#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2017 #see license.txt for license details #history https://hg.reportlab.com/hg-public/reportlab/log/tip/src/reportlab/lib/yaml.py # parses "Yet Another Markup Language" into a list of tuples. # Each tuple says what the data is e.g. # ('Paragraph', 'Heading1', 'Why Reportlab Rules') # and the pattern depends on type. """ .h1 Welcome to YAML! YAML is "Yet Another Markup Language" - a markup language which is easier to type in than XML, yet gives us a reasonable selection of formats. The general rule is that if a line begins with a '.', it requires special processing. Otherwise lines are concatenated to paragraphs, and blank lines separate paragraphs. If the line ".foo bar bletch" is encountered, it immediately ends and writes out any current paragraph. It then looks for a parser method called 'foo'; if found, it is called with arguments (bar, bletch). If this is not found, it assumes that 'foo' is a paragraph style, and the text for the first line of the paragraph is 'bar bletch'. It would be up to the formatter to decide whether on not 'foo' was a valid paragraph. Special commands understood at present are: dot image filename - adds the image to the document dot beginPre Code - begins a Preformatted object in style 'Code' dot endPre - ends a preformatted object. """ __version__='3.3.0' import sys #modes: PLAIN = 1 PREFORMATTED = 2 BULLETCHAR = '\267' # assumes font Symbol, but works on all platforms class BaseParser: """"Simplest possible parser with only the most basic options. This defines the line-handling abilities and basic mechanism. The class YAMLParser includes capabilities for a fairly rich story.""" def __init__(self): self.reset() def reset(self): self._lineNo = 0 self._style = 'Normal' # the default self._results = [] self._buf = [] self._mode = PLAIN def parseFile(self, filename): #returns list of objects data = open(filename, 'r').readlines() for line in data: #strip trailing newlines self.readLine(line[:-1]) self.endPara() return self._results def parseText(self, textBlock): "Parses the a possible multi-line text block" lines = textBlock.split('\n') for line in lines: self.readLine(line) self.endPara() return self._results def readLine(self, line): #this is the inner loop self._lineNo = self._lineNo + 1 stripped = line.lstrip() if len(stripped) == 0: if self._mode == PLAIN: self.endPara() else: #preformatted, append it self._buf.append(line) elif line[0]=='.': # we have a command of some kind self.endPara() words = stripped[1:].split() cmd, args = words[0], words[1:] #is it a parser method? if hasattr(self.__class__, cmd): #this was very bad; any type error in the method was hidden #we have to hack the traceback try: getattr(self,cmd)(*args) except TypeError as err: sys.stderr.write("Parser method: %s(*%s) %s at line %d\n" % (cmd, args, err, self._lineNo)) raise else: # assume it is a paragraph style - # becomes the formatter's problem self.endPara() #end the last one words = stripped.split(' ', 1) assert len(words)==2, "Style %s but no data at line %d" % (words[0], self._lineNo) (styletag, data) = words self._style = styletag[1:] self._buf.append(data) else: #we have data, add to para self._buf.append(line) def endPara(self): #ends the current paragraph, or preformatted block text = ' '.join(self._buf) if text: if self._mode == PREFORMATTED: #item 3 is list of lines self._results.append(('PREFORMATTED', self._style, '\n'.join(self._buf))) else: self._results.append(('PARAGRAPH', self._style, text)) self._buf = [] self._style = 'Normal' def beginPre(self, stylename): self._mode = PREFORMATTED self._style = stylename def endPre(self): self.endPara() self._mode = PLAIN def image(self, filename): self.endPara() self._results.append(('IMAGE', filename)) class Parser(BaseParser): """This adds a basic set of "story" components compatible with HTML & PDF. Images, spaces""" def vSpace(self, points): """Inserts a vertical spacer""" self._results.append(('VSpace', points)) def pageBreak(self): """Inserts a frame break""" self._results.append(('PageBreak','blah')) # must be a tuple def custom(self, moduleName, funcName): """Goes and gets the Python object and adds it to the story""" self.endPara() self._results.append(('Custom',moduleName, funcName)) def nextPageTemplate(self, templateName): self._results.append(('NextPageTemplate',templateName)) def parseFile(filename): p = Parser() return p.parseFile(filename) def parseText(textBlock): p = Parser() return p.parseText(textBlock) if __name__=='__main__': #NORUNTESTS if len(sys.argv) != 2: results = parseText(__doc__) else: results = parseFile(sys.argv[1]) import pprint pprint.pprint(results)