/** * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2018 Infineon Technologies AG * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE * * * \file * * \brief This file implements the command library. * * \addtogroup grCmdLib * @{ */ #include #include "optiga/common/Util.h" #include "optiga/cmd/CommandLib.h" #include "optiga/common/MemoryMgmt.h" #ifdef USE_CMDLIB_WITH_RTOS #include "optiga/pal/pal_os_timer.h" #endif /// @cond hidden static optiga_comms_t* p_optiga_comms; ///Maximum size of buffer, considering Maximum size of arbitrary data (1500) and header bytes #define MAX_APDU_BUFF_LEN 1558 ///Get Data Parameter #define PARAM_GET_DATA 0x00 ///Get Meta Data Parameter #define PARAM_GET_METADATA 0x01 ///Set Data Parameter #define PARAM_SET_DATA 0x00 ///Set Meta Data Parameter #define PARAM_SET_METADATA 0x01 ///Erase and Write Parameter #define PARAM_SET_DATA_ERASE 0x40 ///ECDSA Set Auth message #define PARAM_SET_AUTH_MSG 0x01 ///ECDSA Get Auth message #define PARAM_GET_AUTH_MSG 0x02 ///Encrypt Data #define PARAM_ENC_DATA 0x61 ///Decrypt Data #define PARAM_DEC_DATA 0x51 ///Number of bytes in CMD #define BYTES_CMD 0x01 ///Number of bytes in PARAM #define BYTES_PARAM 0x01 ///Number of bytes in LEN #define BYTES_LENGTH 0x02 ///Number of bytes in Sequence #define BYTES_SEQ 0x01 ///Number of bytes in OID #define BYTES_OID 0x02 ///Number of bytes in OFFSET #define BYTES_OFFSET 0x02 ///Offset of status in the response APDU #define OFFSET_RESP_STATUS 0x00 ///Offset of CMD byte #define OFFSET_CMD (0x00) ///Offset of PARAM byte #define OFFSET_PARAM (OFFSET_CMD + BYTES_CMD) ///Offset of LEN byte #define OFFSET_LENGTH (OFFSET_PARAM + BYTES_PARAM) ///Offset of PAYLOAD #define OFFSET_PAYLOAD (OFFSET_LENGTH + BYTES_LENGTH) ///Offset of TAG #define TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET 0x01 ///Offset of TAG + LEN #define TAG_VALUE_OFFSET 0x03 ///Cmd of Get Data Object #define CMD_GETDATA 0x01 ///Cmd of Set Data Object #define CMD_SETDATA 0x02 ///Cmd of Set Auth Scheme #define CMD_SETAUTH_SCM 0x10 ///Cmd of Set Auth Data #define CMD_SETAUTH_MSG 0x19 ///Cmd of Get Auth Data #define CMD_GETAUTH_MSG 0x18 ///Cmd of Get Random #define CMD_GET_RND 0x0C ///Cmd of Open Application #define CMD_OPEN_APP 0x70 ///Cmd for ProcUplinkMsg #define CMD_GETMSG 0x1A ///Cmd for ProcDownlinkMsg #define CMD_PUTMSG 0x1B ///Cmd for Encrypt Data #define CMD_ENCDATA CMD_GETMSG ///Cmd for Decrypt Data #define CMD_DECDATA CMD_PUTMSG ///Cmd for CalcHash #define CMD_CALCHASH 0x30 ///Cmd for VerifySign #define CMD_VERIFYSIGN 0x32 ///Cmd for GenKeyPair #define CMD_GENERATE_KEY_PAIR 0x38 ///Cmd for CalcSign #define CMD_CALC_SIGN 0x31 ///Cmd for CalcSSec #define CMD_CALC_SHARED_SEC 0x33 ///Cmd for DeriveKey #define CMD_DERIVE_KEY 0x34 ///Payload length of Get Data #define LEN_PL_OIDDATA 0x06 ///Payload length of OID #define LEN_PL_OID 0x02 ///Oid of error object #define OID_ERROR 0xF1C2 ///Cmd with MSB set #define CMD_CODE_MSB_SET 0x80 /// Unique application identifier #define UNIQUE_APP_IDENTIFIER 0xD2, 0x76, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x47, 0x65, 0x6E, 0x41, 0x75, 0x74, 0x68, 0x41, 0x70, 0x70, 0x6C ///Session ID Lower value #define SESSION_ID_LOWER_VALUE 0xE100 ///Session ID Higher value #define SESSION_ID_HIGHER_VALUE 0xE103 ///Tag for unprotected Message in the response data #define TAG_UNPROTECTED 0x60 ///Tag for protected Message in the response data #define TAG_PROTECTED 0x50 ///Mask the higher nibble #define MASK_HIGHER_NIBBLE 0xF0 ///Mask the higher nibble #define MASK_LOWER_NIBBLE 0x0F ///Offset of tag byte #define OFFSET_TAG (OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SESSIONID) ///Offset of Tag Length byte #define OFFSET_TAG_LEN (OFFSET_TAG + 1) ///Offset of Tag data #define OFFSET_TAG_DATA (OFFSET_TAG_LEN + BYTES_LENGTH) ///GMT