1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191201211221231241251261271281291301311321331341351361371381391401411421431441451461471481491501511521531541551561571581591601611621631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791801811821831841851861871881891901911921931941951961971981992002012022032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192202212222232242252262272282292302312322332342352362372382392402412422432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592602612622632642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792802812822832842852862872882892902912922932942952962972982993003013023033043053063073083093103113123133143153163173183193203213223233243253263273283293303313323333343353363373383393403413423433443453463473483493503513523533543553563573583593603613623633643653663673683693703713723733743753763773783793803813823833843853863873883893903913923933943953963973983994004014024034044054064074084094104114124134144154164174184194204214224234244254264274284294304314324334344354364374384394404414424434444454464474484494504514524534544554564574584594604614624634644654664674684694704714724734744754764774784794804814824834844854864874884894904914924934944954964974984995005015025035045055065075085095105115125135145155165175185195205215225235245255265275285295305315325335345355365375385395405415425435445455465475485495505515525535545555565575585595605615625635645655665675685695705715725735745755765775785795805815825835845855865875885895905915925935945955965975985996006016026036046056066076086096106116126136146156166176186196206216226236246256266276286296306316326336346356366376386396406416426436446456466476486496506516526536546556566576586596606616626636646656666676686696706716726736746756766776786796806816826836846856866876886896906916926936946956966976986997007017027037047057067077087097107117127137147157167177187197207217227237247257267277287297307317327337347357367377387397407417427437447457467477487497507517527537547557567577587597607617627637647657667677687697707717727737747757767777787797807817827837847857867877887897907917927937947957967977987998008018028038048058068078088098108118128138148158168178188198208218228238248258268278288298308318328338348358368378388398408418428438448458468478488498508518528538548558568578588598608618628638648658668678688698708718728738748758768778788798808818828838848858868878888898908918928938948958968978988999009019029039049059069079089099109119129139149159169179189199209219229239249259269279289299309319329339349359369379389399409419429439449459469479489499509519529539549559569579589599609619629639649659669679689699709719729739749759769779789799809819829839849859869879889899909919929939949959969979989991000100110021003100410051006 |
- from . import model
- from .commontypes import COMMON_TYPES, resolve_common_type
- from .error import FFIError, CDefError
- try:
- from . import _pycparser as pycparser
- except ImportError:
- import pycparser
- import weakref, re, sys
- try:
- if sys.version_info < (3,):
- import thread as _thread
- else:
- import _thread
- lock = _thread.allocate_lock()
- except ImportError:
- lock = None
- def _workaround_for_static_import_finders():
- import pycparser.yacctab
- import pycparser.lextab
- CDEF_SOURCE_STRING = "<cdef source string>"
- _r_comment = re.compile(r"/\*.*?\*/|//([^\n\\]|\\.)*?$",
- _r_define = re.compile(r"^\s*#\s*define\s+([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)"
- r"\b((?:[^\n\\]|\\.)*?)$",
- _r_line_directive = re.compile(r"^[ \t]*#[ \t]*(?:line|\d+)\b.*$", re.MULTILINE)
- _r_partial_enum = re.compile(r"=\s*\.\.\.\s*[,}]|\.\.\.\s*\}")
- _r_enum_dotdotdot = re.compile(r"__dotdotdot\d+__$")
- _r_partial_array = re.compile(r"\[\s*\.\.\.\s*\]")
- _r_words = re.compile(r"\w+|\S")
- _parser_cache = None
- _r_int_literal = re.compile(r"-?0?x?[0-9a-f]+[lu]*$", re.IGNORECASE)
- _r_stdcall1 = re.compile(r"\b(__stdcall|WINAPI)\b")
- _r_stdcall2 = re.compile(r"[(]\s*(__stdcall|WINAPI)\b")
- _r_cdecl = re.compile(r"\b__cdecl\b")
- _r_extern_python = re.compile(r'\bextern\s*"'
- r'(Python|Python\s*\+\s*C|C\s*\+\s*Python)"\s*.')
- _r_star_const_space = re.compile(
- r"[*]\s*((const|volatile|restrict)\b\s*)+")
- _r_int_dotdotdot = re.compile(r"(\b(int|long|short|signed|unsigned|char)\s*)+"
- r"\.\.\.")
