#!/usr/bin/env python # normalDate.py - version 1.0 - 20000717 #hacked by Robin Becker 10/Apr/2001 #major changes include # using Types instead of type(0) etc # BusinessDate class # __radd__, __rsub__ methods # formatMS stuff # derived from an original version created # by Jeff Bauer of Rubicon Research and used # with his kind permission __version__='3.3.18' __doc__="Jeff Bauer's lightweight date class, extended by us. Predates Python's datetime module." _bigBangScalar = -4345732 # based on (-9999, 1, 1) BC/BCE minimum _bigCrunchScalar = 2958463 # based on (9999,12,31) AD/CE maximum _daysInMonthNormal = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] _daysInMonthLeapYear = [31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] _dayOfWeekName = '''Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday''' _dayOfWeekNameLower = _dayOfWeekName.lower().split() _dayOfWeekName = _dayOfWeekName.split() _monthName = '''January February March April May June July August September October November December''' _monthNameLower = _monthName.lower().split() _monthName = _monthName.split() from reportlab import cmp import re, time, datetime from .utils import isStr if hasattr(time,'struct_time'): _DateSeqTypes = (list,tuple,time.struct_time) else: _DateSeqTypes = (list,tuple) _fmtPat = re.compile('\\{(m{1,5}|yyyy|yy|d{1,4})\\}',re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE) _iso_re = re.compile(r'(\d\d\d\d|\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)') def getStdMonthNames(): return _monthNameLower def getStdShortMonthNames(): return [x[:3] for x in getStdMonthNames()] def getStdDayNames(): return _dayOfWeekNameLower def getStdShortDayNames(): return [x[:3] for x in getStdDayNames()] def isLeapYear(year): """determine if specified year is leap year, returns Python boolean""" if year < 1600: if year % 4: return 0 else: return 1 elif year % 4 != 0: return 0 elif year % 100 != 0: return 1 elif year % 400 != 0: return 0 else: return 1 class NormalDateException(Exception): """Exception class for NormalDate""" pass class NormalDate: """ NormalDate is a specialized class to handle dates without all the excess baggage (time zones, daylight savings, leap seconds, etc.) of other date structures. The minimalist strategy greatly simplifies its implementation and use. Internally, NormalDate is stored as an integer with values in a discontinuous range of -99990101 to 99991231. The integer value is used principally for storage and to simplify the user interface. Internal calculations are performed by a scalar based on Jan 1, 1900. Valid NormalDate ranges include (-9999,1,1) B.C.E. through (9999,12,31) C.E./A.D. 1.0 No changes, except the version number. After 3 years of use by various parties I think we can consider it stable. 0.8 Added Prof. Stephen Walton's suggestion for a range method - module author resisted the temptation to use lambda <0.5 wink> 0.7 Added Dan Winkler's suggestions for __add__, __sub__ methods 0.6 Modifications suggested by Kevin Digweed to fix: - dayOfWeek, dayOfWeekAbbrev, clone methods - Permit NormalDate to be a better behaved superclass 0.5 Minor tweaking 0.4 - Added methods __cmp__, __hash__ - Added Epoch variable, scoped to the module - Added setDay, setMonth, setYear methods 0.3 Minor touch-ups 0.2 - Fixed bug for certain B.C.E leap years - Added Jim Fulton's suggestions for short alias class name =ND and __getstate__, __setstate__ methods Special thanks: Roedy Green """ def __init__(self, normalDate=None): """ Accept 1 of 4 values to initialize a NormalDate: 1. None - creates a NormalDate for the current day 2. integer in yyyymmdd format 3. string in yyyymmdd format 4. tuple in (yyyy, mm, dd) - localtime/gmtime can also be used 5. string iso date format see _iso_re above 6. datetime.datetime or datetime.date """ if normalDate is None: self.setNormalDate(time.localtime(time.time())) else: self.setNormalDate(normalDate) def add(self, days): """add days to date; use negative integers to subtract""" if not isinstance(days,int): raise NormalDateException( \ 'add method parameter must be integer type') self.normalize(self.scalar() + days) def __add__(self, days): """add integer to normalDate and return a new, calculated value""" if not isinstance(days,int): raise NormalDateException( \ '__add__ parameter must be integer type') cloned = self.clone() cloned.add(days) return cloned def __radd__(self,days): '''for completeness''' return self.