# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2013-2021, PyInstaller Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2 # or later) with exception for distributing the bootloader. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Bootloader-exception) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import struct # ::TODO:: #1920 revert to using pypi version import pefile from PyInstaller.compat import win32api def pefile_check_control_flow_guard(filename): """ Checks if the specified PE file has CFG (Control Flow Guard) enabled. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the PE file to inspect. Returns ---------- bool True if file is a PE file with CFG enabled. False if CFG is not enabled or if file could not be processed using the pefile library. """ try: pe = pefile.PE(filename, fast_load=True) # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/pe-format # IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_GUARD_CF = 0x4000 return bool(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics & 0x4000) except Exception: return False # Ensures no code from the executable is executed. LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE = 2 def getRaw(text): """ Encodes text as UTF-16LE (Microsoft 'Unicode') for use in structs. """ return text.encode('UTF-16LE') def decode(pathnm): h = win32api.LoadLibraryEx(pathnm, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE) res = win32api.EnumResourceNames(h, pefile.RESOURCE_TYPE['RT_VERSION']) if not len(res): return None data = win32api.LoadResource(h, pefile.RESOURCE_TYPE['RT_VERSION'], res[0]) vs = VSVersionInfo() vs.fromRaw(data) win32api.FreeLibrary(h) return vs def nextDWord(offset): """ Align `offset` to the next 4-byte boundary. """ return ((offset + 3) >> 2) << 2 class VSVersionInfo: """ WORD wLength; // length of the VS_VERSION_INFO structure WORD wValueLength; // length of the Value member WORD wType; // 1 means text, 0 means binary WCHAR szKey[]; // Contains the Unicode string "VS_VERSION_INFO". WORD Padding1[]; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO Value; WORD Padding2[]; WORD Children[]; // zero or more StringFileInfo or VarFileInfo // structures (or both) that are children of the // current version structure. """ def __init__(self, ffi=None, kids=None): self.ffi = ffi self.kids = kids or [] def fromRaw(self, data): i, (sublen, vallen, wType, nm) = parseCommon(data) #vallen is length of the ffi, typ is 0, nm is 'VS_VERSION_INFO'. i = nextDWord(i) # Now a VS_FIXEDFILEINFO self.ffi = FixedFileInfo() j = self.ffi.fromRaw(data, i) i = j while i < sublen: j = i i, (csublen, cvallen, ctyp, nm) = parseCommon(data, i) if nm.strip() == 'StringFileInfo': sfi = StringFileInfo() k = sfi.fromRaw(csublen, cvallen, nm, data, i, j + csublen) self.kids.append(sfi) i = k else: vfi = VarFileInfo() k = vfi.fromRaw(csublen, cvallen, nm, data, i, j + csublen) self.kids.append(vfi) i = k i = j + csublen i = nextDWord(i) return i def toRaw(self): raw_name = getRaw('VS_VERSION_INFO') rawffi = self.ffi.toRaw() vallen = len(rawffi) typ = 0 sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2 pad = b'' if sublen % 4: pad = b'\000\000' sublen = sublen + len(pad) + vallen pad2 = b'' if sublen % 4: pad2 = b'\000\000' tmp = b''.join([kid.toRaw() for kid in self.kids]) sublen = sublen + len(pad2) + len(tmp) return struct.pack('hhh', sublen, vallen, typ) + raw_name + b'\000\000' + pad + rawffi + pad2 + tmp def __eq__(self, other): return self.toRaw() == other def __str__(self, indent=''): indent = indent + ' ' tmp = [kid.__str__(indent + ' ') for kid in self.kids] tmp = ', \n'.join(tmp) return '\n'.join([ "# UTF-8", "#", "# For more details about fixed file info 'ffi' see:", "# http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646997.aspx", "VSVersionInfo(", indent + f"ffi={self.ffi.