ov5640_settings.h 8.0 KB

  1. #ifndef _OV5640_SETTINGS_H_
  2. #define _OV5640_SETTINGS_H_
  3. #include <stdint.h>
  4. #include <stdbool.h>
  5. #include "esp_attr.h"
  6. #include "ov5640_regs.h"
  7. static const ratio_settings_t ratio_table[] = {
  8. // mw, mh, sx, sy, ex, ey, ox, oy, tx, ty
  9. { 2560, 1920, 0, 0, 2623, 1951, 32, 16, 2844, 1968 }, //4x3
  10. { 2560, 1704, 0, 110, 2623, 1843, 32, 16, 2844, 1752 }, //3x2
  11. { 2560, 1600, 0, 160, 2623, 1791, 32, 16, 2844, 1648 }, //16x10
  12. { 2560, 1536, 0, 192, 2623, 1759, 32, 16, 2844, 1584 }, //5x3
  13. { 2560, 1440, 0, 240, 2623, 1711, 32, 16, 2844, 1488 }, //16x9
  14. { 2560, 1080, 0, 420, 2623, 1531, 32, 16, 2844, 1128 }, //21x9
  15. { 2400, 1920, 80, 0, 2543, 1951, 32, 16, 2684, 1968 }, //5x4
  16. { 1920, 1920, 320, 0, 2543, 1951, 32, 16, 2684, 1968 }, //1x1
  17. { 1088, 1920, 736, 0, 1887, 1951, 32, 16, 1884, 1968 } //9x16
  18. };
  19. #define REG_DLY 0xffff
  20. #define REGLIST_TAIL 0x0000
  21. static const DRAM_ATTR uint16_t sensor_default_regs[][2] = {
  22. {SYSTEM_CTROL0, 0x82}, // software reset
  23. {REG_DLY, 10}, // delay 10ms
  24. {SYSTEM_CTROL0, 0x42}, // power down
  25. //enable pll
  26. {0x3103, 0x13},
  27. //io direction
  28. {0x3017, 0xff},
  29. {0x3018, 0xff},
  30. {DRIVE_CAPABILITY, 0xc3},
  31. {CLOCK_POL_CONTROL, 0x21},
  32. {0x4713, 0x02},//jpg mode select
  33. {ISP_CONTROL_01, 0x83}, // turn color matrix, awb and SDE
  34. //sys reset
  35. {0x3000, 0x00},
  36. {0x3002, 0x1c},
  37. //clock enable
  38. {0x3004, 0xff},
  39. {0x3006, 0xc3},
  40. //isp control
  41. {0x5000, 0xa7},
  42. {ISP_CONTROL_01, 0xa3},//+scaling?
  43. {0x5003, 0x08},//special_effect
  44. //unknown
  45. {0x370c, 0x02},//!!IMPORTANT
  46. {0x3634, 0x40},//!!IMPORTANT
  47. //AEC/AGC
  48. {0x3a02, 0x03},
  49. {0x3a03, 0xd8},
  50. {0x3a08, 0x01},
  51. {0x3a09, 0x27},
  52. {0x3a0a, 0x00},
  53. {0x3a0b, 0xf6},
  54. {0x3a0d, 0x04},
  55. {0x3a0e, 0x03},
  56. {0x3a0f, 0x30},//ae_level
  57. {0x3a10, 0x28},//ae_level
  58. {0x3a11, 0x60},//ae_level
  59. {0x3a13, 0x43},
  60. {0x3a14, 0x03},
  61. {0x3a15, 0xd8},
  62. {0x3a18, 0x00},//gainceiling
  63. {0x3a19, 0xf8},//gainceiling
  64. {0x3a1b, 0x30},//ae_level
  65. {0x3a1e, 0x26},//ae_level
  66. {0x3a1f, 0x14},//ae_level
  67. //vcm debug
  68. {0x3600, 0x08},
  69. {0x3601, 0x33},
  70. //50/60Hz
  71. {0x3c01, 0xa4},
  72. {0x3c04, 0x28},
  73. {0x3c05, 0x98},
  74. {0x3c06, 0x00},
  75. {0x3c07, 0x08},
  76. {0x3c08, 0x00},
  77. {0x3c09, 0x1c},
  78. {0x3c0a, 0x9c},
  79. {0x3c0b, 0x40},
  80. {0x460c, 0x22},//disable jpeg footer
  81. //BLC
  82. {0x4001, 0x02},
  83. {0x4004, 0x02},