Unix time tag #define TAG_GMTUNIX_TIME 0x31 ///Number of bytes of GMT time #define BYTES_GMT_TIME 0x04 ///Certificate OID tag #define TAG_CERTIFICATE_OID 0x32 ///Invalid value for Max size of comms buffer #define INVALID_MAX_COMMS_BUFF_SIZE 0xFFFF ///Tag for digest #define TAG_DIGEST 0x01 ///Tag for signature #define TAG_SIGNATURE 0x02 ///Tag for public key oid #define TAG_PUB_KEY_OID 0x04 ///Tag for algorithm identifier #define TAG_ALGO_IDENTIFIER 0x05 ///Tag for private key OID #define TAG_OID 0x01 ///Tag for key usage identifier #define TAG_KEY_USAGE_IDENTIFIER 0x02 ///Tag for OID of signature key #define TAG_OID_SIG_KEY 0x03 ///Tag for seed #define TAG_SEED 0x02 /// Length for OID of signature key #define LEN_OID_SIG_KEY 0x0002 ///Len for algorithm identifier #define LEN_KEY_USAGE_IDENTIFIER 0x0001 ///Tag for export key pair #define TAG_EXPORT_KEY_PAIR 0x07 ///Len for private key oid #define LEN_PRI_KEY 0x0002 ///Len for Shared Secret oid #define LEN_SHARED_SECRET_OID 0x0002 ///Len for exported key pair #define LEN_EXPORT_KEY_PAIR 0x0000 ///Tag for public key #define TAG_PUB_KEY 0x06 ///Len for public key oid #define LEN_PUB_KEY 0x0002 ///Len for algorithm identifier #define LEN_ALGO_IDENTIFIER 0x0001 ///Error in security chip indicating data out of boundary #define ERR_DATA_OUT_OF_BOUND 0x00000008 //Maximum size of the communication buffer /*lint --e{552} suppress "Temporary" */ uint16_t wMaxCommsBuffer = INVALID_MAX_COMMS_BUFF_SIZE; //Finds minimum amongst the given 2 value #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) ((a **/ #define INIT_STACK_APDUBUFFER(pbBuffer,wLen)\ { \ /*lint --e{733,830} suppress "Used only within Command Lib Block" */\ uint8_t rgbAPDUBuffer[wLen]; \ pbBuffer = rgbAPDUBuffer; \ } /** * Initializes the APDU buffer in heap.
**/ #define INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(pbBuffer,wLen) \ { \ if(INVALID_MAX_COMMS_BUFF_SIZE == wMaxCommsBuffer) \ { \ i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR; \ break; \ } \ pbBuffer = (uint8_t*)OCP_MALLOC(wLen); \ if(NULL == pbBuffer) \ { \ i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; \ break; \ } \ } \ /** * Frees the heap memory.
**/ #define FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(pbBuffer) \ { \ if(NULL != pbBuffer) \ { \ OCP_FREE(pbBuffer); \ pbBuffer = NULL; \ } \ } //Hash info details for Hash algorithm const sHashinfo_d sHashInfo[1]= { {eSHA256, SHA256_HASH_LEN, CALC_HASH_SHA256_CONTEXT_SIZE} }; /** * \brief Structure to specify algorithm identifier and key length. */ typedef struct sAlgoinfo { ///Algorithm type eAlgId_d eAlgKeyId; ///Key Length uint8_t bKeyLen; }sAlgoInfo_d; //Algorithm identifier const sAlgoInfo_d sAlgoInfo[2]= { {eECC_NIST_P256, ECC_NIST_P_256_KEY_LEN}, {eECC_NIST_P384, ECC_NIST_P_384_KEY_LEN} }; /** * \brief Structure to specify GetDataObject command parameters. */ typedef struct sApduData_d { ///Cmd of the APDU uint8_t bCmd; ///Param of APDU uint8_t bParam; ///Payload length uint16_t wPayloadLength; //Payload Data uint8_t* prgbAPDUBuffer; //Response Data uint8_t* prgbRespBuffer; //Response Length uint16_t wResponseLength; }sApduData_d; /** * \brief Enumeration to specify the sequence of message/record. */ //lint --e{749} suppress "Added for future use" typedef enum eFragSeq_d { ///Start eStart = 0x00, ///Final eFinal = 0x01, ///Intermediate eContinue = 0x02 }eFragSeq_d; volatile static host_lib_status_t optiga_comms_status; //lint --e{715, 818} suppress "This is ignored as app_event_handler_t handler function prototype requires this argument.This will be used for object based implementation" static void optiga_comms_event_handler(void* upper_layer_ctx, host_lib_status_t event) { optiga_comms_status = event; } /** * * Gets the device error code by reading the Error code object id.
