123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275 |
- #!/usr/pkg/bin/python
- import os, sys, time
- from reportlab import Version as __RL_Version__
- from reportlab.graphics.barcode.common import *
- from reportlab.graphics.barcode.code39 import *
- from reportlab.graphics.barcode.code93 import *
- from reportlab.graphics.barcode.code128 import *
- from reportlab.graphics.barcode.usps import *
- from reportlab.graphics.barcode.usps4s import USPS_4State
- from reportlab.graphics.barcode.qr import QrCodeWidget
- from reportlab.graphics.barcode.dmtx import DataMatrixWidget, pylibdmtx
- from reportlab.platypus import Spacer, SimpleDocTemplate, Table, TableStyle, Preformatted, PageBreak
- from reportlab.lib.units import inch, cm
- from reportlab.lib import colors
- from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas
- from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
- from reportlab.platypus.paragraph import Paragraph
- from reportlab.platypus.frames import Frame
- from reportlab.platypus.flowables import XBox, KeepTogether
- from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing, Rect, Line
- from reportlab.graphics.barcode import getCodes, getCodeNames, createBarcodeDrawing, createBarcodeImageInMemory
- def run():
- styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
- styleN = styles['Normal']
- styleH = styles['Heading1']
- story = []
- storyAdd = story.append
- #for codeNames in code
- storyAdd(Paragraph('I2of5', styleN))
- storyAdd(I2of5(1234, barWidth = inch*0.02, checksum=0))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('MSI', styleN))
- storyAdd(MSI(1234))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('Codabar', styleN))
- storyAdd(Codabar("A012345B", barWidth = inch*0.02))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('Code 11', styleN))
- storyAdd(Code11("01234545634563"))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('Code 39', styleN))
- storyAdd(Standard39("A012345B%R"))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('Extended Code 39', styleN))
- storyAdd(Extended39("A012345B}"))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('Code93', styleN))
- storyAdd(Standard93("CODE 93"))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('Extended Code93', styleN))
- storyAdd(Extended93("L@@K! Code 93 :-)")) #, barWidth=0.005 * inch))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('Code 128', styleN))
- storyAdd(Code128("AB-12345678"))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('Code 128 Auto', styleN))
- storyAdd(Code128Auto("AB-12345678"))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('USPS FIM', styleN))
- storyAdd(FIM("A"))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('USPS POSTNET', styleN))
- storyAdd(POSTNET('78247-1043'))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('USPS 4 State', styleN))
- storyAdd(USPS_4State('01234567094987654321','01234567891'))
- from reportlab.graphics.barcode import createBarcodeDrawing
- storyAdd(Paragraph('EAN13', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('EAN13', value='123456789012'))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('EAN13 quiet=False', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('EAN13', value='123456789012', quiet=False))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('EAN8', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('EAN8', value='1234567'))
- storyAdd(PageBreak())
- storyAdd(Paragraph('EAN5 price=True', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('EAN5', value='11299', price=True))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('EAN5 price=True quiet=False', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('EAN5', value='11299', price=True, quiet=False))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('EAN5 price=False', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('EAN5', value='11299', price=False))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('ISBN alone', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('ISBN', value='9781565924796'))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('ISBN with ean5 price', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('ISBN', value='9781565924796',price='01299'))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('ISBN with ean5 price, quiet=False', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('ISBN', value='9781565924796',price='01299',quiet=False))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('UPCA', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('UPCA', value='03600029145'))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('USPS_4State', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('USPS_4State', value='01234567094987654321',routing='01234567891'))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('QR', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('QR', value='01234567094987654321'))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('QR', styleN))
- storyAdd(createBarcodeDrawing('QR', value='01234567094987654321',x=30,y=50))
- def addCross(d,x,y,w=5,h=5, strokeColor='black', strokeWidth=0.5):
- w *= 0.5
- h *= 0.5
- d.add(Line(x-w,y,x+w,y,strokeWidth=0.5,strokeColor=colors.blue))
- d.add(Line(x, y-h, x, y+h,strokeWidth=0.5,strokeColor=colors.blue))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('QR in drawing at (0,0)', styleN))
- d = Drawing(100,100)
- d.add(Rect(0,0,100,100,strokeWidth=1,strokeColor=colors.red,fillColor=None))
- d.add(QrCodeWidget(value='01234567094987654321'))
- storyAdd(d)
- storyAdd(Paragraph('QR in drawing at (10,10)', styleN))
- d = Drawing(100,100)
- d.add(Rect(0,0,100,100,strokeWidth=1,strokeColor=colors.red,fillColor=None))
- addCross(d,10,10)
- d.add(QrCodeWidget(value='01234567094987654321',x=10,y=10))
- storyAdd(d)
- storyAdd(Paragraph('Label Size', styleN))
- storyAdd(XBox((2.0 + 5.0/8.0)*inch, 1 * inch, '1x2-5/8"'))
- storyAdd(Paragraph('Label Size', styleN))
- storyAdd(XBox((1.75)*inch, .5 * inch, '1/2x1-3/4"'))
- if pylibdmtx:
- storyAdd(PageBreak())
- storyAdd(Paragraph('DataMatrix in drawing at (10,10)', styleN))
- d = Drawing(100,100)
- d.add(Rect(0,0,100,100,strokeWidth=1,strokeColor=colors.red,fillColor=None))
- addCross(d,10,10)
- d.add(DataMatrixWidget(value='1234567890',x=10,y=10))
- storyAdd(d)
- storyAdd(Paragraph('DataMatrix in drawing at (10,10)', styleN))
- d = Drawing(100,100)
- d.add(Rect(0,0,100,100,strokeWidth=1,strokeColor=colors.red,fillColor=None))
- addCross(d,10,10)
- d.add(DataMatrixWidget(value='1234567890',x=10,y=10,color='black',bgColor='lime'))
- storyAdd(d)
- storyAdd(Paragraph('DataMatrix in drawing at (90,90) anchor=ne', styleN))
- d = Drawing(100,100)
- d.add(Rect(0,0,100,100,strokeWidth=1,strokeColor=colors.red,fillColor=None))
- addCross(d,90,90)
- d.add(DataMatrixWidget(value='1234567890',x=90,y=90,color='darkblue',bgColor='yellow', anchor='ne'))
- storyAdd(d)
- SimpleDocTemplate('out.pdf').build(story)
- print('saved out.pdf')
- def fullTest(fileName="test_full.pdf"):
- """Creates large-ish test document with a variety of parameters"""
- story = []
- styles = getSampleStyleSheet()
- styleN = styles['Normal']
- styleH = styles['Heading1']
- styleH2 = styles['Heading2']
- story = []
- story.append(Paragraph('ReportLab %s Barcode Test Suite - full output' % __RL_Version__,styleH))
- story.append(Paragraph('Generated at %s' % time.ctime(time.time()), styleN))
- story.append(Paragraph('About this document', styleH2))
- story.append(Paragraph('History and Status', styleH2))
- story.append(Paragraph("""
- This is the test suite and docoumentation for the ReportLab open source barcode API.
