# runs all the GUIedit charts in this directory - # makes a PDF sample for eaxh existing chart type import sys import glob import inspect import types def moduleClasses(mod): def P(obj, m=mod.__name__, CT=type): return (type(obj)==CT and obj.__module__==m) try: return inspect.getmembers(mod, P)[0][1] except: return None def getclass(f): return moduleClasses(__import__(f)) def run(format, VERBOSE=0): formats = format.split( ',') for i in range(0, len(formats)): formats[i] == formats[i].strip().lower() allfiles = glob.glob('*.py') allfiles.sort() for fn in allfiles: f = fn.split('.')[0] c = getclass(f) if c != None: print(c.__name__) try: for fmt in formats: if fmt: c().save(formats=[fmt],outDir='.',fnRoot=c.__name__) if VERBOSE: print(" %s.%s" % (c.__name__, fmt)) except: print(" COULDN'T CREATE '%s.%s'!" % (c.__name__, format)) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 1: run('pdf,pict,png') else: try: if sys.argv[1] == "-h": print('usage: runall.py [FORMAT] [-h]') print(' if format is supplied is should be one or more of pdf,gif,eps,png etc') print(' if format is missing the following formats are assumed: pdf,pict,png') print(' -h prints this message') else: t = sys.argv[1:] for f in t: run(f) except: print('usage: runall.py [FORMAT][-h]') print(' if format is supplied is should be one or more of pdf,gif,eps,png etc') print(' if format is missing the following formats are assumed: pdf,pict,png') print(' -h prints this message') raise