* If there is an internal error in function, then #CMD_DEV_ERROR is returned.
* Otherwise,the device error code is ORed with #CMD_DEV_ERROR and returned.
* * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR * */ _STATIC_H int32_t CmdLib_GetDeviceError(void) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_DEV_ERROR; uint8_t rgbErrorCmd[] = {CMD_GETDATA,0x00,0x00,0x02,(uint8_t)(OID_ERROR>>8),(uint8_t)OID_ERROR}; uint16_t wBufferLength = sizeof(rgbErrorCmd); do { p_optiga_comms->upper_layer_handler = optiga_comms_event_handler; optiga_comms_status = OPTIGA_COMMS_BUSY; i4Status = optiga_comms_transceive(p_optiga_comms,rgbErrorCmd,&wBufferLength, rgbErrorCmd,&wBufferLength); if(OPTIGA_COMMS_SUCCESS != i4Status) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR; break; } //wait for completion while(optiga_comms_status == OPTIGA_COMMS_BUSY){ #ifdef USE_CMDLIB_WITH_RTOS pal_os_timer_delay_in_milliseconds(1); #endif }; if(optiga_comms_status != OPTIGA_COMMS_SUCCESS) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR; break; } if(0 == rgbErrorCmd[OFFSET_RESP_STATUS]) { //If response Header i4Status = (int32_t)(CMD_DEV_ERROR | rgbErrorCmd[OFFSET_PAYLOAD]); } else { //In this case, execution error is returned. i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR; } }while(FALSE); return i4Status; } /** * \brief Formats data as per Security Chip application and send using the communication functions. */ _STATIC_H int32_t TransceiveAPDU(sApduData_d *PpsApduData,uint8_t bGetError) { //lint --e{818} suppress "PpsResponse is out parameter" int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint16_t wTotalLength; do { if(NULL == PpsApduData || NULL == p_optiga_comms) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } PpsApduData->prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_CMD] = PpsApduData->bCmd; PpsApduData->prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PARAM] = PpsApduData->bParam; //copy length PpsApduData->prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_LENGTH] = (uint8_t)(PpsApduData->wPayloadLength >> BITS_PER_BYTE); PpsApduData->prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_LENGTH+1] = (uint8_t)PpsApduData->wPayloadLength; //update total length to consider total header length wTotalLength = PpsApduData->wPayloadLength + LEN_APDUHEADER; p_optiga_comms->upper_layer_handler = optiga_comms_event_handler; optiga_comms_status = OPTIGA_COMMS_BUSY; i4Status = optiga_comms_transceive(p_optiga_comms,PpsApduData->prgbAPDUBuffer,&wTotalLength, PpsApduData->prgbRespBuffer,&PpsApduData->wResponseLength); if(OPTIGA_COMMS_SUCCESS != i4Status) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR; break; } //wait for completion do { #ifdef USE_CMDLIB_WITH_RTOS pal_os_timer_delay_in_milliseconds(1); #endif }while(optiga_comms_status == OPTIGA_COMMS_BUSY); if(optiga_comms_status != OPTIGA_COMMS_SUCCESS) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR; break; } //return device error if not success if(0 != PpsApduData->prgbRespBuffer[OFFSET_RESP_STATUS]) { if(TRUE == bGetError) { i4Status = CmdLib_GetDeviceError(); } else { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; } break; } i4Status = CMD_LIB_OK; }while(FALSE); return i4Status; } /** * \brief Read the maximum size of communication buffer supported by the security chip by reading "Max comms buffer size" OID. */ _STATIC_H int32_t GetMaxCommsBuffer() { #define GETDATA_MAX_COMMS_SIZE 10 #define OID_MAX_COMMS_SIZE 0xE0C6 int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; sApduData_d sApduData; do { INIT_STACK_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,GETDATA_MAX_COMMS_SIZE); //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; //Set the CMD sApduData.bCmd = CMD_GETDATA; sApduData.bParam = PARAM_GET_DATA; sApduData.wPayloadLength = LEN_PL_OID; sApduData.wResponseLength = GETDATA_MAX_COMMS_SIZE; //copy OID sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = (uint8_t)(OID_MAX_COMMS_SIZE >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD +1] = (uint8_t)OID_MAX_COMMS_SIZE; i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } //Assign value to MaxCommsBuffer wMaxCommsBuffer = (uint16_t )((sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[LEN_APDUHEADER] << 8) | (sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[LEN_APDUHEADER+1])); }while(FALSE); #undef GETDATA_MAX_COMMS_SIZE #undef OID_MAX_COMMS_SIZE return i4Status; } #ifdef MODULE_ENABLE_DTLS_MUTUAL_AUTH /** * \brief A common function for CmdLib_Encrypt and CmdLib_Decrypt. * */ _STATIC_H int32_t CmdLib_EncDecHelper(sProcCryptoData_d *PpsCryptoVector, uint8_t PbCmd, uint8_t PbParam); /** * A common function for CmdLib_Encrypt and CmdLib_Decrypt.