__add__(days) def clone(self): """return a cloned instance of this normalDate""" return self.__class__(self.normalDate) def __lt__(self,other): if not hasattr(other,'normalDate'): return False return self.normalDate < other.normalDate def __le__(self,other): if not hasattr(other,'normalDate'): return False return self.normalDate <= other.normalDate def __eq__(self,other): if not hasattr(other,'normalDate'): return False return self.normalDate == other.normalDate def __ne__(self,other): if not hasattr(other,'normalDate'): return True return self.normalDate != other.normalDate def __ge__(self,other): if not hasattr(other,'normalDate'): return True return self.normalDate >= other.normalDate def __gt__(self,other): if not hasattr(other,'normalDate'): return True return self.normalDate > other.normalDate def day(self): """return the day as integer 1-31""" return int(repr(self.normalDate)[-2:]) def dayOfWeek(self): """return integer representing day of week, Mon=0, Tue=1, etc.""" return dayOfWeek(*self.toTuple()) @property def __day_of_week_name__(self): return getattr(self,'_dayOfWeekName',_dayOfWeekName) def dayOfWeekAbbrev(self): """return day of week abbreviation for current date: Mon, Tue, etc.""" return self.__day_of_week_name__[self.dayOfWeek()][:3] def dayOfWeekName(self): """return day of week name for current date: Monday, Tuesday, etc.""" return self.__day_of_week_name__[self.dayOfWeek()] def dayOfYear(self): """day of year""" if self.isLeapYear(): daysByMonth = _daysInMonthLeapYear else: daysByMonth = _daysInMonthNormal priorMonthDays = 0 for m in range(self.month() - 1): priorMonthDays = priorMonthDays + daysByMonth[m] return self.day() + priorMonthDays def daysBetweenDates(self, normalDate): """ return value may be negative, since calculation is self.scalar() - arg """ if isinstance(normalDate,NormalDate): return self.scalar() - normalDate.scalar() else: return self.scalar() - NormalDate(normalDate).scalar() def equals(self, target): if isinstance(target,NormalDate): if target is None: return self.normalDate is None else: return self.normalDate == target.normalDate else: return 0 def endOfMonth(self): """returns (cloned) last day of month""" return self.__class__(self.__repr__()[-8:-2]+str(self.lastDayOfMonth())) def firstDayOfMonth(self): """returns (cloned) first day of month""" return self.__class__(self.__repr__()[-8:-2]+"01") def formatUS(self): """return date as string in common US format: MM/DD/YY""" d = self.__repr__() return "%s/%s/%s" % (d[-4:-2], d[-2:], d[-6:-4]) def formatUSCentury(self): """return date as string in 4-digit year US format: MM/DD/YYYY""" d = self.__repr__() return "%s/%s/%s" % (d[-4:-2], d[-2:], d[-8:-4]) def _fmtM(self): return str(self.month()) def _fmtMM(self): return '%02d' % self.month() def _fmtMMM(self): return self.monthAbbrev() def _fmtMMMM(self): return self.monthName() def _fmtMMMMM(self): return self.monthName()[0] def _fmtD(self): return str(self.day()) def _fmtDD(self): return '%02d' % self.day() def _fmtDDD(self): return self.dayOfWeekAbbrev() def _fmtDDDD(self): return self.dayOfWeekName() def _fmtYY(self): return '%02d' % (self.year()%100) def _fmtYYYY(self): return str(self.year()) def formatMS(self,fmt): '''format like MS date using the notation {YY} --> 2 digit year {YYYY} --> 4 digit year {M} --> month as digit {MM} --> 2 digit month {MMM} --> abbreviated month name {MMMM} --> monthname {MMMMM} --> first character of monthname {D} --> day of month as digit {DD} --> 2 digit day of month {DDD} --> abrreviated weekday name {DDDD} --> weekday name ''' r = fmt[:] f = 0 while 1: m = _fmtPat.search(r,f) if m: y = getattr(self,'_fmt'+(m.group()[1:-1].upper()))() i, j = m.span() r = (r[0:i] + y) + r[j:] f = i + len(y) else: return r def __getstate__(self): """minimize persistent storage requirements""" return self.normalDate def __hash__(self): return hash(self.normalDate) def __int__(self): return self.normalDate def isLeapYear(self): """ determine if specified year is leap year, returning true (1) or false (0) """ return isLeapYear(self.year()) def _isValidNormalDate(self, normalDate): """checks for date validity in [-]yyyymmdd format""" if not isinstance(normalDate,int): return 0 if len(repr(normalDate)) > 9: return 0 if normalDate < 0: dateStr = "%09d" % normalDate else: dateStr = "%08d" % normalDate if len(dateStr) < 8: return 0 elif len(dateStr) == 9: if (dateStr[0] != '-' and dateStr[0] != '+'): return 0 year = int(dateStr[:-4]) if year < -9999 