- _r_float_dotdotdot = re.compile(r"\b(double|float)\s*\.\.\.")
- def _get_parser():
- global _parser_cache
- if _parser_cache is None:
- _parser_cache = pycparser.CParser()
- return _parser_cache
- def _workaround_for_old_pycparser(csource):
- parts = []
- while True:
- match = _r_star_const_space.search(csource)
- if not match:
- break
- parts.append(csource[:match.start()])
- parts.append('('); closing = ')'
- parts.append(match.group())
- endpos = match.end()
- if csource.startswith('*', endpos):
- parts.append('('); closing += ')'
- level = 0
- i = endpos
- while i < len(csource):
- c = csource[i]
- if c == '(':
- level += 1
- elif c == ')':
- if level == 0:
- break
- level -= 1
- elif c in ',;=':
- if level == 0:
- break
- i += 1
- csource = csource[endpos:i] + closing + csource[i:]
- parts.append(csource)
- return ''.join(parts)
- def _preprocess_extern_python(csource):
- parts = []
- while True:
- match = _r_extern_python.search(csource)
- if not match:
- break
- endpos = match.end() - 1
- parts.append(csource[:match.start()])
- if 'C' in match.group(1):
- parts.append('void __cffi_extern_python_plus_c_start; ')
- else:
- parts.append('void __cffi_extern_python_start; ')
- if csource[endpos] == '{':
- closing = csource.find('}', endpos)
- if closing < 0:
- raise CDefError("'extern \"Python\" {': no '}' found")
- if csource.find('{', endpos + 1, closing) >= 0:
- raise NotImplementedError("cannot use { } inside a block "
- "'extern \"Python\" { ... }'")
- parts.append(csource[endpos+1:closing])
- csource = csource[closing+1:]
- else:
- semicolon = csource.find(';', endpos)
- if semicolon < 0:
- raise CDefError("'extern \"Python\": no ';' found")
- parts.append(csource[endpos:semicolon+1])
- csource = csource[semicolon+1:]
- parts.append(' void __cffi_extern_python_stop;')
- parts.append(csource)
- return ''.join(parts)
- def _warn_for_string_literal(csource):
- if '"' not in csource:
- return
- for line in csource.splitlines():
- if '"' in line and not line.lstrip().startswith('#'):
- import warnings
- warnings.warn("String literal found in cdef() or type source. "
- "String literals are ignored here, but you should "
- "remove them anyway because some character sequences "
- "confuse pre-parsing.")
- break
- def _warn_for_non_extern_non_static_global_variable(decl):
- if not decl.storage:
- import warnings
- warnings.warn("Global variable '%s' in cdef(): for consistency "
- "with C it should have a storage class specifier "
- "(usually 'extern')" % (decl.name,))
- def _remove_line_directives(csource):
- line_directives = []
- def replace(m):
- i = len(line_directives)
- line_directives.append(m.group())
- return '#line@%d' % i
- csource = _r_line_directive.sub(replace, csource)
- return csource, line_directives
- def _put_back_line_directives(csource, line_directives):
- def replace(m):
- s = m.group()
- if not s.startswith('#line@'):
- raise AssertionError("unexpected #line directive "
- "(should have been processed and removed")
- return line_directives[int(s[6:])]
- return _r_line_directive.sub(replace, csource)
- def _preprocess(csource):
- csource, line_directives = _remove_line_directives(csource)
- def replace_keeping_newlines(m):
- return ' ' + m.group().count('\n') * '\n'
- csource = _r_comment.sub(replace_keeping_newlines, csource)
- macros = {}
- for match in _r_define.finditer(csource):
- macroname, macrovalue = match.groups()
- macrovalue = macrovalue.replace('\\\n', '').strip()
- macros[macroname] = macrovalue
- csource = _r_define.sub('', csource)
- if pycparser.__version__ < '2.14':
- csource = _workaround_for_old_pycparser(csource)
- csource = _r_stdcall2.sub(' volatile volatile const(', csource)
- csource = _r_stdcall1.sub(' volatile volatile const ', csource)
- csource = _r_cdecl.sub(' ', csource)
- csource = _preprocess_extern_python(csource)
- _warn_for_string_literal(csource)
- csource = _r_partial_array.sub('[__dotdotdotarray__]', csource)
- matches = list(_r_partial_enum.finditer(csource))
- for number, match in enumerate(reversed(matches)):
- p = match.start()
- if csource[p] == '=':
- p2 = csource.find('...', p, match.end())
- assert p2 > p
- csource = '%s,__dotdotdot%d__ %s' % (csource[:p], number,
- csource[p2+3:])
- else:
- assert csource[p:p+3] == '...'