* Forms the APDU required for encryption/decryption and sends to the security chip for processing.
* * \param[in,out] PpsCryptoVector Pointer to structure containing Ciphertext and Plaintext * \param[in] bCmd ProcUplink or ProcDownlink * \param[in] bParam Parameter to Encrypt/Decrypt data * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_SESSIONID * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_LEN * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM */ _STATIC_H int32_t CmdLib_EncDecHelper(sProcCryptoData_d *PpsCryptoVector, uint8_t PbCmd, uint8_t PbParam) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint16_t wRespLen; uint16_t wDataRemaining; uint16_t wMaxDataLen; uint16_t wTotalEncDecLen =0; uint16_t wOffset = ADDITIONALBYTES_ENCDEC; uint16_t wMaxPlaintText; uint8_t bFragSeq ; uint8_t bSendTag,bRecvTag; uint8_t *pbResponse; uint8_t bGetError = TRUE; sApduData_d sApduData; do { //NULL checks if((NULL == PpsCryptoVector) || (NULL == PpsCryptoVector->sInData.prgbStream) || (NULL == PpsCryptoVector->sOutData.prgbBuffer)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } //Verify the Session OID reference if((SESSION_ID_LOWER_VALUE > PpsCryptoVector->wSessionKeyOID) || (SESSION_ID_HIGHER_VALUE < PpsCryptoVector->wSessionKeyOID)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_SESSIONID; break; } if((0 == PpsCryptoVector->wInDataLength) || (PpsCryptoVector->sInData.wLen < (PpsCryptoVector->wInDataLength + OVERHEAD_UPDOWNLINK))) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_LEN; break; } //Check if plaintext length is more than the size of the out buffer if(PpsCryptoVector->wInDataLength > PpsCryptoVector->sOutData.wBufferLength) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } PpsCryptoVector->sOutData.wRespLength = 0; //Assign cmd,param sApduData.bCmd = PbCmd; sApduData.bParam = PbParam; wMaxPlaintText = wMaxCommsBuffer - OVERHEAD_UPDOWNLINK; //Data that is yet to be encrypted/decrypted wDataRemaining = PpsCryptoVector->wInDataLength; //Set the fragment sequence to start bFragSeq = (wDataRemaining>wMaxPlaintText)?(uint8_t)eStart:(uint8_t)eFinal; //Assign send or receive Tag if(PARAM_ENC_DATA == PbParam) { bSendTag = TAG_UNPROTECTED; bRecvTag = TAG_PROTECTED; } else { bSendTag= TAG_PROTECTED; bRecvTag = TAG_UNPROTECTED; bGetError = FALSE; } pbResponse = PpsCryptoVector->sOutData.prgbBuffer; while(wDataRemaining !=0) { //Maximum data that can be sent to chip in one APDU wMaxDataLen = (wDataRemaining>wMaxPlaintText)?wMaxPlaintText:wDataRemaining; //Assign InData memory pointer to the APDU Buffer in the Apdu structure sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer = PpsCryptoVector->sInData.prgbStream + wOffset; //Form data and assign to apdu structure //Total payload length is Session ID Length + bytes for tag encoding + data sApduData.wPayloadLength = BYTES_SESSIONID + LEN_TAG_ENCODING + wMaxDataLen; //Add the session ID to the buffer sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = (uint8_t)(PpsCryptoVector->wSessionKeyOID >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + 1] = (uint8_t)PpsCryptoVector->wSessionKeyOID; //Add the encoding tag to the buffer sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG] = (bSendTag | bFragSeq); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG_LEN] = (uint8_t)(wMaxDataLen >> 8); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG_LEN + 1] = (uint8_t)wMaxDataLen; //Payload data should already be present in input buffer as per documentation sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = pbResponse; sApduData.wResponseLength = PpsCryptoVector->sOutData.wBufferLength - wTotalEncDecLen; //Now Transmit data i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,bGetError); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { if(PARAM_DEC_DATA == PbParam) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_DECRYPT_FAILURE; } break; } //Remove 4 byte apdu header + tag encoding sApduData.wResponseLength -= OVERHEAD_ENCDEC_RESPONSE; //Sequence of flag for start,continue or final should be same that was sent if((bRecvTag|bFragSeq) != (*(sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + LEN_APDUHEADER))) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_TAG; break; } //Extract the tag length field to get enc data length wRespLen = Utility_GetUint16(sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + LEN_APDUHEADER + 1); //Length validation for response length with the tag length if(sApduData.wResponseLength != wRespLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_TAGLEN; break; } //Copy the data to output data buffer Utility_Memmove(pbResponse,sApduData.prgbRespBuffer+(LEN_APDUHEADER + LEN_TAG_ENCODING),wRespLen); wTotalEncDecLen += wRespLen; pbResponse += wRespLen; //Data remaining to encrypt wDataRemaining -= wMaxDataLen; //Since using the buffer provided by user, using offset to form next APDU command wOffset += wMaxDataLen; //If last fragment then make flag final else let it continue bFragSeq = (wDataRemaining>wMaxPlaintText)?