# Sample implementation of IFileOperationProgressSink that just prints
# some basic info

import pythoncom
from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon
from win32com.server.policy import DesignatedWrapPolicy

tsf_flags = list((k,v) for k,v in list(shellcon.__dict__.items()) if k.startswith('TSF_'))
def decode_flags(flags):
		if flags == 0:
			return 'TSF_NORMAL'
		flag_txt = ''
		for k,v in tsf_flags:
			if flags & v:
				if flag_txt:
					flag_txt = flag_txt + '|' + k
					flag_txt = k
		return flag_txt

class FileOperationProgressSink(DesignatedWrapPolicy):
	_com_interfaces_ = [shell.IID_IFileOperationProgressSink]
	_public_methods_ = [
		"StartOperations", "FinishOperations", "PreRenameItem", "PostRenameItem",
		"PreMoveItem", "PostMoveItem", "PreCopyItem", "PostCopyItem", "PreDeleteItem",
		"PostDeleteItem", "PreNewItem", "PostNewItem", "UpdateProgress",
		"ResetTimer", "PauseTimer", "ResumeTimer"

	def __init__(self):

	def StartOperations(self):
		print ('StartOperations')

	def FinishOperations(self, Result):
		print('FinishOperations: HRESULT ', Result)

	def PreRenameItem(self, Flags, Item, NewName):
		print('PreRenameItem: Renaming ' + Item.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING) + \
			   ' to ' + NewName)

	def PostRenameItem(self, Flags, Item, NewName, hrRename, NewlyCreated):
		if NewlyCreated is not None:
			newfile = NewlyCreated.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING)
			newfile = 'not renamed, HRESULT ' + str(hrRename)
		print('PostRenameItem: renamed ' + \
			Item.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING) + ' to ' + newfile)

	def PreMoveItem(self, Flags, Item, DestinationFolder, NewName):
		print('PreMoveItem: Moving ' + \
			Item.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING) + ' to ' + \
			DestinationFolder.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING) + '\\' + str(NewName))

	def PostMoveItem(self, Flags, Item, DestinationFolder, NewName, hrMove, NewlyCreated):
		if NewlyCreated is not None:
			newfile = NewlyCreated.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING)
			newfile = 'not copied, HRESULT ' + str(hrMove)
		print('PostMoveItem: Moved ' + \
			Item.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING) + ' to ' + newfile)

	def PreCopyItem(self, Flags, Item, DestinationFolder, NewName):
		if not NewName:
			NewName = ''
		print('PreCopyItem: Copying ' + \
			Item.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING) +  ' to ' + \
			DestinationFolder.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING) + '\\' + NewName)
		print('Flags: ', decode_flags(Flags))

	def PostCopyItem(self, Flags, Item, DestinationFolder, NewName, hrCopy, NewlyCreated):
		if NewlyCreated is not None:
			newfile = NewlyCreated.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING)
			newfile = 'not copied, HRESULT ' + str(hrCopy)
		print('PostCopyItem: Copied ' + Item.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING) + ' to ' + newfile)
		print('Flags: ', decode_flags(Flags))

	def PreDeleteItem(self, Flags, Item):
		print('PreDeleteItem: Deleting ' + Item.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING))

	def PostDeleteItem(self, Flags, Item, hrDelete, NewlyCreated):
		print('PostDeleteItem: Deleted ' + Item.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING))
		if NewlyCreated:
			print('	Moved to recycle bin - ' + NewlyCreated.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING))

	def PreNewItem(self, Flags, DestinationFolder, NewName):
		print('PreNewItem: Creating ' + DestinationFolder.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING) + '\\' + NewName)

	def PostNewItem(self, Flags, DestinationFolder, NewName, TemplateName, FileAttributes, hrNew, NewItem):
		print('PostNewItem: Created ' + NewItem.GetDisplayName(shellcon.SHGDN_FORPARSING))

	def UpdateProgress(self, WorkTotal, WorkSoFar):
		print('UpdateProgress: ', WorkSoFar, WorkTotal)

	def ResetTimer(self):
		print ('ResetTimer')

	def PauseTimer(self):
		print ('PauseTimer')

	def ResumeTimer(self):
		print ('ResumeTimer')

def CreateSink():
    return pythoncom.WrapObject(FileOperationProgressSink(), shell.IID_IFileOperationProgressSink)