#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017 #see license.txt for license details #history www.reportlab.co.uk/rl-cgi/viewcvs.cgi/rlextra/graphics/Csrc/renderPM/renderP.py __version__='3.3.0' __doc__="""Render drawing objects in common bitmap formats Usage:: from reportlab.graphics import renderPM renderPM.drawToFile(drawing,filename,fmt='GIF',configPIL={....}) Other functions let you create a PM drawing as string or into a PM buffer. Execute the script to see some test drawings.""" from reportlab.graphics.shapes import * from reportlab.graphics.renderbase import StateTracker, getStateDelta, renderScaledDrawing from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import getFont, unicode2T1 from math import sin, cos, pi, ceil from reportlab.lib.utils import getStringIO, getBytesIO, open_and_read, isUnicode from reportlab import rl_config from .utils import setFont as _setFont, RenderPMError import os, sys try: from reportlab.graphics import _renderPM except ImportError as errMsg: raise ImportError("""No module named _renderPM\nit may be badly or not installed! You may need to install development tools or seek advice at the users list see https://pairlist2.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/reportlab-users""") def _getImage(): try: from PIL import Image except ImportError: import Image return Image def Color2Hex(c): #assert isinstance(colorobj, colors.Color) #these checks don't work well RGB if c: return ((0xFF&int(255*c.red)) << 16) | ((0xFF&int(255*c.green)) << 8) | (0xFF&int(255*c.blue)) return c # the main entry point for users... def draw(drawing, canvas, x, y, showBoundary=rl_config._unset_): """As it says""" R = _PMRenderer() R.draw(renderScaledDrawing(drawing), canvas, x, y, showBoundary=showBoundary) from reportlab.graphics.renderbase import Renderer class _PMRenderer(Renderer): """This draws onto a pix map image. It needs to be a class rather than a function, as some image-specific state tracking is needed outside of the state info in the SVG model.""" def pop(self): self._tracker.pop() self.applyState() def push(self,node): deltas = getStateDelta(node) self._tracker.push(deltas) self.applyState() def applyState(self): s = self._tracker.getState() self._canvas.ctm = s['ctm'] self._canvas.strokeWidth = s['strokeWidth'] alpha = s['strokeOpacity'] if alpha is not None: self._canvas.strokeOpacity = alpha self._canvas.setStrokeColor(s['strokeColor']) self._canvas.lineCap = s['strokeLineCap'] self._canvas.lineJoin = s['strokeLineJoin'] self._canvas.fillMode = s['fillMode'] da = s['strokeDashArray'] if not da: da = None else: if not isinstance(da,(list,tuple)): da = da, if len(da)!=2 or not isinstance(da[1],(list,tuple)): da = 0, da #assume phase of 0 self._canvas.dashArray = da alpha = s['fillOpacity'] if alpha is not None: self._canvas.fillOpacity = alpha self._canvas.setFillColor(s['fillColor']) self._canvas.setFont(s['fontName'], s['fontSize']) def initState(self,x,y): deltas = self._tracker._combined[-1] deltas['transform'] = self._canvas._baseCTM[0:4]+(x,y) self._tracker.push(deltas) self.applyState() def drawNode(self, node): """This is the recursive method called for each node in the tree""" #apply state changes self.push(node) #draw the object, or