(uint8_t)eContinue:(uint8_t)eFinal; } //Update on success only if(CMD_LIB_OK == i4Status) { PpsCryptoVector->sOutData.wRespLength = wTotalEncDecLen; } }while(FALSE); return i4Status; } #endif /* MODULE_ENABLE_DTLS_MUTUAL_AUTH*/ #ifdef MODULE_ENABLE_TOOLBOX /** * This function returns Hash Algorithm information such as Hash output length, Hash context data. * * \param[in] PeHashAlgo Hash Algorithm type * \param[in,out] PpsHashinfo Pointer to a structure containing Hash algorithm information * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR */ _STATIC_H int32_t Get_HashInfo(eHashAlg_d PeHashAlgo, const sHashinfo_d** PppsHashinfo ) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint8_t bCount; //Search the table for the given session key id for(bCount= 0;bCount<(sizeof(sHashInfo)/sizeof(sHashinfo_d));bCount++) { if(PeHashAlgo == sHashInfo[bCount].eHashAlgo) { *PppsHashinfo = &sHashInfo[bCount]; i4Status = (int32_t) CMD_LIB_OK; break; } } return i4Status; } /** * This function returns key size based on the algorithm. * * \param[in] PeAlgoIden Algorithm identifier type * \param[in,out] PpsAlgoinfo Pointer to a structure containing key size of algorithm identifier * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR */ _STATIC_H int32_t Get_KeySize(eAlgId_d PeAlgoIden,uint8_t* pbKeySize ) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint8_t bCount; //Search the table for the given session key id for(bCount= 0;bCount<(sizeof(sAlgoInfo)/sizeof(sAlgoInfo_d));bCount++) { if(PeAlgoIden == sAlgoInfo[bCount].eAlgKeyId) { *pbKeySize = sAlgoInfo[bCount].bKeyLen; i4Status = (int32_t) CMD_LIB_OK; break; } } return i4Status; } #endif/*MODULE_ENABLE_TOOLBOX*/ /// @endcond /** * Sets the OPTIGA Comms context provided by user application in the command libary. * *
* \param[in] p_input_optiga_comms Pointer to OPTIGA comms context * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR */ void CmdLib_SetOptigaCommsContext(const optiga_comms_t *p_input_optiga_comms) { p_optiga_comms = (optiga_comms_t*)p_input_optiga_comms; } /** * Opens the Security Chip Application. The Unique Application Identifier is used internally by * the function while forming a command APDU. * *\param[in] PpsOpenApp Pointer to a structure #sOpenApp_d containing inputs for opening application on security chip * * Notes: * - This function must be mandatorily invoked before starting any interactions with security Chip after the reset. * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM */ int32_t CmdLib_OpenApplication(const sOpenApp_d* PpsOpenApp) { /// @cond hidden #define OPEN_APDU_BUF_LEN 25 /// @endcond int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint8_t rgbUID[] = {UNIQUE_APP_IDENTIFIER}; sApduData_d sApduData; do { INIT_STACK_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,OPEN_APDU_BUF_LEN); if(NULL == PpsOpenApp) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } //Validate option for opening application if(eInit != PpsOpenApp->eOpenType) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM; break; } //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; //Open application command with MSB set to flush the last error code sApduData.bCmd = CMD_OPEN_APP | CMD_CODE_MSB_SET ; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsOpenApp->eOpenType; sApduData.wPayloadLength = sizeof(rgbUID); sApduData.wResponseLength = OPEN_APDU_BUF_LEN; OCP_MEMCPY(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer+OFFSET_PAYLOAD, rgbUID, sizeof(rgbUID)); i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,FALSE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } //Read Max comms buffer size if not already read if(INVALID_MAX_COMMS_BUFF_SIZE == wMaxCommsBuffer) { //Get Maximum Comms buffer size i4Status = GetMaxCommsBuffer(); } }while(FALSE); /// @cond hidden #undef OPEN_APDU_BUF_LEN /// @endcond return i4Status; } #ifdef MODULE_ENABLE_READ_WRITE /** * Reads data or metadata of the specified data object by issuing GetDataObject command based on input parameters. * *
* Notes: * - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API.