__str__(indent)},", indent + "kids=[", tmp, indent + "]", ")", ]) def __repr__(self): return "versioninfo.VSVersionInfo(ffi=%r, kids=%r)" % (self.ffi, self.kids) def parseCommon(data, start=0): i = start + 6 (wLength, wValueLength, wType) = struct.unpack('3h', data[start:i]) i, text = parseUString(data, i, i + wLength) return i, (wLength, wValueLength, wType, text) def parseUString(data, start, limit): i = start while i < limit: if data[i:i + 2] == b'\000\000': break i += 2 text = data[start:i].decode('UTF-16LE') i += 2 return i, text class FixedFileInfo: """ DWORD dwSignature; //Contains the value 0xFEEFO4BD DWORD dwStrucVersion; // binary version number of this structure. // The high-order word of this member contains // the major version number, and the low-order // word contains the minor version number. DWORD dwFileVersionMS; // most significant 32 bits of the file's binary // version number DWORD dwFileVersionLS; // DWORD dwProductVersionMS; // most significant 32 bits of the binary version // number of the product with which this file was // distributed DWORD dwProductVersionLS; // DWORD dwFileFlagsMask; // bitmask that specifies the valid bits in // dwFileFlags. A bit is valid only if it was // defined when the file was created. DWORD dwFileFlags; // VS_FF_DEBUG, VS_FF_PATCHED etc. DWORD dwFileOS; // VOS_NT, VOS_WINDOWS32 etc. DWORD dwFileType; // VFT_APP etc. DWORD dwFileSubtype; // 0 unless VFT_DRV or VFT_FONT or VFT_VXD DWORD dwFileDateMS; DWORD dwFileDateLS; """ def __init__( self, filevers=(0, 0, 0, 0), prodvers=(0, 0, 0, 0), mask=0x3f, flags=0x0, OS=0x40004, fileType=0x1, subtype=0x0, date=(0, 0) ): self.sig = 0xfeef04bd self.strucVersion = 0x10000 self.fileVersionMS = (filevers[0] << 16) | (filevers[1] & 0xffff) self.fileVersionLS = (filevers[2] << 16) | (filevers[3] & 0xffff) self.productVersionMS = (prodvers[0] << 16) | (prodvers[1] & 0xffff) self.productVersionLS = (prodvers[2] << 16) | (prodvers[3] & 0xffff) self.fileFlagsMask = mask self.fileFlags = flags self.fileOS = OS self.fileType = fileType self.fileSubtype = subtype self.fileDateMS = date[0] self.fileDateLS = date[1] def fromRaw(self, data, i): ( self.sig, self.strucVersion, self.fileVersionMS, self.fileVersionLS, self.productVersionMS, self.productVersionLS, self.fileFlagsMask, self.fileFlags, self.fileOS, self.fileType, self.fileSubtype, self.fileDateMS, self.fileDateLS, ) = struct.unpack('13L', data[i:i + 52]) return i + 52 def toRaw(self): return struct.pack( '13L', self.sig, self.strucVersion, self.fileVersionMS, self.fileVersionLS, self.productVersionMS, self.productVersionLS, self.fileFlagsMask, self.fileFlags, self.fileOS, self.fileType, self.fileSubtype, self.fileDateMS, self.fileDateLS, ) def __eq__(self, other): return self.toRaw() == other def __str__(self, indent=''): fv = ( self.fileVersionMS >> 16, self.fileVersionMS & 0xffff, self.fileVersionLS >> 16, self.fileVersionLS & 0xffff, ) # yapf: disable pv = ( self.productVersionMS >> 16, self.productVersionMS & 0xffff, self.productVersionLS >> 16, self.productVersionLS & 0xffff, ) # yapf: disable fd = (self.fileDateMS, self.fileDateLS) tmp = [ 'FixedFileInfo(', '# filevers and prodvers should be always a tuple with four items: (1, 2, 3, 4)', '# Set not needed items to zero 0.', 'filevers=%s,' % (fv,), 'prodvers=%s,' % (pv,), "# Contains a bitmask that specifies the valid bits 'flags'r", 'mask=%s,' % hex(self.fileFlagsMask), '# Contains a bitmask that specifies the Boolean attributes of the file.', 'flags=%s,' % hex(self.fileFlags), '# The operating system for which this file was designed.', '# 0x4 - NT and there is no need to change it.', 'OS=%s,' % hex(self.fileOS), '# The general type of file.', '# 0x1 - the file is an application.', 'fileType=%s,' % hex(self.fileType), '# The function of the file.', '# 0x0 - the function is not defined for this fileType', 'subtype=%s,' % hex(self.fileSubtype), '# Creation date and time stamp.', 'date=%s' % (fd,), ')', ] return