recurse self.drawNodeDispatcher(node) # restore the state self.pop() def drawRect(self, rect): c = self._canvas if rect.rx == rect.ry == 0: #plain old rectangle, draw clockwise (x-axis to y-axis) direction c.rect(rect.x,rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) else: c.roundRect(rect.x,rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, rect.rx, rect.ry) def drawLine(self, line): self._canvas.line(line.x1,line.y1,line.x2,line.y2) def drawImage(self, image): path = image.path if isinstance(path,str): if not (path and os.path.isfile(path)): return im = _getImage().open(path).convert('RGB') elif hasattr(path,'convert'): im = path.convert('RGB') else: return srcW, srcH = im.size dstW, dstH = image.width, image.height if dstW is None: dstW = srcW if dstH is None: dstH = srcH self._canvas._aapixbuf( image.x, image.y, dstW, dstH, (im if self._canvas._backend=='rlPyCairo' #rlPyCairo has a from_pil method else (im.tobytes if hasattr(im,'tobytes') else im.tostring)()), srcW, srcH, 3, ) def drawCircle(self, circle): c = self._canvas c.circle(circle.cx,circle.cy, circle.r) c.fillstrokepath() def drawPolyLine(self, polyline, _doClose=0): P = polyline.points assert len(P) >= 2, 'Polyline must have 1 or more points' c = self._canvas c.pathBegin() c.moveTo(P[0], P[1]) for i in range(2, len(P), 2): c.lineTo(P[i], P[i+1]) if _doClose: c.pathClose() c.pathFill() c.pathStroke() def drawEllipse(self, ellipse): c=self._canvas c.ellipse(ellipse.cx, ellipse.cy, ellipse.rx,ellipse.ry) c.fillstrokepath() def drawPolygon(self, polygon): self.drawPolyLine(polygon,_doClose=1) def drawString(self, stringObj): canv = self._canvas fill = canv.fillColor textRenderMode = getattr(stringObj,'textRenderMode',0) if fill is not None or textRenderMode: S = self._tracker.getState() text_anchor = S['textAnchor'] fontName = S['fontName'] fontSize = S['fontSize'] text = stringObj.text x = stringObj.x y = stringObj.y if not text_anchor in ['start','inherited']: textLen = stringWidth(text, fontName,fontSize) if text_anchor=='end': x -= textLen elif text_anchor=='middle': x -= textLen/2 elif text_anchor=='numeric': x -= numericXShift(text_anchor,text,textLen,fontName,fontSize,stringObj.encoding) else: raise ValueError('bad value for textAnchor '+str(text_anchor)) oldTextRenderMode = canv.textRenderMode canv.textRenderMode = textRenderMode try: canv.drawString(x,y,text,_fontInfo=(fontName,fontSize)) finally: canv.textRenderMode = oldTextRenderMode def drawPath(self, path): c = self._canvas if path is EmptyClipPath: del c._clipPaths[-1] if c._clipPaths: P = c._clipPaths[-1] icp = P.isClipPath P.isClipPath = 1 self.drawPath(P) P.isClipPath = icp else: c.clipPathClear() return from reportlab.graphics.shapes import _renderPath drawFuncs = (c.moveTo, c.lineTo, c.curveTo, c.pathClose) autoclose = getattr(path,'autoclose','') def rP(forceClose=False): c.pathBegin() return _renderPath(path, drawFuncs, forceClose=forceClose) if path.isClipPath: rP() c.clipPathSet() c._clipPaths.append(path) fill = c.fillColor is not None stroke = c.strokeColor is not None fillMode = getattr(path,'fillMode',-1) if autoclose=='svg': if fill and stroke: rP(forceClose=True) c.pathFill(fillMode) rP() c.pathStroke() elif fill: rP(forceClose=True) c.pathFill(fillMode) elif