* - The function does not verify if the read access is permitted for the data object.
* *\param[in] PpsGDVector Pointer to Get Data Object inputs *\param[in,out] PpsResponse Pointer to Response structure * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_LENZERO_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM */ int32_t CmdLib_GetDataObject(const sGetData_d *PpsGDVector, sCmdResponse_d *PpsResponse) { /// @cond hidden #define ALLOCATE_ADDITIONAL_BYTES 6 // hdr(4) + oid(2) /// @endcond //lint --e{818} suppress "PpsResponse is out parameter" int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint16_t wTotalRecvLen = 0; uint16_t wReadLen = 0; uint16_t wOffset = 0; sApduData_d sApduData; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer = NULL; do { //To use stack memory for APDU buffer, define STACK_ALLOC macro locally and else heap memory is used #ifdef STACK_ALLOC #error "Implement the inilization of stack memory for the required buffer" //INIT_STACK_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer, wLen); //wLen to be replaced with the required const length #else INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,wMaxCommsBuffer + ALLOCATE_ADDITIONAL_BYTES); #endif if((NULL == PpsGDVector)||(NULL == PpsResponse)||(NULL == PpsResponse->prgbBuffer)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } if(0x00 == PpsResponse->wBufferLength) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_LENZERO_ERROR; break; } //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer+ALLOCATE_ADDITIONAL_BYTES; sApduData.bCmd = CMD_GETDATA; //copy OID sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = (uint8_t)(PpsGDVector->wOID >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD +1] = (uint8_t)PpsGDVector->wOID; //set param, payload length and offset ,if reading data if(eDATA == PpsGDVector->eDataOrMdata) { sApduData.bParam = PARAM_GET_DATA; sApduData.wPayloadLength = LEN_PL_OIDDATA; wOffset = PpsGDVector->wOffset; } //set param and payload length ,if reading metadata else if(eMETA_DATA == PpsGDVector->eDataOrMdata) { sApduData.bParam = PARAM_GET_METADATA; sApduData.wPayloadLength = LEN_PL_OID; } else { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM; break; } do { if(eDATA == PpsGDVector->eDataOrMdata) { sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_OID] = (uint8_t)(wOffset >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_OID +1] = (uint8_t)wOffset; //copy read length wReadLen = MIN((wMaxCommsBuffer-LEN_APDUHEADER),(PpsGDVector->wLength-wTotalRecvLen)); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_OID + BYTES_OFFSET] = (uint8_t)(wReadLen >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_OID + BYTES_OFFSET +1] = (uint8_t)wReadLen; } sApduData.wResponseLength = wMaxCommsBuffer; i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } //strip 4 byte apdu header sApduData.wResponseLength -= LEN_APDUHEADER; //Copy read data if(((PpsResponse->wBufferLength-wTotalRecvLen) < sApduData.wResponseLength)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } OCP_MEMCPY(PpsResponse->prgbBuffer+wTotalRecvLen,sApduData.prgbRespBuffer+LEN_APDUHEADER,sApduData.wResponseLength); //Update total received data wTotalRecvLen += sApduData.wResponseLength; //increment the offset to get data from wOffset += sApduData.wResponseLength; //If requested data is read if(wTotalRecvLen == PpsGDVector->wLength) { break; } //continue, if total requested data not yet received and more data available for reading }while(wReadLen == sApduData.wResponseLength); if((CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status)&&((wTotalRecvLen == 0)|| (ERR_DATA_OUT_OF_BOUND != (i4Status^(int32_t)CMD_DEV_ERROR)))) { //Clear existing data OCP_MEMSET(PpsResponse->prgbBuffer,0,wTotalRecvLen); PpsResponse->wRespLength = 0; break; } PpsResponse->wRespLength = wTotalRecvLen; i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_OK; }while(FALSE); #ifndef STACK_ALLOC FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); #else #undef STACK_ALLOC #endif ///@cond hidden #undef ALLOCATE_ADDITIONAL_BYTES ///@endcond return i4Status; } /** * Writes data or metadata to the specified data object by issuing SetDataObject command based on input parameters. * *
* Notes:
* - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API.
