#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2005-2021, PyInstaller Development Team. # # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2 # or later) with exception for distributing the bootloader. # # The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Bootloader-exception) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Code related to processing of import hooks. """ import glob import os.path import sys import weakref from PyInstaller import log as logging from PyInstaller.building.utils import format_binaries_and_datas from PyInstaller.compat import expand_path, importlib_load_source from PyInstaller.depend.imphookapi import PostGraphAPI from PyInstaller.exceptions import ImportErrorWhenRunningHook logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Safety check: Hook module names need to be unique. Duplicate names might occur if the cached PyuModuleGraph has an # issue. HOOKS_MODULE_NAMES = set() class ModuleHookCache(dict): """ Cache of lazily loadable hook script objects. This cache is implemented as a `dict` subclass mapping from the fully-qualified names of all modules with at least one hook script to lists of `ModuleHook` instances encapsulating these scripts. As a `dict` subclass, all cached module names and hook scripts are accessible via standard dictionary operations. Attributes ---------- module_graph : ModuleGraph Current module graph. _hook_module_name_prefix : str String prefixing the names of all in-memory modules lazily loaded from cached hook scripts. See also the `hook_module_name_prefix` parameter passed to the `ModuleHook.__init__()` method. """ _cache_id_next = 0 """ 0-based identifier unique to the next `ModuleHookCache` to be instantiated. This identifier is incremented on each instantiation of a new `ModuleHookCache` to isolate in-memory modules of lazily loaded hook scripts in that cache to the same cache-specific namespace, preventing edge-case collisions with existing in-memory modules in other caches. """ def __init__(self, module_graph, hook_dirs): """ Cache all hook scripts in the passed directories. **Order of caching is significant** with respect to hooks for the same module, as the values of this dictionary are lists. Hooks for the same module will be run in the order in which they are cached. Previously cached hooks are always preserved rather than overidden. By default, official hooks are cached _before_ user-defined hooks. For modules with both official and user-defined hooks, this implies that the former take priority over and hence will be loaded _before_ the latter. Parameters ---------- module_graph : ModuleGraph Current module graph. hook_dirs : list List of the absolute or relative paths of all directories containing **hook scripts** (i.e., Python scripts with filenames matching `hook-{module_name}.py`, where `{module_name}` is the module hooked by that script) to be cached. """ super().__init__() # To avoid circular references and hence increased memory consumption, a weak rather than strong reference is # stored to the passed graph. Since this graph is guaranteed to live longer than this cache, # this is guaranteed to be safe. self.module_graph = weakref.proxy(module_graph) # String unique to this cache prefixing the names of all in-memory modules lazily loaded from cached hook # scripts, privatized for safety. self._hook_module_name_prefix = '__PyInstaller_hooks_{}_'.format(ModuleHookCache._cache_id_next) ModuleHookCache._cache_id_next += 1 # Cache all hook scripts in the passed directories. self._cache_hook_dirs(hook_dirs) def _cache_hook_dirs(self, hook_dirs): """ Cache all hook scripts in the passed directories. Parameters ---------- hook_dirs : list List of the absolute or relative paths of all directories containing hook scripts to be cached. """ for hook_dir in hook_dirs: # Canonicalize this directory's path and validate its existence. hook_dir = os.path.abspath(expand_path(hook_dir)) if not os.path.isdir(hook_dir): raise FileNotFoundError('Hook directory "{}" not found.'.format(hook_dir)) # For each hook script in this directory... hook_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(hook_dir, 'hook-*.py')) for hook_filename in hook_filenames: # Fully-qualified name of this hook's corresponding module, constructed by removing the "hook-" prefix # and ".py" suffix. module_name = os.path.basename(hook_filename)[5:-3] if module_name in self: logger.warning( "Several hooks defined for module %r. Please take care they do not conflict.", module_name ) # Lazily loadable hook object. module_hook = ModuleHook( module_graph=self.module_graph, module_name=module_name, hook_filename=hook_filename, hook_module_name_prefix=self._hook_module_name_prefix, ) # Add this hook to this module's list of hooks. module_hooks = self.setdefault(module_name, []) module_hooks.append(module_hook) def remove_modules(self, *module_names): """ Remove the passed modules and all hook scripts cached for these modules from this cache. Parameters ---------- module_names : list List of all fully-qualified module names to be removed. """ for module_name in module_names: # Unload this module's hook script modules from memory. Since these are top-level pure-Python modules cached # only in the "sys.modules" dictionary, popping these modules from this dictionary suffices to garbage # collect these modules. module_hooks = self.get(module_name, []) for module_hook in module_hooks: sys.modules.pop(module_hook.hook_module_name, None) # Remove this module and its hook script objects from this cache. self.pop(module_name, None) # Dictionary mapping the names of magic attributes required by the "ModuleHook" class to 2-tuples "(default_type, # sanitizer_func)", where: # # * "default_type" is the type to which that attribute will be initialized when that hook is lazily loaded. # * "sanitizer_func" is the callable sanitizing the original value of that attribute defined by that hook into a # safer value consumable by "ModuleHook" callers if any or "None" if the original value requires no sanitization. # # To avoid subtleties in the ModuleHook.