  84. //AWB
  85. {0x5180, 0xff},
  86. {0x5181, 0xf2},
  87. {0x5182, 0x00},
  88. {0x5183, 0x14},
  89. {0x5184, 0x25},
  90. {0x5185, 0x24},
  91. {0x5186, 0x09},
  92. {0x5187, 0x09},
  93. {0x5188, 0x09},
  94. {0x5189, 0x75},
  95. {0x518a, 0x54},
  96. {0x518b, 0xe0},
  97. {0x518c, 0xb2},
  98. {0x518d, 0x42},
  99. {0x518e, 0x3d},
  100. {0x518f, 0x56},
  101. {0x5190, 0x46},
  102. {0x5191, 0xf8},
  103. {0x5192, 0x04},
  104. {0x5193, 0x70},
  105. {0x5194, 0xf0},
  106. {0x5195, 0xf0},
  107. {0x5196, 0x03},
  108. {0x5197, 0x01},
  109. {0x5198, 0x04},
  110. {0x5199, 0x12},
  111. {0x519a, 0x04},
  112. {0x519b, 0x00},
  113. {0x519c, 0x06},
  114. {0x519d, 0x82},
  115. {0x519e, 0x38},
  116. //color matrix (Saturation)
  117. {0x5381, 0x1e},
  118. {0x5382, 0x5b},
  119. {0x5383, 0x08},
  120. {0x5384, 0x0a},
  121. {0x5385, 0x7e},
  122. {0x5386, 0x88},
  123. {0x5387, 0x7c},
  124. {0x5388, 0x6c},
  125. {0x5389, 0x10},
  126. {0x538a, 0x01},
  127. {0x538b, 0x98},
  128. //CIP control (Sharpness)
  129. {0x5300, 0x10},//sharpness
  130. {0x5301, 0x10},//sharpness
  131. {0x5302, 0x18},//sharpness
  132. {0x5303, 0x19},//sharpness
  133. {0x5304, 0x10},
  134. {0x5305, 0x10},
  135. {0x5306, 0x08},//denoise
  136. {0x5307, 0x16},
  137. {0x5308, 0x40},
  138. {0x5309, 0x10},//sharpness
  139. {0x530a, 0x10},//sharpness
  140. {0x530b, 0x04},//sharpness
  141. {0x530c, 0x06},//sharpness
  142. //GAMMA
  143. {0x5480, 0x01},
  144. {0x5481, 0x00},
  145. {0x5482, 0x1e},
  146. {0x5483, 0x3b},
  147. {0x5484, 0x58},
  148. {0x5485, 0x66},
  149. {0x5486, 0x71},
  150. {0x5487, 0x7d},
  151. {0x5488, 0x83},
  152. {0x5489, 0x8f},
  153. {0x548a, 0x98},
  154. {0x548b, 0xa6},
  155. {0x548c, 0xb8},
  156. {0x548d, 0xca},
  157. {0x548e, 0xd7},
  158. {0x548f, 0xe3},
  159. {0x5490, 0x1d},
  160. //Special Digital Effects (SDE) (UV adjust)
  161. {0x5580, 0x06},//enable brightness and contrast
  162. {0x5583, 0x40},//special_effect
  163. {0x5584, 0x10},//special_effect
  164. {0x5586, 0x20},//contrast
  165. {0x5587, 0x00},//brightness
  166. {0x5588, 0x00},//brightness
  167. {0x5589, 0x10},
  168. {0x558a, 0x00},
  169. {0x558b, 0xf8},
  170. {0x501d, 0x40},// enable manual offset of contrast
  171. //power on
  172. {0x3008, 0x02},
  173. //50Hz
  174. {0x3c00, 0x04},
  175. {REG_DLY, 300},
  176. {REGLIST_TAIL, 0x00}, // tail
  177. };
  178. static const DRAM_ATTR uint16_t sensor_fmt_jpeg[][2] = {
  179. {FORMAT_CTRL, 0x00}, // YUV422
  180. {FORMAT_CTRL00, 0x30}, // YUYV
  181. {0x3002, 0x00},//0x1c to 0x00 !!!
  182. {0x3006, 0xff},//0xc3 to 0xff !!!
  183. {0x471c, 0x50},//0xd0 to 0x50 !!!