* * - The function does not verify if the write access permitted for the data object. * * - While writing metadata, the metadata must be specified in an already TLV encoded * byte array format. For example, to set LcsO to operational the value passed by * the user must be 0x20 0x03 0xC0, 0x01, 0x07.
* * - The function does not validate if the provided input data bytes are correctly * formatted. For example, while setting LcsO to operational, function does not * verify if the value is indeed 0x07.
* * - In case of failure,it is possible that partial data is written into the data object.
* In such a case, the user should decide if the data has to be re-written. * *\param[in] PpsSDVector Pointer to Set Data Object inputs * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM */ int32_t CmdLib_SetDataObject(const sSetData_d *PpsSDVector) { /// @cond hidden #define BUFFER_SIZE (wMaxCommsBuffer) /// @endcond int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint16_t wTotalWriteLen = 0; uint16_t wWriteLen = 0; uint16_t wOffset; sApduData_d sApduData; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer = NULL; do { //To use stack memory for APDU buffer, define STACK_ALLOC macro locally and else heap memory is used #ifdef STACK_ALLOC #error "Implement the inilization of stack memory for the required buffer" //INIT_STACK_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer, wLen); //wLen to be replaced with the required const length #else INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,BUFFER_SIZE); #endif if((NULL == PpsSDVector)||(NULL == PpsSDVector->prgbData)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } if(0x00 == PpsSDVector->wLength) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_LENZERO_ERROR; break; } sApduData.bCmd = CMD_SETDATA; if((eDATA == PpsSDVector->eDataOrMdata)&& (eWRITE == PpsSDVector->eWriteOption)) { sApduData.bParam = PARAM_SET_DATA; } else if((eDATA == PpsSDVector->eDataOrMdata)&& (eERASE_AND_WRITE == PpsSDVector->eWriteOption)) { sApduData.bParam = PARAM_SET_DATA_ERASE; } else if((eMETA_DATA == PpsSDVector->eDataOrMdata)&& (eWRITE == PpsSDVector->eWriteOption)) { sApduData.bParam = PARAM_SET_METADATA; } else { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM; break; } //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer+7; //copy OID sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = (uint8_t)(PpsSDVector->wOID >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + 1] = (uint8_t)PpsSDVector->wOID; wOffset = PpsSDVector->wOffset; do { //While chaining for erase & write option, all subsequent write must be only write operation if((sApduData.bParam == PARAM_SET_DATA_ERASE)&& (wTotalWriteLen != 0)) { sApduData.bParam = PARAM_SET_DATA; } /// @cond hidden #define OVERHEAD (OFFSET_PAYLOAD+BYTES_OID+BYTES_OFFSET) /// @endcond wWriteLen = MIN((wMaxCommsBuffer-OVERHEAD),(PpsSDVector->wLength-wTotalWriteLen)); //set data payload length is 4(OID length + offset length) plus length of data to write sApduData.wPayloadLength = BYTES_OID + BYTES_OFFSET + wWriteLen; //copy offset sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_OID] = (uint8_t)(wOffset >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_OID + 1] = (uint8_t)wOffset; //copy the data OCP_MEMCPY(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer+OVERHEAD,PpsSDVector->prgbData+wTotalWriteLen,wWriteLen); //Set Response buffer length sApduData.wResponseLength = BUFFER_SIZE; i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } wTotalWriteLen += wWriteLen; wOffset += wWriteLen; }while(wTotalWriteLen != PpsSDVector->wLength); }while(FALSE); #ifndef STACK_ALLOC FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); #else #undef STACK_ALLOC #endif /// @cond hidden #undef OVERHEAD #undef BUFFER_SIZE /// @endcond return i4Status; } /** * Reads maximum communication buffer size supported by the security chip.
* * Notes: * - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API.
* - The function does not verify if the read access is permitted for the data object.
* * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR */ uint16_t CmdLib_GetMaxCommsBufferSize(Void) { return wMaxCommsBuffer; } #endif /* MODULE_ENABLE_READ_WRITE */ /** * Gets the signature generated by Security Chip. The message to be signed is provided by the user.
* The following commands are issued in the sequence.
* - SetAuthScheme : To set authentication scheme and the private key to be used
* - SetAuthMsg : To write the message to Security Chip that must be digitally signed.
