# MFC base classes.
import sys
import win32ui

class Object:
	def __init__(self, initObj = None):
		self.__dict__['_obj_'] = initObj
#		self._obj_ = initObj
		if initObj is not None: initObj.AttachObject(self)
	def __del__(self):
	def __getattr__(self, attr):	# Make this object look like the underlying win32ui one.
		# During cleanup __dict__ is not available, causing recursive death.
		if not attr.startswith('__'):
				o = self.__dict__['_obj_']
				if o is not None:
					return getattr(o, attr)
				# Only raise this error for non "internal" names -
				# Python may be calling __len__, __nonzero__, etc, so
				# we dont want this exception
				if attr[0]!= '_' and attr[-1] != '_':
					raise win32ui.error("The MFC object has died.")
			except KeyError:
				# No _obj_ at all - dont report MFC object died when there isnt one!
		raise AttributeError(attr)

	def OnAttachedObjectDeath(self):
#		print "object", self.__class__.__name__, "dieing"
		self._obj_ = None
	def close(self):
		if '_obj_' in self.__dict__:
			if self._obj_ is not None:
				self._obj_ = None

class CmdTarget(Object):
	def __init__(self, initObj):
		Object.__init__(self, initObj)
	def HookNotifyRange(self, handler, firstID, lastID):
		oldhandlers = []
		for i in range(firstID, lastID + 1):
			oldhandlers.append(self.HookNotify(handler, i))
		return oldhandlers
	def HookCommandRange(self, handler, firstID, lastID):
		oldhandlers = []
		for i in range(firstID, lastID + 1):
			oldhandlers.append(self.HookCommand(handler, i))
		return oldhandlers
	def HookCommandUpdateRange(self, handler, firstID, lastID):
		oldhandlers = []
		for i in range(firstID, lastID + 1):
			oldhandlers.append(self.HookCommandUpdate(handler, i))
		return oldhandlers