stroke: rP() c.pathStroke() elif autoclose=='pdf': rP(forceClose=True) if fill: c.pathFill(fillMode) if stroke: c.pathStroke() else: if rP(): c.pathFill(fillMode) c.pathStroke() def _convert2pilp(im): Image = _getImage() return im.convert("P", dither=Image.NONE, palette=Image.ADAPTIVE) def _convert2pilL(im): return im.convert("L") def _convert2pil1(im): return im.convert("1") def _saveAsPICT(im,fn,fmt,transparent=None): im = _convert2pilp(im) cols, rows = im.size #s = _renderPM.pil2pict(cols,rows,im.tostring(),im.im.getpalette(),transparent is not None and Color2Hex(transparent) or -1) s = _renderPM.pil2pict(cols,rows,(im.tobytes if hasattr(im,'tobytes') else im.tostring)(),im.im.getpalette()) if not hasattr(fn,'write'): with open(os.path.splitext(fn)[0]+'.'+fmt.lower(),'wb') as f: f.write(s) if os.name=='mac': from reportlab.lib.utils import markfilename markfilename(fn,ext='PICT') else: fn.write(s) BEZIER_ARC_MAGIC = 0.5522847498 #constant for drawing circular arcs w/ Beziers class PMCanvas: def __init__(self,w,h,dpi=72,bg=0xffffff,configPIL=None,backend=rl_config.renderPMBackend): '''configPIL dict is passed to image save method''' scale = dpi/72.0 w = int(w*scale+0.5) h = int(h*scale+0.5) self.__dict__['_gs'] = self._getGState(w,h,bg,backend) self.__dict__['_bg'] = bg self.__dict__['_baseCTM'] = (scale,0,0,scale,0,0) self.__dict__['_clipPaths'] = [] self.__dict__['configPIL'] = configPIL self.__dict__['_dpi'] = dpi self.__dict__['_backend'] = backend self.ctm = self._baseCTM @staticmethod def _getGState(w, h, bg, backend='_renderPM', fmt='RGB24'): if backend=='_renderPM': return _renderPM.gstate(w,h,bg=bg) elif backend=='rlPyCairo': try: from rlPyCairo import GState except ImportError: raise RenderPMError('cannot import rlPyCairo; perhaps it needs to be installed!') else: return GState(w,h,bg,fmt=fmt) else: raise RenderPMError('Invalid backend, %r, given to PMCanvas' % backend) def _drawTimeResize(self,w,h,bg=None): if bg is None: bg = self._bg self._drawing.width, self._drawing.height = w, h A = {'ctm':None, 'strokeWidth':None, 'strokeColor':None, 'lineCap':None, 'lineJoin':None, 'dashArray':None, 'fillColor':None} gs = self._gs fN,fS = gs.fontName, gs.fontSize for k in A.keys(): A[k] = getattr(gs,k) del gs, self._gs gs = self.__dict__['_gs'] = _renderPM.gstate(w,h,bg=bg) for k in A.keys(): setattr(self,k,A[k]) gs.setFont(fN,fS) def toPIL(self): im = _getImage().new('RGB', size=(self._gs.width, self._gs.height)) (getattr(im,'frombytes',None) or getattr(im,'fromstring'))(self._gs.pixBuf) return im def saveToFile(self,fn,fmt=None): im = self.toPIL() if fmt is None: if not isinstance(fn,str): raise ValueError("Invalid value '%s' for fn when fmt is None" % ascii(fn)) fmt = os.path.splitext(fn)[1] if fmt.startswith('.'): fmt = fmt[1:] configPIL = self.configPIL or {} configPIL.setdefault('preConvertCB',None) preConvertCB=configPIL.pop('preConvertCB') if preConvertCB: im = preConvertCB(im) fmt = fmt.upper() if fmt in ('GIF',): im = _convert2pilp(im) elif fmt in ('TIFF','TIFFP','TIFFL','TIF','TIFF1'): if fmt.endswith('P'): im = _convert2pilp(im) elif fmt.endswith('L'): im = _convert2pilL(im) elif fmt.endswith('1'): im = _convert2pil1(im) fmt='TIFF' elif fmt in ('PCT','PICT'): return _saveAsPICT(im,fn,fmt,transparent=configPIL.get('transparent',None)) elif fmt in ('PNG','BMP', 'PPM'): if fmt=='PNG': try: from PIL import PngImagePlugin except ImportError: import PngImagePlugin elif fmt=='BMP': try: from PIL import BmpImagePlugin except ImportError: import BmpImagePlugin elif fmt in ('JPG','JPEG'): fmt = 'JPEG' elif fmt in ('GIF',): pass else: raise RenderPMError("Unknown image kind %s" % fmt) if fmt=='TIFF': tc = configPIL.get('transparent',None) if tc: from PIL import ImageChops, Image T = 768*[0] for o, c in zip((0,256,512), tc.bitmap_rgb()): T[o+c] = 255 #if isinstance(fn,str): ImageChops.invert(im.point(T).convert('L').point(255*[0]+[255])).save(fn+'_mask.gif','GIF') im = Image.merge('RGBA', im.split()+(ImageChops.invert(im.point(T).convert('L').point(255*[0]+[255])),)) #if isinstance(fn,str): im.save(fn+'_masked.gif','GIF') for a,d in ('resolution',self._dpi),('resolution unit','inch'): configPIL[a] = configPIL.get(a,d) configPIL.setdefault('chops_invert',0) if configPIL.pop('chops_invert'): from PIL import ImageChops im = ImageChops.invert(im) configPIL.setdefault('preSaveCB',None) preSaveCB=configPIL.pop('preSaveCB') if preSaveCB: im = preSaveCB(im) im.save(fn,fmt,**configPIL) if not hasattr(fn,'write') and os.name=='mac': from reportlab.lib.utils import markfilename markfilename(fn,ext=fmt) def saveToString(self,fmt='GIF'): s = getBytesIO() self.saveToFile(s,fmt=fmt) return s.getvalue() def _saveToBMP(self,f): ''' Niki Spahiev, , asserts that this is a respectable way to get BMP without PIL f is a file like object to which the BMP is written ''' import struct gs = self._gs pix, width, height = gs.pixBuf, gs.width, gs.height f.write(struct.pack('=2sLLLLLLhh24x','BM',len(pix)+54,0,54,40,width,height,1,24)) rowb = width * 3 for o in range(len(pix),0,-rowb): f.write(pix[o-rowb:o]) f.write( '\0' * 14 ) def setFont(self,fontName,fontSize,leading=None): _setFont(self._gs,fontName,fontSize) def __setattr__(self,name,value): setattr(self._gs,name,value) def __getattr__(self,name): return getattr(self._gs,name) def fillstrokepath(self,stroke=1,fill=1): if fill: self.pathFill() if stroke: self.pathStroke() def _bezierArcSegmentCCW(self, cx,cy, rx,ry, theta0, theta1): """compute the control points for a bezier arc with theta1-theta0 <= 90. Points are computed for an arc with angle theta increasing in the counter-clockwise (CCW) direction. returns a tuple with starting point and 3 control points of a cubic bezier curve for the curvto opertator""" # Requires theta1 - theta0 <= 90 for a good approximation assert abs(theta1 - theta0) <= 90 cos0 = cos(pi*theta0/180.0) sin0 = sin(pi*theta0/180.0) x0 = cx + rx*cos0 y0 = cy + ry*sin0 cos1 = cos(pi*theta1/180.0) sin1 = sin(pi*theta1/180.0) x3 = cx + rx*cos1 y3 = cy + ry*sin1 dx1 = -rx * sin0 dy1 = ry * cos0 #from pdfgeom halfAng = pi*(theta1-theta0)/(2.0 * 180.0) k = abs(4.0 / 3.0 * (1.0 - cos(halfAng) ) /(sin(halfAng)) ) x1 = x0 + dx1 * k y1 = y0 + dy1 * k dx2 = -rx * sin1 dy2 = ry * cos1 x2 = x3 - dx2 * k y2 = y3 - dy2 * k return ((x0,y0), ((x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3)) ) def bezierArcCCW(self, cx,cy, rx,ry, theta0, theta1): """return a set of control points for Bezier approximation to an arc with