- """, styleN))
- story.append(Paragraph("""
- Several years ago Ty Sarna contributed a barcode module to the ReportLab community.
- Several of the codes were used by him in hiw work and to the best of our knowledge
- this was correct. These were written as flowable objects and were available in PDFs,
- but not in our graphics framework. However, we had no knowledge of barcodes ourselves
- and did not advertise or extend the package.
- """, styleN))
- story.append(Paragraph("""
- We "wrapped" the barcodes to be usable within our graphics framework; they are now available
- as Drawing objects which can be rendered to EPS files or bitmaps. For the last 2 years this
- has been available in our Diagra and Report Markup Language products. However, we did not
- charge separately and use was on an "as is" basis.
- """, styleN))
- story.append(Paragraph("""
- A major licensee of our technology has kindly agreed to part-fund proper productisation
- of this code on an open source basis in Q1 2006. This has involved addition of EAN codes
- as well as a proper testing program. Henceforth we intend to publicise the code more widely,
- gather feedback, accept contributions of code and treat it as "supported".
- """, styleN))
- story.append(Paragraph("""
- This involved making available both downloads and testing resources. This PDF document
- is the output of the current test suite. It contains codes you can scan (if you use a nice sharp
- laser printer!), and will be extended over coming weeks to include usage examples and notes on
- each barcode and how widely tested they are. This is being done through documentation strings in
- the barcode objects themselves so should always be up to date.
- """, styleN))
- story.append(Paragraph('Usage examples', styleH2))
- story.append(Paragraph("""
- To be completed
- """, styleN))
- story.append(Paragraph('The codes', styleH2))
- story.append(Paragraph("""
- Below we show a scannable code from each barcode, with and without human-readable text.
- These are magnified about 2x from the natural size done by the original author to aid
- inspection. This will be expanded to include several test cases per code, and to add
- explanations of checksums. Be aware that (a) if you enter numeric codes which are too
- short they may be prefixed for you (e.g. "123" for an 8-digit code becomes "00000123"),
- and that the scanned results and readable text will generally include extra checksums
- at the end.
- """, styleN))
- codeNames = getCodeNames()
- from reportlab.lib.utils import flatten
- width = [float(x[8:]) for x in sys.argv if x.startswith('--width=')]
- height = [float(x[9:]) for x in sys.argv if x.startswith('--height=')]
- isoScale = [int(x[11:]) for x in sys.argv if x.startswith('--isoscale=')]
- options = {}
- if width: options['width'] = width[0]
- if height: options['height'] = height[0]
- if isoScale: options['isoScale'] = isoScale[0]
- scales = [x[8:].split(',') for x in sys.argv if x.startswith('--scale=')]
- scales = list(map(float,scales and flatten(scales) or [1]))
- scales = list(map(float,scales and flatten(scales) or [1]))
- for scale in scales:
- story.append(PageBreak())
- story.append(Paragraph('Scale = %.1f'%scale, styleH2))
- story.append(Spacer(36, 12))
- for codeName in codeNames:
- s = [Paragraph('Code: ' + codeName, styleH2)]
- for hr in (0,1):
- s.append(Spacer(36, 12))
- dr = createBarcodeDrawing(codeName, humanReadable=hr,**options)
- dr.renderScale = scale
- s.append(dr)
- s.append(Spacer(36, 12))
- s.append(Paragraph('Barcode should say: ' + dr._bc.value, styleN))
- story.append(KeepTogether(s))
- SimpleDocTemplate(fileName).build(story)
- print('created', fileName)
- if __name__=='__main__':
- run()
- fullTest()
- def createSample(name,memory):
- f = open(name,'wb')
- f.write(memory)
- f.close()
- createSample('test_cbcim.png',createBarcodeImageInMemory('EAN13', value='123456789012'))
- createSample('test_cbcim.gif',createBarcodeImageInMemory('EAN8', value='1234567', format='gif'))
- createSample('test_cbcim.pdf',createBarcodeImageInMemory('UPCA', value='03600029145',format='pdf', barHeight=40))
- createSample('test_cbcim.tiff',createBarcodeImageInMemory('USPS_4State', value='01234567094987654321',routing='01234567891',format='tiff'))