__getattr__() method, this dictionary is declared as a module rather than a # class attribute. If declared as a class attribute and then undefined (...for whatever reason), attempting to access # this attribute from that method would produce infinite recursion. _MAGIC_MODULE_HOOK_ATTRS = { # Collections in which order is insignificant. This includes: # # * "datas", sanitized from hook-style 2-tuple lists defined by hooks into TOC-style 2-tuple sets consumable by # "ModuleHook" callers. # * "binaries", sanitized in the same way. 'datas': (set, format_binaries_and_datas), 'binaries': (set, format_binaries_and_datas), 'excludedimports': (set, None), # Collections in which order is significant. This includes: # # * "hiddenimports", as order of importation is significant. On module importation, hook scripts are loaded and hook # functions declared by these scripts are called. As these scripts and functions can have side effects dependent # on module importation order, module importation itself can have side effects dependent on this order! 'hiddenimports': (list, None), } class ModuleHook(object): """ Cached object encapsulating a lazy loadable hook script. This object exposes public attributes (e.g., `datas`) of the underlying hook script as attributes of the same name of this object. On the first access of any such attribute, this hook script is lazily loaded into an in-memory private module reused on subsequent accesses. These dynamic attributes are referred to as "magic." All other static attributes of this object (e.g., `hook_module_name`) are referred to as "non-magic." Attributes (Magic) ---------- datas : set Set of `TOC`-style 2-tuples `(target_file, source_file)` for all external non-executable files required by the module being hooked, converted from the `datas` list of hook-style 2-tuples `(source_dir_or_glob, target_dir)` defined by this hook script. binaries : set Set of `TOC`-style 2-tuples `(target_file, source_file)` for all external executable files required by the module being hooked, converted from the `binaries` list of hook-style 2-tuples `(source_dir_or_glob, target_dir)` defined by this hook script. excludedimports : set Set of the fully-qualified names of all modules imported by the module being hooked to be ignored rather than imported from that module, converted from the `excludedimports` list defined by this hook script. These modules will only be "locally" rather than "globally" ignored. These modules will remain importable from all modules other than the module being hooked. hiddenimports : set Set of the fully-qualified names of all modules imported by the module being hooked that are _not_ automatically detectable by PyInstaller (usually due to being dynamically imported in that module), converted from the `hiddenimports` list defined by this hook script. Attributes (Non-magic) ---------- module_graph : ModuleGraph Current module graph. module_name : str Name of the module hooked by this hook script. hook_filename : str Absolute or relative path of this hook script. hook_module_name : str Name of the in-memory module of this hook script's interpreted contents. _hook_module : module In-memory module of this hook script's interpreted contents, lazily loaded on the first call to the `_load_hook_module()` method _or_ `None` if this method has yet to be accessed. """ #-- Magic -- def __init__(self, module_graph, module_name, hook_filename, hook_module_name_prefix): """ Initialize this metadata. Parameters ---------- module_graph : ModuleGraph Current module graph. module_name : str Name of the module hooked by this hook script. hook_filename : str Absolute or relative path of this hook script. hook_module_name_prefix : str String prefixing the name of the in-memory module for this hook script. To avoid namespace clashes with similar modules created by other `ModuleHook` objects in other `ModuleHookCache` containers, this string _must_ be unique to the `ModuleHookCache` container containing this `ModuleHook` object. If this string is non-unique, an existing in-memory module will be erroneously reused when lazily loading this hook script, thus erroneously resanitizing previously sanitized hook script attributes (e.g., `datas`) with the `format_binaries_and_datas()` helper. """ # Note that the passed module graph is already a weak reference, avoiding circular reference issues. See # ModuleHookCache.__init__(). TODO: Add a failure message assert isinstance(module_graph, weakref.ProxyTypes) self.module_graph = module_graph self.module_name = module_name self.hook_filename = hook_filename # Name of the in-memory module fabricated to refer to this hook script. self.hook_module_name = hook_module_name_prefix + self.module_name.replace('.', '_') # Safety check, see above global HOOKS_MODULE_NAMES if self.hook_module_name in HOOKS_MODULE_NAMES: # When self._shallow is true, this class never loads the hook and sets the attributes to empty values self._shallow = True else: self._shallow = False HOOKS_MODULE_NAMES.add(self.hook_module_name) # Attributes subsequently defined by the _load_hook_module() method. self._hook_module = None def __getattr__(self, attr_name): """ Get the magic attribute with the passed name (e.g., `datas`) from this lazily loaded hook script if any _or_ raise `AttributeError` otherwise. This special method is called only for attributes _not_ already defined by this object. This includes undefined attributes and the first attempt to access magic attributes. This special method is _not_ called for subsequent attempts to access magic attributes. The first attempt to access magic attributes defines corresponding instance variables accessible via the `self.