angle increasing counter clockwise. No requirement on (theta1-theta0) <= 90 However, it must be true that theta1-theta0 > 0.""" # I believe this is also clockwise # pretty much just like Robert Kern's pdfgeom.BezierArc angularExtent = theta1 - theta0 # break down the arc into fragments of <=90 degrees if abs(angularExtent) <= 90.0: # we just need one fragment angleList = [(theta0,theta1)] else: Nfrag = int( ceil( abs(angularExtent)/90.) ) fragAngle = float(angularExtent)/ Nfrag # this could be negative angleList = [] for ii in range(Nfrag): a = theta0 + ii * fragAngle b = a + fragAngle # hmm.. is I wonder if this is precise enought angleList.append((a,b)) ctrlpts = [] for (a,b) in angleList: if not ctrlpts: # first time [(x0,y0), pts] = self._bezierArcSegmentCCW(cx,cy, rx,ry, a,b) ctrlpts.append(pts) else: [(tmpx,tmpy), pts] = self._bezierArcSegmentCCW(cx,cy, rx,ry, a,b) ctrlpts.append(pts) return ((x0,y0), ctrlpts) def addEllipsoidalArc(self, cx,cy, rx, ry, ang1, ang2): """adds an ellisesoidal arc segment to a path, with an ellipse centered on cx,cy and with radii (major & minor axes) rx and ry. The arc is drawn in the CCW direction. Requires: (ang2-ang1) > 0""" ((x0,y0), ctrlpts) = self.bezierArcCCW(cx,cy, rx,ry,ang1,ang2) self.lineTo(x0,y0) for ((x1,y1), (x2,y2),(x3,y3)) in ctrlpts: self.curveTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) def drawCentredString(self, x, y, text, text_anchor='middle'): self.drawString(x,y,text, text_anchor=text_anchor) def drawRightString(self, text, x, y): self.drawString(text,x,y,text_anchor='end') def drawString(self, x, y, text, _fontInfo=None, text_anchor='left'): gs = self._gs gs_fontSize = gs.fontSize gs_fontName = gs.fontName if _fontInfo and _fontInfo!=(gs_fontSize,gs_fontName): fontName, fontSize = _fontInfo _setFont(gs,fontName,fontSize) else: fontName = gs_fontName fontSize = gs_fontSize try: if text_anchor in ('end','middle', 'end'): textLen = stringWidth(text, fontName,fontSize) if text_anchor=='end': x -= textLen elif text_anchor=='middle': x -= textLen/2. elif text_anchor=='numeric': x -= numericXShift(text_anchor,text,textLen,fontName,fontSize) if self._backend=='rlPyCairo': gs.drawString(x,y,text) else: font = getFont(fontName) if font._dynamicFont: gs.drawString(x,y,text) else: fc = font if not isUnicode(text): try: text = text.decode('utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError as e: i,j = e.args[2:4] raise UnicodeDecodeError(*(e.args[:4]+('%s\n%s-->%s<--%s' % (e.args[4],text[i-10:i],text[i:j],text[j:j+10]),))) FT = unicode2T1(text,[font]+font.substitutionFonts) n = len(FT) nm1 = n-1 for i in range(n): f, t = FT[i] if f!=fc: _setFont(gs,f.fontName,fontSize) fc = f gs.drawString(x,y,t) if i!=nm1: x += f.stringWidth(t.decode(f.encName),fontSize) finally: gs.setFont(gs_fontName,gs_fontSize) def line(self,x1,y1,x2,y2): if self.strokeColor is not None: self.pathBegin() self.moveTo(x1,y1) self.lineTo(x2,y2) self.pathStroke() def rect(self,x,y,width,height,stroke=1,fill=1): self.pathBegin() self.moveTo(x, y) self.lineTo(x+width, y) self.lineTo(x+width, y + height) self.lineTo(x, y + height) self.pathClose() self.fillstrokepath(stroke=stroke,fill=fill) def roundRect(self, x, y, width, height, rx,ry): """rect(self, x, y, width, height, rx,ry): Draw