- csource = '%s __dotdotdot%d__ %s' % (csource[:p], number,
- csource[p+3:])
- csource = _r_int_dotdotdot.sub(' __dotdotdotint__ ', csource)
- csource = _r_float_dotdotdot.sub(' __dotdotdotfloat__ ', csource)
- csource = csource.replace('...', ' __dotdotdot__ ')
- csource = _put_back_line_directives(csource, line_directives)
- return csource, macros
- def _common_type_names(csource):
- look_for_words = set(COMMON_TYPES)
- look_for_words.add(';')
- look_for_words.add(',')
- look_for_words.add('(')
- look_for_words.add(')')
- look_for_words.add('typedef')
- words_used = set()
- is_typedef = False
- paren = 0
- previous_word = ''
- for word in _r_words.findall(csource):
- if word in look_for_words:
- if word == ';':
- if is_typedef:
- words_used.discard(previous_word)
- look_for_words.discard(previous_word)
- is_typedef = False
- elif word == 'typedef':
- is_typedef = True
- paren = 0
- elif word == '(':
- paren += 1
- elif word == ')':
- paren -= 1
- elif word == ',':
- if is_typedef and paren == 0:
- words_used.discard(previous_word)
- look_for_words.discard(previous_word)
- else:
- words_used.add(word)
- previous_word = word
- return words_used
- class Parser(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self._declarations = {}
- self._included_declarations = set()
- self._anonymous_counter = 0
- self._structnode2type = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
- self._options = {}
- self._int_constants = {}
- self._recomplete = []
- self._uses_new_feature = None
- def _parse(self, csource):
- csource, macros = _preprocess(csource)
- ctn = _common_type_names(csource)
- typenames = []
- for name in sorted(self._declarations):
- if name.startswith('typedef '):
- name = name[8:]
- typenames.append(name)
- ctn.discard(name)
- typenames += sorted(ctn)
- csourcelines = []
- csourcelines.append('# 1 "<cdef automatic initialization code>"')
- for typename in typenames:
- csourcelines.append('typedef int %s;' % typename)
- csourcelines.append('typedef int __dotdotdotint__, __dotdotdotfloat__,'
- ' __dotdotdot__;')
- csourcelines.append('# 1 "%s"' % (CDEF_SOURCE_STRING,))
- csourcelines.append(csource)
- fullcsource = '\n'.join(csourcelines)
- if lock is not None:
- lock.acquire()
- try:
- ast = _get_parser().parse(fullcsource)
- except pycparser.c_parser.ParseError as e:
- self.convert_pycparser_error(e, csource)
- finally:
- if lock is not None:
- lock.release()
- return ast, macros, csource
- def _convert_pycparser_error(self, e, csource):
- line = None
- msg = str(e)
- match = re.match(r"%s:(\d+):" % (CDEF_SOURCE_STRING,), msg)
- if match:
- linenum = int(match.group(1), 10)
- csourcelines = csource.splitlines()
- if 1 <= linenum <= len(csourcelines):
- line = csourcelines[linenum-1]
- return line
- def convert_pycparser_error(self, e, csource):
- line = self._convert_pycparser_error(e, csource)
- msg = str(e)
- if line:
- msg = 'cannot parse "%s"\n%s' % (line.strip(), msg)
- else:
- msg = 'parse error\n%s' % (msg,)
- raise CDefError(msg)
- def parse(self, csource, override=False, packed=False, pack=None,
- dllexport=False):
- if packed:
- if packed != True:
- raise ValueError("'packed' should be False or True; use "
- "'pack' to give another value")
- if pack:
- raise ValueError("cannot give both 'pack' and 'packed'")
- pack = 1
- elif pack:
- if pack & (pack - 1):
- raise ValueError("'pack' must be a power of two, not %r" %
- (pack,))