or year > 9999 or year == 0: return 0 # note: zero (0) is not a valid year month = int(dateStr[-4:-2]) if month < 1 or month > 12: return 0 if isLeapYear(year): maxDay = _daysInMonthLeapYear[month - 1] else: maxDay = _daysInMonthNormal[month - 1] day = int(dateStr[-2:]) if day < 1 or day > maxDay: return 0 if year == 1582 and month == 10 and day > 4 and day < 15: return 0 # special case of 10 days dropped: Oct 5-14, 1582 return 1 def lastDayOfMonth(self): """returns last day of the month as integer 28-31""" if self.isLeapYear(): return _daysInMonthLeapYear[self.month() - 1] else: return _daysInMonthNormal[self.month() - 1] def localeFormat(self): """override this method to use your preferred locale format""" return self.formatUS() def month(self): """returns month as integer 1-12""" return int(repr(self.normalDate)[-4:-2]) @property def __month_name__(self): return getattr(self,'_monthName',_monthName) def monthAbbrev(self): """returns month as a 3-character abbreviation, i.e. Jan, Feb, etc.""" return self.__month_name__[self.month() - 1][:3] def monthName(self): """returns month name, i.e. January, February, etc.""" return self.__month_name__[self.month() - 1] def normalize(self, scalar): """convert scalar to normalDate""" if scalar < _bigBangScalar: msg = "normalize(%d): scalar below minimum" % \ _bigBangScalar raise NormalDateException(msg) if scalar > _bigCrunchScalar: msg = "normalize(%d): scalar exceeds maximum" % \ _bigCrunchScalar raise NormalDateException(msg) from math import floor if scalar >= -115860: year = 1600 + int(floor((scalar + 109573) / 365.2425)) elif scalar >= -693597: year = 4 + int(floor((scalar + 692502) / 365.2425)) else: year = -4 + int(floor((scalar + 695058) / 365.2425)) days = scalar - firstDayOfYear(year) + 1 if days <= 0: year = year - 1 days = scalar - firstDayOfYear(year) + 1 daysInYear = 365 if isLeapYear(year): daysInYear = daysInYear + 1 if days > daysInYear: year = year + 1 days = scalar - firstDayOfYear(year) + 1 # add 10 days if between Oct 15, 1582 and Dec 31, 1582 if (scalar >= -115860 and scalar <= -115783): days = days + 10 if isLeapYear(year): daysByMonth = _daysInMonthLeapYear else: daysByMonth = _daysInMonthNormal dc = 0; month = 12 for m in range(len(daysByMonth)): dc = dc + daysByMonth[m] if dc >= days: month = m + 1 break # add up the days in prior months priorMonthDays = 0 for m in range(month - 1): priorMonthDays = priorMonthDays + daysByMonth[m] day = days - priorMonthDays self.setNormalDate((year, month, day)) def range(self, days): """Return a range of normalDates as a list. Parameter may be an int or normalDate.""" if not isinstance(days,int): days = days - self # if not int, assume arg is normalDate type r = [] for i in range(days): r.append(self + i) return r def __repr__(self): """print format: [-]yyyymmdd""" # Note: When disassembling a NormalDate string, be sure to # count from the right, i.e. epochMonth = int(repr(Epoch)[-4:-2]), # or the slice won't work for dates B.C. if self.normalDate < 0: return "%09d" % self.normalDate else: return "%08d" % self.normalDate def scalar(self): """days since baseline date: Jan 1, 1900""" (year, month, day) = self.toTuple() days = firstDayOfYear(year) + day - 1 if self.isLeapYear(): for m in range(month - 1): days = days + _daysInMonthLeapYear[m] else: for m in range(month - 1): days = days + _daysInMonthNormal[m] if year == 1582: if month > 10 or (month == 10 and day > 4): days = days - 10 return days def setDay(self, day): """set the day of the month""" maxDay = self.lastDayOfMonth() if day < 1 or day > maxDay: msg = "day is outside of range 1 to %d" % maxDay raise NormalDateException(msg) (y, m, d) = self.toTuple() self.setNormalDate((y, m, day)) def setMonth(self, month): """set the month [1-12]""" if month < 1 or month > 12: raise NormalDateException('month is outside range 1 to 12') (y, m, d) = self.toTuple() self.setNormalDate((y, month, d)) def setNormalDate(self, normalDate): """ accepts date as scalar string/integer (yyyymmdd) or tuple (year, month, day, ...)""" if isinstance(normalDate,int): self.normalDate = normalDate elif isStr(normalDate): try: self.normalDate = int(normalDate) except: m = _iso_re.match(normalDate) if m: self.setNormalDate(m.group(1)+m.group(2)+m.group(3)) else: raise NormalDateException("unable to setNormalDate(%s)" % repr(normalDate)) elif isinstance(normalDate,_DateSeqTypes): self.normalDate = int("%04d%02d%02d" % normalDate[:3]) elif