  184. {REGLIST_TAIL, 0x00}, // tail
  185. };
  186. static const DRAM_ATTR uint16_t sensor_fmt_raw[][2] = {
  187. {FORMAT_CTRL, 0x03}, // RAW (DPC)
  188. {FORMAT_CTRL00, 0x00}, // RAW
  189. {REGLIST_TAIL, 0x00}
  190. };
  191. static const DRAM_ATTR uint16_t sensor_fmt_grayscale[][2] = {
  192. {FORMAT_CTRL, 0x00}, // YUV422
  193. {FORMAT_CTRL00, 0x10}, // Y8
  194. {REGLIST_TAIL, 0x00}
  195. };
  196. static const DRAM_ATTR uint16_t sensor_fmt_yuv422[][2] = {
  197. {FORMAT_CTRL, 0x00}, // YUV422
  198. {FORMAT_CTRL00, 0x30}, // YUYV
  199. {REGLIST_TAIL, 0x00}
  200. };
  201. static const DRAM_ATTR uint16_t sensor_fmt_rgb565[][2] = {
  202. {FORMAT_CTRL, 0x01}, // RGB
  203. {FORMAT_CTRL00, 0x61}, // RGB565 (BGR)
  204. {REGLIST_TAIL, 0x00}
  205. };
  206. static const DRAM_ATTR uint8_t sensor_saturation_levels[9][11] = {
  207. {0x1d, 0x60, 0x03, 0x07, 0x48, 0x4f, 0x4b, 0x40, 0x0b, 0x01, 0x98},//-4
  208. {0x1d, 0x60, 0x03, 0x08, 0x54, 0x5c, 0x58, 0x4b, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x98},//-3
  209. {0x1d, 0x60, 0x03, 0x0a, 0x60, 0x6a, 0x64, 0x56, 0x0e, 0x01, 0x98},//-2
  210. {0x1d, 0x60, 0x03, 0x0b, 0x6c, 0x77, 0x70, 0x60, 0x10, 0x01, 0x98},//-1
  211. {0x1d, 0x60, 0x03, 0x0c, 0x78, 0x84, 0x7d, 0x6b, 0x12, 0x01, 0x98},//0
  212. {0x1d, 0x60, 0x03, 0x0d, 0x84, 0x91, 0x8a, 0x76, 0x14, 0x01, 0x98},//+1
  213. {0x1d, 0x60, 0x03, 0x0e, 0x90, 0x9e, 0x96, 0x80, 0x16, 0x01, 0x98},//+2
  214. {0x1d, 0x60, 0x03, 0x10, 0x9c, 0xac, 0xa2, 0x8b, 0x17, 0x01, 0x98},//+3
  215. {0x1d, 0x60, 0x03, 0x11, 0xa8, 0xb9, 0xaf, 0x96, 0x19, 0x01, 0x98},//+4
  216. };
  217. static const DRAM_ATTR uint8_t sensor_special_effects[7][4] = {
  218. {0x06, 0x40, 0x2c, 0x08},//Normal
  219. {0x46, 0x40, 0x28, 0x08},//Negative
  220. {0x1e, 0x80, 0x80, 0x08},//Grayscale
  221. {0x1e, 0x80, 0xc0, 0x08},//Red Tint
  222. {0x1e, 0x60, 0x60, 0x08},//Green Tint
  223. {0x1e, 0xa0, 0x40, 0x08},//Blue Tint
  224. {0x1e, 0x40, 0xa0, 0x08},//Sepia
  225. };
  226. static const DRAM_ATTR uint16_t sensor_regs_gamma0[][2] = {
  227. {0x5480, 0x01},
  228. {0x5481, 0x08},
  229. {0x5482, 0x14},
  230. {0x5483, 0x28},
  231. {0x5484, 0x51},
  232. {0x5485, 0x65},
  233. {0x5486, 0x71},
  234. {0x5487, 0x7d},
  235. {0x5488, 0x87},
  236. {0x5489, 0x91},
  237. {0x548a, 0x9a},
  238. {0x548b, 0xaa},
  239. {0x548c, 0xb8},
  240. {0x548d, 0xcd},
  241. {0x548e, 0xdd},
  242. {0x548f, 0xea},
  243. {0x5490, 0x1d}
  244. };
  245. static const DRAM_ATTR uint16_t sensor_regs_gamma1[][2] = {
  246. {0x5480, 0x1},
  247. {0x5481, 0x0},
  248. {0x5482, 0x1e},
  249. {0x5483, 0x3b},
  250. {0x5484, 0x58},
  251. {0x5485, 0x66},
  252. {0x5486, 0x71},
  253. {0x5487, 0x7d},
  254. {0x5488, 0x83},
  255. {0x5489, 0x8f},
  256. {0x548a, 0x98},
  257. {0x548b, 0xa6},
  258. {0x548c, 0xb8},
  259. {0x548d, 0xca},
  260. {0x548e, 0xd7},
  261. {0x548f, 0xe3},
  262. {0x5490, 0x1d}
  263. };
  264. static const DRAM_ATTR uint16_t sensor_regs_awb0[][2] = {
  265. {0x5180, 0xff},
  266. {0x5181, 0xf2},
  267. {0x5182, 0x00},
  268. {0x5183, 0x14},
  269. {0x5184, 0x25},
  270. {0x5185, 0x24},
  271. {0x5186, 0x09},
  272. {0x5187, 0x09},
  273. {0x5188, 0x09},
  274. {0x5189, 0x75},
  275. {0x518a, 0x54},
  276. {0x518b, 0xe0},
  277. {0x518c, 0xb2},
  278. {0x518d, 0x42},
  279. {0x518e, 0x3d},
  280. {0x518f, 0x56},
  281. {0x5190, 0x46},
  282. {0x5191, 0xf8},
  283. {0x5192, 0x04},
  284. {0x5193, 0x70},
  285. {0x5194, 0xf0},
  286. {0x5195, 0xf0},
  287. {0x5196, 0x03},
  288. {0x5197, 0x01},
  289. {0x5198, 0x04},
  290. {0x5199, 0x12},
  291. {0x519a, 0x04},
  292. {0x519b, 0x00},
  293. {0x519c, 0x06},
  294. {0x519d, 0x82},
  295. {0x519e, 0x38}
  296. };
  297. #endif