f'\n{indent} '.join(tmp) def __repr__(self): fv = ( self.fileVersionMS >> 16, self.fileVersionMS & 0xffff, self.fileVersionLS >> 16, self.fileVersionLS & 0xffff, ) # yapf: disable pv = ( self.productVersionMS >> 16, self.productVersionMS & 0xffff, self.productVersionLS >> 16, self.productVersionLS & 0xffff, ) # yapf: disable fd = (self.fileDateMS, self.fileDateLS) return ( 'versioninfo.FixedFileInfo(filevers=%r, prodvers=%r, ' 'mask=0x%x, flags=0x%x, OS=0x%x, ' 'fileType=%r, subtype=0x%x, date=%r)' % (fv, pv, self.fileFlagsMask, self.fileFlags, self.fileOS, self.fileType, self.fileSubtype, fd) ) class StringFileInfo(object): """ WORD wLength; // length of the version resource WORD wValueLength; // length of the Value member in the current // VS_VERSION_INFO structure WORD wType; // 1 means text, 0 means binary WCHAR szKey[]; // Contains the Unicode string 'StringFileInfo'. WORD Padding[]; StringTable Children[]; // list of zero or more String structures """ def __init__(self, kids=None): self.name = 'StringFileInfo' self.kids = kids or [] def fromRaw(self, sublen, vallen, name, data, i, limit): self.name = name while i < limit: st = StringTable() j = st.fromRaw(data, i, limit) self.kids.append(st) i = j return i def toRaw(self): raw_name = getRaw(self.name) vallen = 0 typ = 1 sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2 pad = b'' if sublen % 4: pad = b'\000\000' tmp = b''.join([kid.toRaw() for kid in self.kids]) sublen = sublen + len(pad) + len(tmp) return struct.pack('hhh', sublen, vallen, typ) + raw_name + b'\000\000' + pad + tmp def __eq__(self, other): return self.toRaw() == other def __str__(self, indent=''): new_indent = indent + ' ' tmp = ', \n'.join(kid.__str__(new_indent) for kid in self.kids) return f'{indent}StringFileInfo(\n{new_indent}[\n{tmp}\n{new_indent}])' def __repr__(self): return 'versioninfo.StringFileInfo(%r)' % self.kids class StringTable: """ WORD wLength; WORD wValueLength; WORD wType; WCHAR szKey[]; String Children[]; // list of zero or more String structures. """ def __init__(self, name=None, kids=None): self.name = name or '' self.kids = kids or [] def fromRaw(self, data, i, limit): i, (cpsublen, cpwValueLength, cpwType, self.name) = parseCodePage(data, i, limit) # should be code page junk i = nextDWord(i) while i < limit: ss = StringStruct() j = ss.fromRaw(data, i, limit) i = j self.kids.append(ss) i = nextDWord(i) return i def toRaw(self): raw_name = getRaw(self.name) vallen = 0 typ = 1 sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2 tmp = [] for kid in self.kids: raw = kid.toRaw() if len(raw) % 4: raw = raw + b'\000\000' tmp.append(raw) tmp = b''.join(tmp) sublen += len(tmp) return struct.pack('hhh', sublen, vallen, typ) + raw_name + b'\000\000' + tmp def __eq__(self, other): return self.toRaw() == other def __str__(self, indent=''): new_indent = indent + ' ' tmp = (',\n' + new_indent).join(str(kid) for kid in self.kids) return f"{indent}StringTable(\n{new_indent}'{self.name}',\n{new_indent}[{tmp}])" def __repr__(self): return 'versioninfo.StringTable(%r, %r)' % (self.name, self.kids) class StringStruct: """ WORD wLength; WORD wValueLength; WORD wType; WCHAR szKey[]; WORD Padding[]; String Value[]; """ def __init__(self, name=None, val=None): self.name = name or '' self.val = val or '' def fromRaw(self, data, i, limit): i, (sublen, vallen, typ, self.name) = parseCommon(data, i) limit = i + sublen i = nextDWord(i) i, self.val = parseUString(data, i, limit) return i def toRaw(self): raw_name = getRaw(self.name) raw_val = getRaw(self.val) # TODO: document the size of vallen and sublen. vallen = len(self.val) + 1 # Number of (wide-)characters, not bytes! typ = 1 sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2 pad = b'' if sublen % 4: pad = b'\000\000' sublen = sublen + len(pad) + (vallen * 2) return struct.pack('hhh', sublen, vallen, typ) + raw_name + b'\000\000' + pad + raw_val + b'\000\000' def __eq__(self, other): return self.toRaw() == other def __str__(self, indent=''): return "StringStruct('%s', '%s')" % (self.name, self.val) def __repr__(self): return 'versioninfo.StringStruct(%r, %r)' % (self.name, self.val) def parseCodePage(data, i, limit): i, (sublen, wValueLength, wType, nm) = parseCommon(data, i) return i, (sublen, wValueLength, wType, nm) class VarFileInfo: """ WORD wLength; // length of the version resource WORD wValueLength; // length of the Value member in the current // VS_VERSION_INFO structure WORD wType; // 1 means text, 0 means binary WCHAR szKey[]; // Contains the Unicode string 'VarFileInfo'. WORD Padding[]; Var Children[]; // list of zero or more Var structures """ def __init__(self, kids=None): self.kids = kids or [] def fromRaw(self, sublen, vallen, name, data, i, limit): self.sublen = sublen self.vallen = vallen self.name = name i = nextDWord(i) while i < limit: vs = VarStruct() j = vs.fromRaw(data, i, limit) self.kids.append(vs) i = j return i def toRaw(self): self.vallen = 0 self.wType = 1 self.name = 'VarFileInfo' raw_name = getRaw(self.name) sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2 pad = b'' if sublen % 4: pad = b'\000\000' tmp = b''.join([kid.toRaw() for kid in self.kids]) self.sublen = sublen + len(pad) + len(tmp) return struct.pack('hhh', self.sublen, self.vallen, self.wType) + raw_name + b'\000\000' + pad + tmp def __eq__(self, other): return self.toRaw() == other def __str__(self, indent=''): return indent + "VarFileInfo([%s])" % ', '.join(str(kid) for kid in self.kids) def __repr__(self): return 'versioninfo.VarFileInfo(%r)' % self.kids class VarStruct: """ WORD wLength; // length of the version resource WORD wValueLength; // length of the Value member in the current // VS_VERSION_INFO structure WORD wType; // 1 means text, 0 means binary WCHAR szKey[]; // Contains the Unicode string 'Translation' // or a user-defined key string value WORD Padding[]; // WORD Value[]; // list of one or more values that are language // and code-page identifiers """ def __init__(self, name=None, kids=None): self.name = name or '' self.kids = kids or [] def fromRaw(self, data, i, limit): i, (self.sublen, self.wValueLength, self.wType, self.name) = parseCommon(data, i) i = nextDWord(i) for j in range(0, self.wValueLength, 2): kid = struct.unpack('h', data[i:i + 2])[0] self.kids.append(kid) i += 2 return i def toRaw(self): self.wValueLength = len(self.kids) * 2 self.wType = 0 raw_name = getRaw(self.name) sublen = 6 + len(raw_name) + 2 pad = b'' if sublen % 4: pad = b'\000\000' self.sublen = sublen + len(pad) + self.wValueLength tmp = b''.join([struct.pack('h', kid) for kid in self.kids]) return struct.pack('hhh', self.sublen, self.wValueLength, self.wType) + raw_name + b'\000\000' + pad + tmp def __eq__(self, other): return self.toRaw() == other def __str__(self, indent=''): return "VarStruct('%s', %r)" % (self.name, self.kids) def __repr__(self): return 'versioninfo.VarStruct(%r, %r)' % (self.name, self.kids) def SetVersion(exenm, versionfile): if isinstance(versionfile, VSVersionInfo): vs = versionfile else: # Read and parse the version file. It may have a byte order marker or encoding cookie - respect it if it does. from PyInstaller.utils.misc import decode with open(versionfile, 'rb') as fp: txt = decode(fp.read()) vs = eval(txt) # Remember overlay pe = pefile.PE(exenm, fast_load=True) overlay_before = pe.get_overlay() pe.close() hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(exenm, 0) win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, pefile.RESOURCE_TYPE['RT_VERSION'], 1, vs.toRaw()) win32api.EndUpdateResource(hdst, 0) if overlay_before: # Check if the overlay is still present pe = pefile.PE(exenm, fast_load=True) overlay_after = pe.get_overlay() pe.close() # If the update removed the overlay data, re-append it if not overlay_after: with open(exenm, 'ab') as exef: exef.write(overlay_before)