__dict__` instance dictionary (e.g., as `self.datas`) without calling this method. This approach also allows magic attributes to be deleted from this object _without_ defining the `__delattr__()` special method. See Also ---------- Class docstring for supported magic attributes. """ # If this is a magic attribute, initialize this attribute by lazy loading this hook script and then return # this attribute. To avoid recursion, the superclass method rather than getattr() is called. if attr_name in _MAGIC_MODULE_HOOK_ATTRS: self._load_hook_module() return super().__getattr__(attr_name) # Else, this is an undefined attribute. Raise an exception. else: raise AttributeError(attr_name) def __setattr__(self, attr_name, attr_value): """ Set the attribute with the passed name to the passed value. If this is a magic attribute, this hook script will be lazily loaded before setting this attribute. Unlike `__getattr__()`, this special method is called to set _any_ attribute -- including magic, non-magic, and undefined attributes. See Also ---------- Class docstring for supported magic attributes. """ # If this is a magic attribute, initialize this attribute by lazy loading this hook script before overwriting # this attribute. if attr_name in _MAGIC_MODULE_HOOK_ATTRS: self._load_hook_module() # Set this attribute to the passed value. To avoid recursion, the superclass method rather than setattr() is # called. return super().__setattr__(attr_name, attr_value) #-- Loading -- def _load_hook_module(self): """ Lazily load this hook script into an in-memory private module. This method (and, indeed, this class) preserves all attributes and functions defined by this hook script as is, ensuring sane behaviour in hook functions _not_ expecting unplanned external modification. Instead, this method copies public attributes defined by this hook script (e.g., `binaries`) into private attributes of this object, which the special `__getattr__()` and `__setattr__()` methods safely expose to external callers. For public attributes _not_ defined by this hook script, the corresponding private attributes will be assigned sane defaults. For some public attributes defined by this hook script, the corresponding private attributes will be transformed into objects more readily and safely consumed elsewhere by external callers. See Also ---------- Class docstring for supported attributes. """ # If this hook script module has already been loaded, or we are _shallow, noop. if self._hook_module is not None or self._shallow: if self._shallow: self._hook_module = True # Not None # Inform the user logger.debug( 'Skipping module hook %r from %r because a hook for %s has already been loaded.', *os.path.split(self.hook_filename)[::-1], self.module_name ) # Set the default attributes to empty instances of the type. for attr_name, (attr_type, _) in _MAGIC_MODULE_HOOK_ATTRS.items(): super().__setattr__(attr_name, attr_type()) return # Load and execute the hook script. Even if mechanisms from the import machinery are used, this does not import # the hook as the module. head, tail = os.path.split(self.hook_filename) logger.info('Loading module hook %r from %r...', tail, head) try: self._hook_module = importlib_load_source(self.hook_module_name, self.hook_filename) except ImportError: logger.debug("Hook failed with:", exc_info=True) raise ImportErrorWhenRunningHook(self.hook_module_name, self.hook_filename) # Copy hook script attributes into magic attributes exposed as instance variables of the current "ModuleHook" # instance. for attr_name, (default_type, sanitizer_func) in _MAGIC_MODULE_HOOK_ATTRS.items(): # Unsanitized value of this attribute. attr_value = getattr(self._hook_module, attr_name, None) # If this attribute is undefined, expose a sane default instead. if attr_value is None: attr_value = default_type() # Else if this attribute requires sanitization, do so. elif sanitizer_func is not None: attr_value = sanitizer_func(attr_value) # Else, expose the unsanitized value of this attribute. # Expose this attribute as an instance variable of the same name. setattr(self, attr_name, attr_value) #-- Hooks -- def post_graph(self, analysis): """ Call the **post-graph hook** (i.e., `hook()` function) defined by this hook script, if any. Parameters ---------- analysis: build_main.Analysis Analysis that calls the hook This method is intended to be called _after_ the module graph for this application is constructed. """ # Lazily load this hook script into an in-memory module. self._load_hook_module() # Call this hook script's hook() function, which modifies attributes accessed by subsequent methods and hence # must be called first. self._process_hook_func(analysis) # Order is insignificant here. self._process_hidden_imports() self._process_excluded_imports() def _process_hook_func(self, analysis): """ Call this hook's `hook()` function if defined. Parameters ---------- analysis: build_main.Analysis Analysis that calls the hook """ # If this hook