- else:
- pack = 0
- prev_options = self._options
- try:
- self._options = {'override': override,
- 'packed': pack,
- 'dllexport': dllexport}
- self._internal_parse(csource)
- finally:
- self._options = prev_options
- def _internal_parse(self, csource):
- ast, macros, csource = self._parse(csource)
- self._process_macros(macros)
- iterator = iter(ast.ext)
- for decl in iterator:
- if decl.name == '__dotdotdot__':
- break
- else:
- assert 0
- current_decl = None
- try:
- self._inside_extern_python = '__cffi_extern_python_stop'
- for decl in iterator:
- current_decl = decl
- if isinstance(decl, pycparser.c_ast.Decl):
- self._parse_decl(decl)
- elif isinstance(decl, pycparser.c_ast.Typedef):
- if not decl.name:
- raise CDefError("typedef does not declare any name",
- decl)
- quals = 0
- if (isinstance(decl.type.type, pycparser.c_ast.IdentifierType) and
- decl.type.type.names[-1].startswith('__dotdotdot')):
- realtype = self._get_unknown_type(decl)
- elif (isinstance(decl.type, pycparser.c_ast.PtrDecl) and
- isinstance(decl.type.type, pycparser.c_ast.TypeDecl) and
- isinstance(decl.type.type.type,
- pycparser.c_ast.IdentifierType) and
- decl.type.type.type.names[-1].startswith('__dotdotdot')):
- realtype = self._get_unknown_ptr_type(decl)
- else:
- realtype, quals = self._get_type_and_quals(
- decl.type, name=decl.name, partial_length_ok=True,
- typedef_example="*(%s *)0" % (decl.name,))
- self._declare('typedef ' + decl.name, realtype, quals=quals)
- elif decl.__class__.__name__ == 'Pragma':
- pass
- else:
- raise CDefError("unexpected <%s>: this construct is valid "
- "C but not valid in cdef()" %
- decl.__class__.__name__, decl)
- except CDefError as e:
- if len(e.args) == 1:
- e.args = e.args + (current_decl,)
- raise
- except FFIError as e:
- msg = self._convert_pycparser_error(e, csource)
- if msg:
- e.args = (e.args[0] + "\n *** Err: %s" % msg,)
- raise
- def _add_constants(self, key, val):
- if key in self._int_constants:
- if self._int_constants[key] == val:
- return
- raise FFIError(
- "multiple declarations of constant: %s" % (key,))
- self._int_constants[key] = val
- def _add_integer_constant(self, name, int_str):
- int_str = int_str.lower().rstrip("ul")
- neg = int_str.startswith('-')
- if neg:
- int_str = int_str[1:]
- if (int_str.startswith("0") and int_str != '0'
- and not int_str.startswith("0x")):
- int_str = "0o" + int_str[1:]
- pyvalue = int(int_str, 0)
- if neg:
- pyvalue = -pyvalue
- self._add_constants(name, pyvalue)
- self._declare('macro ' + name, pyvalue)
- def _process_macros(self, macros):
- for key, value in macros.items():
- value = value.strip()
- if _r_int_literal.match(value):
- self._add_integer_constant(key, value)
- elif value == '...':
- self._declare('macro ' + key, value)
- else:
- raise CDefError(
- 'only supports one of the following syntax:\n'
- ' #define %s ... (literally dot-dot-dot)\n'
- ' #define %s NUMBER (with NUMBER an integer'
- ' constant, decimal/hex/octal)\n'
- 'got:\n'
- ' #define %s %s'
- % (key, key, key, value))
- def _declare_function(self, tp, quals, decl):
- tp = self._get_type_pointer(tp, quals)
- if self._options.get('dllexport'):
- tag = 'dllexport_python '
- elif self._inside_extern_python == '__cffi_extern_python_start':
- tag = 'extern_python '
- elif self._inside_extern_python == '__cffi_extern_python_plus_c_start':
- tag = 'extern_python_plus_c '
- else:
- tag = 'function '
