from win32com.adsi import adsi from win32com.adsi.adsicon import * from win32com.adsi import adsicon import pythoncom, pywintypes, win32security options = None # set to optparse options object ADsTypeNameMap = {} def getADsTypeName(type_val): # convert integer type to the 'typename' as known in the headerfiles. if not ADsTypeNameMap: for n, v in adsicon.__dict__.items(): if n.startswith("ADSTYPE_"): ADsTypeNameMap[v] = n return ADsTypeNameMap.get(type_val, hex(type_val)) def _guid_from_buffer(b): return pywintypes.IID(b, True) def _sid_from_buffer(b): return str(pywintypes.SID(b)) _null_converter = lambda x: x converters = { 'objectGUID' : _guid_from_buffer, 'objectSid' : _sid_from_buffer, 'instanceType' : getADsTypeName, } def log(level, msg, *args): if options.verbose >= level: print("log:", msg % args) def getGC(): cont = adsi.ADsOpenObject("GC:", options.user, options.password, 0, adsi.IID_IADsContainer) enum = adsi.ADsBuildEnumerator(cont) # Only 1 child of the global catalog. for e in enum: gc = e.QueryInterface(adsi.IID_IDirectorySearch) return gc return None def print_attribute(col_data): prop_name, prop_type, values = col_data if values is not None: log(2, "property '%s' has type '%s'", prop_name, getADsTypeName(prop_type)) value = [converters.get(prop_name, _null_converter)(v[0]) for v in values] if len(value) == 1: value = value[0] print(" %s=%r" % (prop_name, value)) else: print(" %s is None" % (prop_name,)) def search(): gc = getGC() if gc is None: log(0, "Can't find the global catalog") return prefs = [(ADS_SEARCHPREF_SEARCH_SCOPE, (ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE,))] hr, statuses = gc.SetSearchPreference(prefs) log(3, "SetSearchPreference returned %d/%r", hr, statuses) if options.attributes: attributes = options.attributes.split(",") else: attributes = None h = gc.ExecuteSearch(options.filter, attributes) hr = gc.GetNextRow(h) while hr != S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS: print("-- new row --") if attributes is None: # Loop over all columns returned while 1: col_name = gc.GetNextColumnName(h) if col_name is None: break data = gc.GetColumn(h, col_name) print_attribute(data) else: # loop over attributes specified. for a in attributes: try: data = gc.GetColumn(h, a) print_attribute(data) except adsi.error as details: if details[0] != E_ADS_COLUMN_NOT_SET: raise print_attribute( (a, None, None) ) hr = gc.GetNextRow(h) gc.CloseSearchHandle(h) def main(): global options from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", help="write report to FILE", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=1, help="increase verbosity of output") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", help="suppress output messages") parser.add_option("-U", "--user", help="specify the username used to connect") parser.add_option("-P", "--password", help="specify the password used to connect") parser.add_option("", "--filter", default = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=User))", help="specify the search filter") parser.add_option("", "--attributes", help="comma sep'd list of attribute names to print") options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.quiet: if options.verbose != 1: parser.error("Can not use '--verbose' and '--quiet'") options.verbose = 0 if args: parser.error("You need not specify args") search() if __name__=='__main__': main()