fillColor:
- strand = Polygon(points)
- strand.fillColor = rsty.fillColor
- strand.strokeColor = None
- strand.strokeWidth = 0
- STRANDAREAS.append(strand)
- if rsty.strokeColor and rsty.strokeWidth:
- strand = PolyLine(points)
- strand.strokeColor = rsty.strokeColor
- strand.strokeWidth = rsty.strokeWidth
- strand.strokeDashArray = rsty.strokeDashArray
- STRANDS.append(strand)
- rowIdx += 1
- for s in (STRANDAREAS+STRANDS+syms+S+labs): g.add(s)
- return g
- def sample1():
- "Make a simple spider chart"
- d = Drawing(400, 400)
- sp = SpiderChart()
- sp.x = 50
- sp.y = 50
- sp.width = 300
- sp.height = 300
- sp.data = [[10,12,14,16,14,12], [6,8,10,12,9,15],[7,8,17,4,12,8]]
- sp.labels = ['a','b','c','d','e','f']
- sp.strands[0].strokeColor = colors.cornsilk
- sp.strands[1].strokeColor = colors.cyan
- sp.strands[2].strokeColor = colors.palegreen
- sp.strands[0].fillColor = colors.cornsilk
- sp.strands[1].fillColor = colors.cyan
- sp.strands[2].fillColor = colors.palegreen
- sp.spokes.strokeDashArray = (2,2)
- d.add(sp)
- return d
- def sample2():
- "Make a spider chart with markers, but no fill"
- d = Drawing(400, 400)
- sp = SpiderChart()
- sp.x = 50
- sp.y = 50
- sp.width = 300
- sp.height = 300
- sp.data = [[10,12,14,16,14,12], [6,8,10,12,9,15],[7,8,17,4,12,8]]
- sp.labels = ['U','V','W','X','Y','Z']
- sp.strands.strokeWidth = 1
- sp.strands[0].fillColor = colors.pink
- sp.strands[1].fillColor = colors.lightblue
- sp.strands[2].fillColor = colors.palegreen
- sp.strands[0].strokeColor = colors.red
- sp.strands[1].strokeColor = colors.blue
- sp.strands[2].strokeColor = colors.green
- sp.strands.symbol = "FilledDiamond"
- sp.strands[1].symbol = makeMarker("Circle")
- sp.strands[1].symbol.strokeWidth = 0.5
- sp.strands[1].symbol.fillColor = colors.yellow
- sp.strands.symbolSize = 6
- sp.strandLabels[0,3]._text = 'special'
- sp.strandLabels[0,1]._text = 'one'
- sp.strandLabels[0,0]._text = 'zero'
- sp.strandLabels[1,0]._text = 'Earth'
- sp.strandLabels[2,2]._text = 'Mars'
- sp.strandLabels.format = 'values'
- sp.strandLabels.dR = -5
- d.add(sp)
- return d
- if __name__=='__main__':
- d = sample1()
- from reportlab.graphics.renderPDF import drawToFile
- drawToFile(d, 'spider.pdf')
- d = sample2()
- drawToFile(d, 'spider2.pdf')