- self._declare(tag + decl.name, tp)
- def _parse_decl(self, decl):
- node = decl.type
- if isinstance(node, pycparser.c_ast.FuncDecl):
- tp, quals = self._get_type_and_quals(node, name=decl.name)
- assert isinstance(tp, model.RawFunctionType)
- self._declare_function(tp, quals, decl)
- else:
- if isinstance(node, pycparser.c_ast.Struct):
- self._get_struct_union_enum_type('struct', node)
- elif isinstance(node, pycparser.c_ast.Union):
- self._get_struct_union_enum_type('union', node)
- elif isinstance(node, pycparser.c_ast.Enum):
- self._get_struct_union_enum_type('enum', node)
- elif not decl.name:
- raise CDefError("construct does not declare any variable",
- decl)
- if decl.name:
- tp, quals = self._get_type_and_quals(node,
- partial_length_ok=True)
- if tp.is_raw_function:
- self._declare_function(tp, quals, decl)
- elif (tp.is_integer_type() and
- hasattr(decl, 'init') and
- hasattr(decl.init, 'value') and
- _r_int_literal.match(decl.init.value)):
- self._add_integer_constant(decl.name, decl.init.value)
- elif (tp.is_integer_type() and
- isinstance(decl.init, pycparser.c_ast.UnaryOp) and
- decl.init.op == '-' and
- hasattr(decl.init.expr, 'value') and
- _r_int_literal.match(decl.init.expr.value)):
- self._add_integer_constant(decl.name,
- '-' + decl.init.expr.value)
- elif (tp is model.void_type and
- decl.name.startswith('__cffi_extern_python_')):
- self._inside_extern_python = decl.name
- else:
- if self._inside_extern_python !='__cffi_extern_python_stop':
- raise CDefError(
- "cannot declare constants or "
- "variables with 'extern \"Python\"'")
- if (quals & model.Q_CONST) and not tp.is_array_type:
- self._declare('constant ' + decl.name, tp, quals=quals)
- else:
- _warn_for_non_extern_non_static_global_variable(decl)
- self._declare('variable ' + decl.name, tp, quals=quals)
- def parse_type(self, cdecl):
- return self.parse_type_and_quals(cdecl)[0]
- def parse_type_and_quals(self, cdecl):
- ast, macros = self._parse('void __dummy(\n%s\n);' % cdecl)[:2]
- assert not macros
- exprnode = ast.ext[-1].type.args.params[0]
- if isinstance(exprnode, pycparser.c_ast.ID):
- raise CDefError("unknown identifier '%s'" % (exprnode.name,))
- return self._get_type_and_quals(exprnode.type)
- def _declare(self, name, obj, included=False, quals=0):
- if name in self._declarations:
- prevobj, prevquals = self._declarations[name]
- if prevobj is obj and prevquals == quals:
- return
- if not self._options.get('override'):
- raise FFIError(
- "multiple declarations of %s (for interactive usage, "
- "try cdef(xx, override=True))" % (name,))
- assert '__dotdotdot__' not in name.split()
- self._declarations[name] = (obj, quals)
- if included:
- self._included_declarations.add(obj)
- def _extract_quals(self, type):
- quals = 0
- if isinstance(type, (pycparser.c_ast.TypeDecl,
- pycparser.c_ast.PtrDecl)):
- if 'const' in type.quals:
- quals |= model.Q_CONST
- if 'volatile' in type.quals:
- quals |= model.Q_VOLATILE
- if 'restrict' in type.quals:
- quals |= model.Q_RESTRICT
- return quals
- def _get_type_pointer(self, type, quals, declname=None):
- if isinstance(type, model.RawFunctionType):
- return type.as_function_pointer()
- if (isinstance(type, model.StructOrUnionOrEnum) and
- type.name.startswith('$') and type.name[1:].isdigit() and
- type.forcename is None and declname is not None):
- return model.NamedPointerType(type, declname, quals)
- return model.PointerType(type, quals)
