__all__=( 'Ean13BarcodeWidget','isEanString', 'Ean8BarcodeWidget', 'UPCA', 'Ean5BarcodeWidget', 'ISBNBarcodeWidget', ) from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Group, String, Rect from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth from reportlab.lib.validators import isNumber, isColor, isString, Validator, isBoolean, NoneOr from reportlab.lib.attrmap import * from reportlab.graphics.charts.areas import PlotArea from reportlab.lib.units import mm from reportlab.lib.utils import asNative #work out a list of manufacturer codes.... _eanNumberSystems = [ ('00-13', 'USA & Canada'), ('20-29', 'In-Store Functions'), ('30-37', 'France'), ('40-44', 'Germany'), ('45', 'Japan (also 49)'), ('46', 'Russian Federation'), ('471', 'Taiwan'), ('474', 'Estonia'), ('475', 'Latvia'), ('477', 'Lithuania'), ('479', 'Sri Lanka'), ('480', 'Philippines'), ('482', 'Ukraine'), ('484', 'Moldova'), ('485', 'Armenia'), ('486', 'Georgia'), ('487', 'Kazakhstan'), ('489', 'Hong Kong'), ('49', 'Japan (JAN-13)'), ('50', 'United Kingdom'), ('520', 'Greece'), ('528', 'Lebanon'), ('529', 'Cyprus'), ('531', 'Macedonia'), ('535', 'Malta'), ('539', 'Ireland'), ('54', 'Belgium & Luxembourg'), ('560', 'Portugal'), ('569', 'Iceland'), ('57', 'Denmark'), ('590', 'Poland'), ('594', 'Romania'), ('599', 'Hungary'), ('600-601', 'South Africa'), ('609', 'Mauritius'), ('611', 'Morocco'), ('613', 'Algeria'), ('619', 'Tunisia'), ('622', 'Egypt'), ('625', 'Jordan'), ('626', 'Iran'), ('64', 'Finland'), ('690-692', 'China'), ('70', 'Norway'), ('729', 'Israel'), ('73', 'Sweden'), ('740', 'Guatemala'), ('741', 'El Salvador'), ('742', 'Honduras'), ('743', 'Nicaragua'), ('744', 'Costa Rica'), ('746', 'Dominican Republic'), ('750', 'Mexico'), ('759', 'Venezuela'), ('76', 'Switzerland'), ('770', 'Colombia'), ('773', 'Uruguay'), ('775', 'Peru'), ('777', 'Bolivia'), ('779', 'Argentina'), ('780', 'Chile'), ('784', 'Paraguay'), ('785', 'Peru'), ('786', 'Ecuador'), ('789', 'Brazil'), ('80-83', 'Italy'), ('84', 'Spain'), ('850', 'Cuba'), ('858', 'Slovakia'), ('859', 'Czech Republic'), ('860', 'Yugloslavia'), ('869', 'Turkey'), ('87', 'Netherlands'), ('880', 'South Korea'), ('885', 'Thailand'), ('888', 'Singapore'), ('890', 'India'), ('893', 'Vietnam'), ('899', 'Indonesia'), ('90-91', 'Austria'), ('93', 'Australia'), ('94', 'New Zealand'), ('955', 'Malaysia'), ('977', 'International Standard Serial Number for Periodicals (ISSN)'), ('978', 'International Standard Book Numbering (ISBN)'), ('979', 'International Standard Music Number (ISMN)'), ('980', 'Refund receipts'), ('981-982', 'Common Currency Coupons'), ('99', 'Coupons') ] manufacturerCodes = {} for (k, v) in _eanNumberSystems: words = k.split('-') if len(words)==2: fromCode = int(words[0]) toCode = int(words[1]) for code in range(fromCode, toCode+1): manufacturerCodes[code] = v else: manufacturerCodes[int(k)] = v def nDigits(n): class _ndigits(Validator): def test(self,x): return type(x) is str and len(x)<=n and len([c for c in x if c in "0123456789"])==n return _ndigits() class Ean13BarcodeWidget(PlotArea): codeName = "EAN13" _attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=PlotArea, value = AttrMapValue(nDigits(12), desc='the number'), fontName = AttrMapValue(isString, desc='fontName'), fontSize = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='font size'), x = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='x-coord'), y = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='y-coord'), barFillColor = AttrMapValue(isColor, desc='bar color'), barHeight = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Height of bars.'), barWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Width of bars.'), barStrokeWidth = AttrMapValue(isNumber, desc='Width of bar borders.'), barStrokeColor = AttrMapValue(isColor, desc='Color of bar borders.'), textColor = AttrMapValue(isColor, desc='human readable text color'), humanReadable = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='if human readable'), quiet = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='if quiet zone to be used'), lquiet = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='left quiet zone length'), rquiet = AttrMapValue(isBoolean, desc='right quiet zone