rasutil.py 2.3 KB

  1. # A demo of using the RAS API from Python
  2. import sys
  3. import win32ras
  4. # The error raised if we can not
  5. class ConnectionError(Exception):
  6. pass
  7. def Connect(rasEntryName, numRetries = 5):
  8. """Make a connection to the specified RAS entry.
  9. Returns a tuple of (bool, handle) on success.
  10. - bool is 1 if a new connection was established, or 0 is a connection already existed.
  11. - handle is a RAS HANDLE that can be passed to Disconnect() to end the connection.
  12. Raises a ConnectionError if the connection could not be established.
  13. """
  14. assert numRetries > 0
  15. for info in win32ras.EnumConnections():
  16. if info[1].lower()==rasEntryName.lower():
  17. print("Already connected to", rasEntryName)
  18. return 0, info[0]
  19. dial_params, have_pw = win32ras.GetEntryDialParams(None, rasEntryName)
  20. if not have_pw:
  21. print("Error: The password is not saved for this connection")
  22. print("Please connect manually selecting the 'save password' option and try again")
  23. sys.exit(1)
  24. print("Connecting to", rasEntryName, "...")
  25. retryCount = numRetries
  26. while retryCount > 0:
  27. rasHandle, errCode = win32ras.Dial(None, None, dial_params, None)
  28. if win32ras.IsHandleValid(rasHandle):
  29. bValid = 1
  30. break
  31. print("Retrying...")
  32. win32api.Sleep(5000)
  33. retryCount = retryCount - 1
  34. if errCode:
  35. raise ConnectionError(errCode, win32ras.GetErrorString(errCode))
  36. return 1, rasHandle
  37. def Disconnect(handle):
  38. if type(handle)==type(''): # have they passed a connection name?
  39. for info in win32ras.EnumConnections():
  40. if info[1].lower()==handle.lower():
  41. handle = info[0]
  42. break
  43. else:
  44. raise ConnectionError(0, "Not connected to entry '%s'" % handle)
  45. win32ras.HangUp(handle)
  46. usage="""rasutil.py - Utilities for using RAS
  47. Usage:
  48. rasutil [-r retryCount] [-c rasname] [-d rasname]
  49. -r retryCount - Number of times to retry the RAS connection
  50. -c rasname - Connect to the phonebook entry specified by rasname
  51. -d rasname - Disconnect from the phonebook entry specified by rasname
  52. """
  53. def Usage(why):
  54. print(why)
  55. print(usage)
  56. sys.exit(1)
  57. if __name__=='__main__':
  58. import getopt
  59. try:
  60. opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "r:c:d:")
  61. except getopt.error as why:
  62. Usage(why)
  63. retries = 5
  64. if len(args) != 0:
  65. Usage("Invalid argument")
  66. for opt, val in opts:
  67. if opt=='-c':
  68. Connect(val, retries)
  69. if opt=='-d':
  70. Disconnect(val)
  71. if opt=='-r':
  72. retries = int(val)