- def _get_type_and_quals(self, typenode, name=None, partial_length_ok=False,
- typedef_example=None):
- if (isinstance(typenode, pycparser.c_ast.TypeDecl) and
- isinstance(typenode.type, pycparser.c_ast.IdentifierType) and
- len(typenode.type.names) == 1 and
- ('typedef ' + typenode.type.names[0]) in self._declarations):
- tp, quals = self._declarations['typedef ' + typenode.type.names[0]]
- quals |= self._extract_quals(typenode)
- return tp, quals
- if isinstance(typenode, pycparser.c_ast.ArrayDecl):
- if typenode.dim is None:
- length = None
- else:
- length = self._parse_constant(
- typenode.dim, partial_length_ok=partial_length_ok)
- if typedef_example is not None:
- if length == '...':
- length = '_cffi_array_len(%s)' % (typedef_example,)
- typedef_example = "*" + typedef_example
- tp, quals = self._get_type_and_quals(typenode.type,
- partial_length_ok=partial_length_ok,
- typedef_example=typedef_example)
- return model.ArrayType(tp, length), quals
- if isinstance(typenode, pycparser.c_ast.PtrDecl):
- itemtype, itemquals = self._get_type_and_quals(typenode.type)
- tp = self._get_type_pointer(itemtype, itemquals, declname=name)
- quals = self._extract_quals(typenode)
- return tp, quals
- if isinstance(typenode, pycparser.c_ast.TypeDecl):
- quals = self._extract_quals(typenode)
- type = typenode.type
- if isinstance(type, pycparser.c_ast.IdentifierType):
- names = list(type.names)
- if names != ['signed', 'char']:
- prefixes = {}
- while names:
- name = names[0]
- if name in ('short', 'long', 'signed', 'unsigned'):
- prefixes[name] = prefixes.get(name, 0) + 1
- del names[0]
- else:
- break
- newnames = []
- for prefix in ('unsigned', 'short', 'long'):
- for i in range(prefixes.get(prefix, 0)):
- newnames.append(prefix)
- if not names:
- names = ['int']
- if names == ['int']:
- if 'short' in prefixes or 'long' in prefixes:
- names = []
- names = newnames + names
- ident = ' '.join(names)
- if ident == 'void':
- return model.void_type, quals
- if ident == '__dotdotdot__':
- raise FFIError(':%d: bad usage of "..."' %
- typenode.coord.line)
- tp0, quals0 = resolve_common_type(self, ident)
- return tp0, (quals | quals0)
- if isinstance(type, pycparser.c_ast.Struct):
- tp = self._get_struct_union_enum_type('struct', type, name)
- return tp, quals
- if isinstance(type, pycparser.c_ast.Union):
- tp = self._get_struct_union_enum_type('union', type, name)
- return tp, quals
- if isinstance(type, pycparser.c_ast.Enum):
- tp = self._get_struct_union_enum_type('enum', type, name)
- return tp, quals
- if isinstance(typenode, pycparser.c_ast.FuncDecl):
- return self._parse_function_type(typenode, name), 0
- if isinstance(typenode, pycparser.c_ast.Struct):
- return self._get_struct_union_enum_type('struct', typenode, name,
- nested=True), 0
- if isinstance(typenode, pycparser.c_ast.Union):
- return self._get_struct_union_enum_type('union', typenode, name,
- nested=True), 0
- raise FFIError(":%d: bad or unsupported type declaration" %
- typenode.coord.line)
- def _parse_function_type(self, typenode, funcname=None):
- params = list(getattr(typenode.args, 'params', []))
- for i, arg in enumerate(params):
- if not hasattr(arg, 'type'):
- raise CDefError("%s arg %d: unknown type '%s'"
- " (if you meant to use the old C syntax of giving"
- " untyped arguments, it is not supported)"
- % (funcname or 'in expression', i + 1,
- getattr(arg, 'name', '?')))