a rectangle if rx or rx and ry are specified the corners are rounded with ellipsoidal arcs determined by rx and ry (drawn in the counter-clockwise direction)""" if rx==0: rx = ry if ry==0: ry = rx x2 = x + width y2 = y + height self.pathBegin() self.moveTo(x+rx,y) self.addEllipsoidalArc(x2-rx, y+ry, rx, ry, 270, 360 ) self.addEllipsoidalArc(x2-rx, y2-ry, rx, ry, 0, 90) self.addEllipsoidalArc(x+rx, y2-ry, rx, ry, 90, 180) self.addEllipsoidalArc(x+rx, y+ry, rx, ry, 180, 270) self.pathClose() self.fillstrokepath() def circle(self, cx, cy, r): "add closed path circle with center cx,cy and axes r: counter-clockwise orientation" self.ellipse(cx,cy,r,r) def ellipse(self, cx,cy,rx,ry): """add closed path ellipse with center cx,cy and axes rx,ry: counter-clockwise orientation (remember y-axis increases downward) """ self.pathBegin() # first segment x0 = cx + rx # (x0,y0) start pt y0 = cy x3 = cx # (x3,y3) end pt of arc y3 = cy-ry x1 = cx+rx y1 = cy-ry*BEZIER_ARC_MAGIC x2 = x3 + rx*BEZIER_ARC_MAGIC y2 = y3 self.moveTo(x0, y0) self.curveTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) # next segment x0 = x3 y0 = y3 x3 = cx-rx y3 = cy x1 = cx-rx*BEZIER_ARC_MAGIC y1 = cy-ry x2 = x3 y2 = cy- ry*BEZIER_ARC_MAGIC self.curveTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) # next segment x0 = x3 y0 = y3 x3 = cx y3 = cy+ry x1 = cx-rx y1 = cy+ry*BEZIER_ARC_MAGIC x2 = cx -rx*BEZIER_ARC_MAGIC y2 = cy+ry self.curveTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) #last segment x0 = x3 y0 = y3 x3 = cx+rx y3 = cy x1 = cx+rx*BEZIER_ARC_MAGIC y1 = cy+ry x2 = cx+rx y2 = cy+ry*BEZIER_ARC_MAGIC self.curveTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) self.pathClose() def saveState(self): '''do nothing for compatibility''' pass def setFillColor(self,aColor): self.fillColor = Color2Hex(aColor) alpha = getattr(aColor,'alpha',None) if alpha is not None: self.fillOpacity = alpha def setStrokeColor(self,aColor): self.strokeColor = Color2Hex(aColor) alpha = getattr(aColor,'alpha',None) if alpha is not None: self.strokeOpacity = alpha restoreState = saveState # compatibility routines def setLineCap(self,cap): self.lineCap = cap def setLineJoin(self,join): self.lineJoin = join def setLineWidth(self,width): self.strokeWidth = width def drawToPMCanvas(d, dpi=72, bg=0xffffff, configPIL=None, showBoundary=rl_config._unset_,backend=rl_config.renderPMBackend): d = renderScaledDrawing(d) c = PMCanvas(d.width, d.height, dpi=dpi, bg=bg, configPIL=configPIL, backend=backend) draw(d, c, 0, 0, showBoundary=showBoundary) return c def drawToPIL(d, dpi=72, bg=0xffffff, configPIL=None, showBoundary=rl_config._unset_,backend=rl_config.renderPMBackend): return drawToPMCanvas(d, dpi=dpi, bg=bg, configPIL=configPIL, showBoundary=showBoundary, backend=backend).toPIL() def drawToPILP(d, dpi=72, bg=0xffffff, configPIL=None, showBoundary=rl_config._unset_,backend=rl_config.renderPMBackend): Image = _getImage() im = drawToPIL(d, dpi=dpi, bg=bg, configPIL=configPIL, showBoundary=showBoundary,backend=backend) return im.convert("P", dither=Image.NONE, palette=Image.ADAPTIVE) def drawToFile(d,fn,fmt='GIF', dpi=72, bg=0xffffff, configPIL=None, showBoundary=rl_config._unset_,backend=rl_config.renderPMBackend): '''create