#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017 #see license.txt for license details __version__='3.3.0' __doc__=""" Module to analyze Python source code; for syntax coloring tools. Interface:: tags = fontify(pytext, searchfrom, searchto) - The 'pytext' argument is a string containing Python source code. - The (optional) arguments 'searchfrom' and 'searchto' may contain a slice in pytext. - The returned value is a list of tuples, formatted like this:: [('keyword', 0, 6, None), ('keyword', 11, 17, None), ('comment', 23, 53, None), etc. ] - The tuple contents are always like this:: (tag, startindex, endindex, sublist) - tag is one of 'keyword', 'string', 'comment' or 'identifier' - sublist is not used, hence always None. """ # Based on FontText.py by Mitchell S. Chapman, # which was modified by Zachary Roadhouse, # then un-Tk'd by Just van Rossum. # Many thanks for regular expression debugging & authoring are due to: # Tim (the-incredib-ly y'rs) Peters and Cristian Tismer # So, who owns the copyright? ;-) How about this: # Copyright 1996-2001: # Mitchell S. Chapman, # Zachary Roadhouse, # Tim Peters, # Just van Rossum __version__ = "0.4" import re # First a little helper, since I don't like to repeat things. (Tismer speaking) def replace(src, sep, rep): return rep.join(src.split(sep)) # This list of keywords is taken from ref/node13.html of the # Python 1.3 HTML documentation. ("access" is intentionally omitted.) keywordsList = [ "as", "assert", "exec", "del", "from", "lambda", "return", "and", "elif", "global", "not", "try", "break", "else", "if", "or", "while", "class", "except", "import", "pass", "continue", "finally", "in", "print", "def", "for", "is", "raise", "yield", "with"] # Build up a regular expression which will match anything # interesting, including multi-line triple-quoted strings. commentPat = r"#[^\n]*" pat = r"q[^\\q\n]*(\\[\000-\377][^\\q\n]*)*q" quotePat = replace(pat, "q", "'") + "|" + replace(pat, 'q', '"') # Way to go, Tim! pat = r""" qqq [^\\q]* ( ( \\[\000-\377] | q ( \\[\000-\377] | [^\q] | q ( \\[\000-\377] | [^\\q] ) ) ) [^\\q]* )* qqq """ pat = ''.join(pat.split()) # get rid of whitespace tripleQuotePat = replace(pat, "q", "'") + "|" + replace(pat, 'q', '"') # Build up a regular expression which matches all and only # Python keywords. This will let us skip the uninteresting # identifier references. # nonKeyPat identifies characters which may legally precede # a keyword pattern. nonKeyPat = r"(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9_.\"'])" keyPat = nonKeyPat + "(" + "|".join(keywordsList) + ")" + nonKeyPat matchPat = commentPat + "|" + keyPat + "|" + tripleQuotePat + "|" + quotePat matchRE = re.compile(matchPat) idKeyPat = "[ \t]*[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9.]*" # Ident w. leading whitespace. idRE = re.compile(idKeyPat) def fontify(pytext, searchfrom = 0, searchto = None): if searchto is None: searchto = len(pytext) # Cache a few attributes for quicker reference. search = matchRE.search idSearch = idRE.search tags = [] tags_append = tags.append commentTag = 'comment' stringTag = 'string' keywordTag = 'keyword' identifierTag = 'identifier' start = 0 end = searchfrom while 1: m = search(pytext, end) if m is None: break # EXIT LOOP start = m.start() if start >= searchto: break # EXIT LOOP match = m.group(0) end = start + len(match) c = match[0] if c not in "#'\"": # Must have matched a keyword. if start != searchfrom: # there's still a redundant char before and after it, strip! match = match[1:-1] start = start + 1 else: # this is the first keyword in the text. # Only a space at the end. match = match[:-1] end = end - 1 tags_append((keywordTag, start, end, None)) # If this was a defining keyword, look ahead to the # following identifier. if match in ["def", "class"]: m = idSearch(pytext, end) if m is not None: start = m.start() if start == end: match = m.group(0) end = start + len(match) tags_append((identifierTag, start, end, None)) elif c == "#": tags_append((commentTag, start, end, None)) else: tags_append((stringTag, start, end, None)) return tags def test(path): f = open(path) text = f.read() f.close() tags = fontify(text) for tag, start, end, sublist in tags: print(tag, repr(text[start:end]))