- ellipsis = (
- len(params) > 0 and
- isinstance(params[-1].type, pycparser.c_ast.TypeDecl) and
- isinstance(params[-1].type.type,
- pycparser.c_ast.IdentifierType) and
- params[-1].type.type.names == ['__dotdotdot__'])
- if ellipsis:
- params.pop()
- if not params:
- raise CDefError(
- "%s: a function with only '(...)' as argument"
- " is not correct C" % (funcname or 'in expression'))
- args = [self._as_func_arg(*self._get_type_and_quals(argdeclnode.type))
- for argdeclnode in params]
- if not ellipsis and args == [model.void_type]:
- args = []
- result, quals = self._get_type_and_quals(typenode.type)
- abi = None
- if hasattr(typenode.type, 'quals'):
- if typenode.type.quals[-3:] == ['volatile', 'volatile', 'const']:
- abi = '__stdcall'
- return model.RawFunctionType(tuple(args), result, ellipsis, abi)
- def _as_func_arg(self, type, quals):
- if isinstance(type, model.ArrayType):
- return model.PointerType(type.item, quals)
- elif isinstance(type, model.RawFunctionType):
- return type.as_function_pointer()
- else:
- return type
- def _get_struct_union_enum_type(self, kind, type, name=None, nested=False):
- try:
- return self._structnode2type[type]
- except KeyError:
- pass
- force_name = name
- name = type.name
- if name is None:
- if force_name is not None:
- explicit_name = '$%s' % force_name
- else:
- self._anonymous_counter += 1
- explicit_name = '$%d' % self._anonymous_counter
- tp = None
- else:
- explicit_name = name
- key = '%s %s' % (kind, name)
- tp, _ = self._declarations.get(key, (None, None))
- if tp is None:
- if kind == 'struct':
- tp = model.StructType(explicit_name, None, None, None)
- elif kind == 'union':
- tp = model.UnionType(explicit_name, None, None, None)
- elif kind == 'enum':
- if explicit_name == '__dotdotdot__':
- raise CDefError("Enums cannot be declared with ...")
- tp = self._build_enum_type(explicit_name, type.values)
- else:
- raise AssertionError("kind = %r" % (kind,))
- if name is not None:
- self._declare(key, tp)
- else:
- if kind == 'enum' and type.values is not None:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- "enum %s: the '{}' declaration should appear on the first "
- "time the enum is mentioned, not later" % explicit_name)
- if not tp.forcename:
- tp.force_the_name(force_name)
- if tp.forcename and '$' in tp.name:
- self._declare('anonymous %s' % tp.forcename, tp)
- self._structnode2type[type] = tp
- if kind == 'enum':
- return tp
- if type.decls is None:
- return tp
- if tp.fldnames is not None:
- raise CDefError("duplicate declaration of struct %s" % name)
- fldnames = []
- fldtypes = []
- fldbitsize = []
- fldquals = []
- for decl in type.decls:
- if (isinstance(decl.type, pycparser.c_ast.IdentifierType) and
- ''.join(decl.type.names) == '__dotdotdot__'):
- self._make_partial(tp, nested)
- continue
- if decl.bitsize is None:
- bitsize = -1
- else:
- bitsize = self._parse_constant(decl.bitsize)
- self._partial_length = False
- type, fqual = self._get_type_and_quals(decl.type,
- partial_length_ok=True)
- if self._partial_length:
- self._make_partial(tp, nested)
- if isinstance(type, model.StructType) and type.partial:
- self._make_partial(tp, nested)
- fldnames.append(decl.name or '')
- fldtypes.append(type)
- fldbitsize.append(bitsize)
- fldquals.append(fqual)
- tp.fldnames = tuple(fldnames)
- tp.fldtypes = tuple(fldtypes)
- tp.fldbitsize = tuple(fldbitsize)
- tp.fldquals = tuple(fldquals)
- if fldbitsize != [-1] * len(fldbitsize):
- if isinstance(tp, model.StructType) and tp.partial:
- raise NotImplementedError("%s: using both bitfields and '...;'"
- % (tp,))
- tp.packed = self._options.get('packed')
- if tp.completed:
- tp.completed = 0
- self._recomplete.append(tp)
- return tp
- def _make_partial(self, tp, nested):
- if not isinstance(tp, model.StructOrUnion):
- raise CDefError("%s cannot be partial" % (tp,))
- if not tp.has_c_name() and not nested:
- raise NotImplementedError("%s is partial but has no C name" %(tp,))
- tp.partial = True
- def _parse_constant(self, exprnode, partial_length_ok=False):
- if isinstance(exprnode, pycparser.c_ast.Constant):
- s = exprnode.value
- if '0' <= s[0] <= '9':
- s = s.rstrip('uUlL')
- try:
- if s.startswith('0'):
- return int(s, 8)
- else:
- return int(s, 10)
- except ValueError:
- if len(s) > 1:
- if s.lower()[0:2] == '0x':
- return int(s, 16)
- elif s.lower()[0:2] == '0b':
- return int(s, 2)
- raise CDefError("invalid constant %r" % (s,))
- elif s[0] == "'" and s[-1] == "'" and (
- len(s) == 3 or (len(s) == 4 and s[1] == "\\")):
- return ord(s[-2])
- else:
- raise CDefError("invalid constant %r" % (s,))
- if (isinstance(exprnode, pycparser.c_ast.UnaryOp) and
- exprnode.op == '+'):
- return self._parse_constant(exprnode.expr)
- if (isinstance(exprnode, pycparser.c_ast.UnaryOp) and
- exprnode.op == '-'):
- return -self._parse_constant(exprnode.expr)
- if (isinstance(exprnode, pycparser.c_ast.ID) and
- exprnode.name in self._int_constants):
- return self._int_constants[exprnode.name]
- if (isinstance(exprnode, pycparser.c_ast.ID) and
- exprnode.name == '__dotdotdotarray__'):
- if partial_length_ok:
- self._partial_length = True
- return '...'