a pixmap and draw drawing, d to it then save as a file configPIL dict is passed to image save method''' c = drawToPMCanvas(d, dpi=dpi, bg=bg, configPIL=configPIL, showBoundary=showBoundary,backend=backend) c.saveToFile(fn,fmt) def drawToString(d,fmt='GIF', dpi=72, bg=0xffffff, configPIL=None, showBoundary=rl_config._unset_,backend=rl_config.renderPMBackend): s = getBytesIO() drawToFile(d,s,fmt=fmt, dpi=dpi, bg=bg, configPIL=configPIL,backend=backend) return s.getvalue() save = drawToFile def test(outDir='pmout', shout=False): def ext(x): if x=='tiff': x='tif' return x #grab all drawings from the test module and write out. #make a page of links in HTML to assist viewing. import os from reportlab.graphics import testshapes from reportlab.rl_config import verbose getAllTestDrawings = testshapes.getAllTestDrawings drawings = [] if not os.path.isdir(outDir): os.mkdir(outDir) htmlTop = """renderPM output results

renderPM results of output

""" htmlBottom = """ """ html = [htmlTop] names = {} argv = sys.argv[1:] E = [a for a in argv if a.startswith('--ext=')] if not E: E = ['gif','tiff', 'png', 'jpg', 'pct', 'py', 'svg'] else: for a in E: argv.remove(a) E = (','.join([a[6:] for a in E])).split(',') errs = [] import traceback from xml.sax.saxutils import escape def handleError(name,fmt): msg = 'Problem drawing %s fmt=%s file'%(name,fmt) if shout or verbose>2: print(msg) errs.append('


' % msg) buf = getStringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=buf) errs.append('
' % escape(buf.getvalue())) #print in a loop, with their doc strings for (drawing, docstring, name) in getAllTestDrawings(doTTF=hasattr(_renderPM,'ft_get_face')): i = names[name] = names.setdefault(name,0)+1 if i>1: name += '.%02d' % (i-1) if argv and name not in argv: continue fnRoot = name w = int(drawing.width) h = int(drawing.height) html.append('

Drawing %s

' % (name, docstring)) for k in E: if k in ['gif','png','jpg','pct']: html.append('

%s format

\n' % k.upper()) try: filename = '%s.%s' % (fnRoot, ext(k)) fullpath = os.path.join(outDir, filename) if os.path.isfile(fullpath): os.remove(fullpath) if k=='pct': from reportlab.lib.colors import white drawToFile(drawing,fullpath,fmt=k,configPIL={'transparent':white}) elif k in ['py','svg']: drawing.save(formats=['py','svg'],outDir=outDir,fnRoot=fnRoot) else: drawToFile(drawing,fullpath,fmt=k) if k in ['gif','png','jpg']: html.append('
\n' % filename) elif k=='py': html.append('python source
\n' % filename) elif k=='svg': html.append('SVG
\n' % filename) if shout or verbose>2: print('wrote %s'%ascii(fullpath)) except AttributeError: handleError(name,k) if os.environ.get('RL_NOEPSPREVIEW','0')=='1': drawing.__dict__['preview'] = 0 for k in ('eps', 'pdf'): try: drawing.save(formats=[k],outDir=outDir,fnRoot=fnRoot) except: handleError(name,k) if errs: html[0] = html[0].replace('',' (errors)') html.append('') html.extend(errs) html.append(htmlBottom) htmlFileName = os.path.join(outDir, 'pm-index.html') with open(htmlFileName, 'w') as f: f.writelines(html) if sys.platform=='mac': from reportlab.lib.utils import markfilename markfilename(htmlFileName,ext='HTML') if shout or verbose>2: print('wrote %s' % htmlFileName) if __name__=='__main__': test(shout=True)