length'), ) _digits=12 _start_right = 7 #for ean-13 left = [0:7] right=[7:13] _nbars = 113 barHeight = 25.93*mm #millimeters barWidth = (37.29/_nbars)*mm humanReadable = 1 _0csw = 1 _1csw = 3 #Left Hand Digits. _left = ( ("0001101", "0011001", "0010011", "0111101", "0100011", "0110001", "0101111", "0111011", "0110111", "0001011", ), #odd left hand digits ("0100111", "0110011", "0011011", "0100001", "0011101", "0111001", "0000101", "0010001", "0001001", "0010111"), #even left hand digits ) _right = ("1110010", "1100110", "1101100", "1000010", "1011100", "1001110", "1010000", "1000100", "1001000", "1110100") quiet = 1 rquiet = lquiet = None _tail = "101" _sep = "01010" _lhconvert={ "0": (0,0,0,0,0,0), "1": (0,0,1,0,1,1), "2": (0,0,1,1,0,1), "3": (0,0,1,1,1,0), "4": (0,1,0,0,1,1), "5": (0,1,1,0,0,1), "6": (0,1,1,1,0,0), "7": (0,1,0,1,0,1), "8": (0,1,0,1,1,0), "9": (0,1,1,0,1,0) } fontSize = 8 #millimeters fontName = 'Helvetica' textColor = barFillColor = colors.black barStrokeColor = None barStrokeWidth = 0 x = 0 y = 0 def __init__(self,value='123456789012',**kw): value = str(value) if isinstance(value,int) else asNative(value) self.value=max(self._digits-len(value),0)*'0'+value[:self._digits] for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(self, k, v) width = property(lambda self: self.barWidth*(self._nbars-18+self._calc_quiet(self.lquiet)+self._calc_quiet(self.rquiet))) def wrap(self,aW,aH): return self.width,self.barHeight def _encode_left(self,s,a): cp = self._lhconvert[s[0]] #convert the left hand numbers _left = self._left z = ord('0') for i,c in enumerate(s[1:self._start_right]): a(_left[cp[i]][ord(c)-z]) def _short_bar(self,i): i += 9 - self._lquiet return self.humanReadable and ((120: v += 1 else: v = 0 return v def draw(self): g = Group() gAdd = g.add barWidth = self.barWidth width = self.width barHeight = self.barHeight x = self.x y = self.y gAdd(Rect(x,y,width,barHeight,fillColor=None,strokeColor=None,strokeWidth=0)) s = self.value+self._checkdigit(self.value) self._lquiet = lquiet = self._calc_quiet(self.lquiet) rquiet = self._calc_quiet(self.rquiet) b = [lquiet*'0',self._tail] #the signal string a = b.append self._encode_left(s,a) a(self._sep) z = ord('0') _right = self._right for c in s[self._start_right:]: a(_right[ord(c)-z]) a(self._tail) a(rquiet*'0') fontSize = self.fontSize barFillColor = self.barFillColor barStrokeWidth = self.barStrokeWidth barStrokeColor = self.barStrokeColor fth = fontSize*1.2 b = ''.join(b) lrect = None for i,c in enumerate(b): if c=="1": dh = self._short_bar(i) and fth or 0 yh = y+dh if lrect and lrect.y==yh: lrect.width += barWidth else: lrect = Rect(x,yh,barWidth,barHeight-dh,fillColor=barFillColor,strokeWidth=barStrokeWidth,strokeColor=barStrokeColor) gAdd(lrect) else: lrect = None x += barWidth if self.humanReadable: self._add_human_readable(s,gAdd) return g def _add_human_readable(self,s,gAdd): barWidth = self.barWidth fontSize = self.fontSize textColor = self.textColor fontName = self.fontName fth = fontSize*1.2 # draw the num below the line. c = s[0] w = stringWidth(c,fontName,fontSize) x = self.x+barWidth*(self._lquiet-8) y = self.y + 0.2*fth gAdd(String(x,y,c,fontName=fontName,fontSize=fontSize,fillColor=textColor)) x = self.x + (33-9+self._lquiet)*barWidth c = s[1:7] gAdd(String(x,y,c,fontName=fontName,fontSize=fontSize,fillColor=textColor,textAnchor='middle')) x += 47*barWidth c = s[7:] gAdd(String(x,y,c,fontName=fontName,fontSize=fontSize,fillColor=textColor,textAnchor='middle')) def _checkdigit(cls,num): z = ord('0') iSum = cls._0csw*sum([(ord(x)-z) for x in num[::2]]) \ + cls._1csw*sum([(ord(x)-z) for x in num[1::2]]) return chr(z+((10-(iSum%10))%10)) _checkdigit=classmethod(_checkdigit) class Ean8BarcodeWidget(Ean13BarcodeWidget): codeName = "EAN8" _attrMap = AttrMap(BASE=Ean13BarcodeWidget, value = AttrMapValue(nDigits(7), desc='the number'), ) _start_right = 4 #for ean-13 left = [0:7] right=[7:13] _nbars = 85 _digits=7 _0csw = 3 _1csw = 1 def _encode_left(self,s,a): cp = self._lhconvert[s[0]] #convert the left hand numbers _left = self._left[0] z = ord('0') for i,c in enumerate(s[0:self._start_right]): a(_left[ord(c)-z]) def _short_bar(self,i): i += 9 - self._lquiet return self.humanReadable and ((12