isinstance(normalDate,NormalDate): self.normalDate = normalDate.normalDate elif isinstance(normalDate,(datetime.datetime,datetime.date)): self.normalDate = (normalDate.year*100+normalDate.month)*100+normalDate.day else: self.normalDate = None if not self._isValidNormalDate(self.normalDate): raise NormalDateException("unable to setNormalDate(%s)" % repr(normalDate)) def setYear(self, year): if year == 0: raise NormalDateException('cannot set year to zero') elif year < -9999: raise NormalDateException('year cannot be less than -9999') elif year > 9999: raise NormalDateException('year cannot be greater than 9999') (y, m, d) = self.toTuple() self.setNormalDate((year, m, d)) __setstate__ = setNormalDate def __sub__(self, v): if isinstance(v,int): return self.__add__(-v) return self.scalar() - v.scalar() def __rsub__(self,v): if isinstance(v,int): return NormalDate(v) - self else: return v.scalar() - self.scalar() def toTuple(self): """return date as (year, month, day) tuple""" return (self.year(), self.month(), self.day()) def year(self): """return year in yyyy format, negative values indicate B.C.""" return int(repr(self.normalDate)[:-4]) ################# Utility functions ################# def bigBang(): """return lower boundary as a NormalDate""" return NormalDate((-9999, 1, 1)) def bigCrunch(): """return upper boundary as a NormalDate""" return NormalDate((9999, 12, 31)) def dayOfWeek(y, m, d): """return integer representing day of week, Mon=0, Tue=1, etc.""" if m == 1 or m == 2: m = m + 12 y = y - 1 return (d + 2*m + 3*(m+1)//5 + y + y//4 - y//100 + y//400) % 7 def firstDayOfYear(year): """number of days to the first of the year, relative to Jan 1, 1900""" if not isinstance(year,int): msg = "firstDayOfYear() expected integer, got %s" % type(year) raise NormalDateException(msg) if year == 0: raise NormalDateException('first day of year cannot be zero (0)') elif year < 0: # BCE calculation firstDay = (year * 365) + int((year - 1) / 4) - 693596 else: # CE calculation leapAdjust = int((year + 3) / 4) if year > 1600: leapAdjust = leapAdjust - int((year + 99 - 1600) / 100) + \ int((year + 399 - 1600) / 400) firstDay = year * 365 + leapAdjust - 693963 if year > 1582: firstDay = firstDay - 10 return firstDay def FND(d): '''convert to ND if required''' return isinstance(d,NormalDate) and d or ND(d) Epoch=bigBang() ND=NormalDate BDEpoch=ND(15821018) BDEpochScalar = -115857 class BusinessDate(NormalDate): """ Specialised NormalDate """ def add(self, days): """add days to date; use negative integers to subtract""" if not isinstance(days,int): raise NormalDateException('add method parameter must be integer') self.normalize(self.scalar() + days) def __add__(self, days): """add integer to BusinessDate and return a new, calculated value""" if not isinstance(days,int): raise NormalDateException('__add__ parameter must be integer') cloned = self.clone() cloned.add(days) return cloned def __sub__(self, v): return isinstance(v,int) and self.__add__(-v) or self.scalar() - v.scalar() def asNormalDate(self): return ND(self.normalDate) def daysBetweenDates(self, normalDate): return self.asNormalDate.daysBetweenDates(normalDate) def _checkDOW(self): if self.dayOfWeek()>4: raise NormalDateException("%r isn't a business day" % self.normalDate) def normalize(self, i): i = int(i) NormalDate.normalize(self,(i//5)*7+i%5+BDEpochScalar) def scalar(self): d = self.asNormalDate() i = d - BDEpoch #luckily BDEpoch is a Monday so we don't have a problem #concerning the relative weekday return 5*(i//7) + i%7 def setNormalDate(self, normalDate): NormalDate.setNormalDate(self,normalDate) self._checkDOW() if __name__ == '__main__': today = NormalDate() print("NormalDate test:") print(" Today (%s) is: %s %s" % (today, today.dayOfWeekAbbrev(), today.localeFormat())) yesterday = today - 1 print(" Yesterday was: %s %s" % (yesterday.dayOfWeekAbbrev(), yesterday.localeFormat())) tomorrow = today + 1 print(" Tomorrow will be: %s %s" % (tomorrow.dayOfWeekAbbrev(), tomorrow.localeFormat())) print(" Days between tomorrow and yesterday: %d" % (tomorrow - yesterday)) print(today.formatMS('{d}/{m}/{yy}')) print(today.formatMS('{dd}/{m}/{yy}')) print(today.formatMS('{ddd} {d}/{m}/{yy}')) print(today.formatMS('{dddd} {d}/{m}/{yy}')) print(today.formatMS('{d}/{mm}/{yy}')) print(today.formatMS('{d}/{mmm}/{yy}')) print(today.formatMS('{d}/{mmmm}/{yy}')) print(today.formatMS('{d}/{m}/{yyyy}')) b = BusinessDate('20010116') print('b=',b,'b.scalar()', b.scalar())