- raise FFIError(":%d: unsupported '[...]' here, cannot derive "
- "the actual array length in this context"
- % exprnode.coord.line)
- if isinstance(exprnode, pycparser.c_ast.BinaryOp):
- left = self._parse_constant(exprnode.left)
- right = self._parse_constant(exprnode.right)
- if exprnode.op == '+':
- return left + right
- elif exprnode.op == '-':
- return left - right
- elif exprnode.op == '*':
- return left * right
- elif exprnode.op == '/':
- return self._c_div(left, right)
- elif exprnode.op == '%':
- return left - self._c_div(left, right) * right
- elif exprnode.op == '<<':
- return left << right
- elif exprnode.op == '>>':
- return left >> right
- elif exprnode.op == '&':
- return left & right
- elif exprnode.op == '|':
- return left | right
- elif exprnode.op == '^':
- return left ^ right
- raise FFIError(":%d: unsupported expression: expected a "
- "simple numeric constant" % exprnode.coord.line)
- def _c_div(self, a, b):
- result = a // b
- if ((a < 0) ^ (b < 0)) and (a % b) != 0:
- result += 1
- return result
- def _build_enum_type(self, explicit_name, decls):
- if decls is not None:
- partial = False
- enumerators = []
- enumvalues = []
- nextenumvalue = 0
- for enum in decls.enumerators:
- if _r_enum_dotdotdot.match(enum.name):
- partial = True
- continue
- if enum.value is not None:
- nextenumvalue = self._parse_constant(enum.value)
- enumerators.append(enum.name)
- enumvalues.append(nextenumvalue)
- self._add_constants(enum.name, nextenumvalue)
- nextenumvalue += 1
- enumerators = tuple(enumerators)
- enumvalues = tuple(enumvalues)
- tp = model.EnumType(explicit_name, enumerators, enumvalues)
- tp.partial = partial
- else:
- tp = model.EnumType(explicit_name, (), ())
- return tp
- def include(self, other):
- for name, (tp, quals) in other._declarations.items():
- if name.startswith('anonymous $enum_$'):
- continue
- kind = name.split(' ', 1)[0]
- if kind in ('struct', 'union', 'enum', 'anonymous', 'typedef'):
- self._declare(name, tp, included=True, quals=quals)
- for k, v in other._int_constants.items():
- self._add_constants(k, v)
- def _get_unknown_type(self, decl):
- typenames = decl.type.type.names
- if typenames == ['__dotdotdot__']:
- return model.unknown_type(decl.name)
- if typenames == ['__dotdotdotint__']:
- if self._uses_new_feature is None:
- self._uses_new_feature = "'typedef int... %s'" % decl.name
- return model.UnknownIntegerType(decl.name)
- if typenames == ['__dotdotdotfloat__']:
- if self._uses_new_feature is None:
- self._uses_new_feature = "'typedef float... %s'" % decl.name
- return model.UnknownFloatType(decl.name)
- raise FFIError(':%d: unsupported usage of "..." in typedef'
- % decl.coord.line)
- def _get_unknown_ptr_type(self, decl):
- if decl.type.type.type.names == ['__dotdotdot__']:
- return model.unknown_ptr_type(decl.name)
- raise FFIError(':%d: unsupported usage of "..." in typedef'
- % decl.coord.line)