script defines no hook() function, noop. if not hasattr(self._hook_module, 'hook'): return # Call this hook() function. hook_api = PostGraphAPI(module_name=self.module_name, module_graph=self.module_graph, analysis=analysis) try: self._hook_module.hook(hook_api) except ImportError: logger.debug("Hook failed with:", exc_info=True) raise ImportErrorWhenRunningHook(self.hook_module_name, self.hook_filename) # Update all magic attributes modified by the prior call. self.datas.update(set(hook_api._added_datas)) self.binaries.update(set(hook_api._added_binaries)) self.hiddenimports.extend(hook_api._added_imports) # FIXME: Deleted imports should be appended to self.excludedimports rather than handled here. However, see the # _process_excluded_imports() FIXME below for a sensible alternative. for deleted_module_name in hook_api._deleted_imports: # Remove the graph link between the hooked module and item. This removes the 'item' node from the graph if # no other links go to it (no other modules import it) self.module_graph.removeReference(hook_api.node, deleted_module_name) def _process_hidden_imports(self): """ Add all imports listed in this hook script's `hiddenimports` attribute to the module graph as if directly imported by this hooked module. These imports are typically _not_ implicitly detectable by PyInstaller and hence must be explicitly defined by hook scripts. """ # For each hidden import required by the module being hooked... for import_module_name in self.hiddenimports: try: # Graph node for this module. Do not implicitly create namespace packages for non-existent packages. caller = self.module_graph.find_node(self.module_name, create_nspkg=False) # Manually import this hidden import from this module. self.module_graph.import_hook(import_module_name, caller) # If this hidden import is unimportable, print a non-fatal warning. Hidden imports often become # desynchronized from upstream packages and hence are only "soft" recommendations. except ImportError: logger.warning('Hidden import "%s" not found!', import_module_name) # FIXME: This is pretty... intense. Attempting to cleanly "undo" prior module graph operations is a recipe for # subtle edge cases and difficult-to-debug issues. It would be both safer and simpler to prevent these # imports from being added to the graph in the first place. To do so: # # * Remove the _process_excluded_imports() method below. # * Remove the PostGraphAPI.del_imports() method, which cannot reasonably be supported by the following solution, # appears to be currently broken, and (in any case) is not called anywhere in the PyInstaller codebase. # * Override the ModuleGraph._safe_import_hook() superclass method with a new PyiModuleGraph._safe_import_hook() # subclass method resembling: # # def _safe_import_hook( # self, target_module_name, source_module, fromlist, # level=DEFAULT_IMPORT_LEVEL, attr=None): # # if source_module.identifier in self._module_hook_cache: # for module_hook in self._module_hook_cache[ # source_module.identifier]: # if target_module_name in module_hook.excludedimports: # return [] # # return super()._safe_import_hook( # target_module_name, source_module, fromlist, # level=level, attr=attr) def _process_excluded_imports(self): """ 'excludedimports' is a list of Python module names that PyInstaller should not detect as dependency of this module name. So remove all import-edges from the current module (and it's submodules) to the given `excludedimports` (end their submodules). """ def find_all_package_nodes(name): mods = [name] name += '.' for subnode in self.module_graph.nodes(): if subnode.identifier.startswith(name): mods.append(subnode.identifier) return mods # If this hook excludes no imports, noop. if not self.excludedimports: return # Collect all submodules of this module. hooked_mods = find_all_package_nodes(self.module_name) # Collect all dependencies and their submodules # TODO: Optimize this by using a pattern and walking the graph only once. for item in set(self.excludedimports): excluded_node = self.module_graph.find_node(item, create_nspkg=False) if excluded_node is None: logger.info("Import to be excluded not found: %r", item) continue imports_to_remove = set(find_all_package_nodes(item)) # Remove references between module nodes, as though they would not be imported from 'name'. Note: Doing this # in a nested loop is less efficient than collecting all import to remove first, but log messages are easier # to understand since related to the "Excluding ..." message above. for src in hooked_mods: # modules, this `src` does import references = set(node.identifier for node in self.module_graph.outgoing(src)) # Remove all of these imports which are also in "imports_to_remove". for dest in imports_to_remove & references: self.module_graph.removeReference(src, dest) logger.debug("Excluding import of %s from module %s", dest, src) class AdditionalFilesCache(object): """ Cache for storing what binaries and datas were pushed by what modules when import hooks were processed. """ def __init__(self): self._binaries = {} self._datas = {} def add(self, modname, binaries, datas): self._binaries.setdefault(modname, []) self._binaries[modname].extend(binaries or []) self._datas.setdefault(modname, []) self._datas[modname].extend(datas or []) def __contains__(self, name): return name in self._binaries or name in self._datas def binaries(self, modname): """ Return list of binaries for given module name. """ return self._binaries[modname] def datas(self, modname): """ Return list of datas for given module name. """ return self._datas[modname]