* - GetAuthMsg : To read the digitally signed message from Security Chip.
* *
* Notes:
* - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API.
* - The function just returns the signature without verifying it. * - The private key to be used in set auth scheme is passed in \ref #sAuthMsg_d.wOIDDevPrivKey. * - The \ref #sAuthMsg_d.prgbRnd and \ref #sAuthMsg_d.wRndLength carry the challenge to be signed. * - The length of challenge should be between 8 and 256 bytes. If the length of challenge is out of this range, #CMD_LIB_INVALID_LEN error is returned.
* *\param[in] PpsAuthMsg Pointer to Get Signature Object inputs *\param[in,out] PpsResponse Pointer to Response structure * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_LEN */ int32_t CmdLib_GetSignature(const sAuthMsg_d *PpsAuthMsg, sCmdResponse_d *PpsResponse) { /// @cond hidden #define STACK_ALLOC #define GETSIGN_APDU_BUF_LEN 270 //4 (cmd header) + 256 (Max Payload) + additional 10 /// @endcond //lint --e{818} suppress "PpsResponse is out parameter" int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; sApduData_d sApduData; sAuthScheme_d sAuthScheme; do { //To use stack memory for APDU buffer, define STACK_ALLOC locally else heap memory is used #ifdef STACK_ALLOC INIT_STACK_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,GETSIGN_APDU_BUF_LEN); #else INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,GETSIGN_APDU_BUF_LEN); #endif if((NULL == PpsAuthMsg)||(NULL == PpsAuthMsg->prgbRnd)|| (NULL == PpsResponse)||(NULL == PpsResponse->prgbBuffer)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } //Check if Challenge length is in between 8 to 256 if((CHALLENGE_MIN_LEN > PpsAuthMsg->wRndLength) || (CHALLENGE_MAX_LEN < PpsAuthMsg->wRndLength)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_LEN; break; } //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; sApduData.wResponseLength = GETSIGN_APDU_BUF_LEN; //Set Auth scheme sAuthScheme.eAuthScheme = eECDSA; sAuthScheme.wDevicePrivKey = PpsAuthMsg->wOIDDevPrivKey; i4Status = CmdLib_SetAuthScheme(&sAuthScheme); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } //Set Auth msg sApduData.bCmd = CMD_SETAUTH_MSG; sApduData.bParam = PARAM_SET_AUTH_MSG; sApduData.wPayloadLength = PpsAuthMsg->wRndLength; sApduData.wResponseLength = GETSIGN_APDU_BUF_LEN; //copy the random number OCP_MEMCPY(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer+OFFSET_PAYLOAD,PpsAuthMsg->prgbRnd,PpsAuthMsg->wRndLength); i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } //Get Auth msg sApduData.bCmd = CMD_GETAUTH_MSG; sApduData.bParam = PARAM_GET_AUTH_MSG; sApduData.wPayloadLength = 0; sApduData.wResponseLength = GETSIGN_APDU_BUF_LEN; i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } //strip 4 byte apdu header sApduData.wResponseLength -= LEN_APDUHEADER; PpsResponse->wRespLength = sApduData.wResponseLength; if(PpsResponse->wBufferLength < sApduData.wResponseLength) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } OCP_MEMCPY(PpsResponse->prgbBuffer,sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer+LEN_APDUHEADER,sApduData.wResponseLength); }while(FALSE); #ifndef STACK_ALLOC FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); #else #undef STACK_ALLOC #endif ///@cond hidden #undef GETSIGN_APDU_BUF_LEN ///@endcond return i4Status; } /** * Gets random bytes generated by the Security Chip.
* *
* Notes:
* - Command chaining is not supported in this API.
* - If the requested length of random bytes is either more than communication buffer size or more than the buffer size in PpsResponse,#CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY error is returned.
* *\param[in] PpsRng Pointer to sRngOptions_d to specify random number generation *\param[in,out] PpsResponse Pointer to sCmdResponse_d to store random number * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_LIB_LENZERO_ERROR * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM */ int32_t CmdLib_GetRandom(const sRngOptions_d *PpsRng, sCmdResponse_d *PpsResponse) { //lint --e{818} suppress "PpsResponse is out parameter" int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; sApduData_d sApduData; do { //Initial value set it to NULL sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer = NULL; if((NULL == PpsRng)||(NULL == PpsResponse)||(NULL == PpsResponse->prgbBuffer)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } if(0x00 == PpsResponse->wBufferLength) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_LENZERO_ERROR; break; } //If the length of requested random bytes is more than the maximum comms buffer size if((wMaxCommsBuffer) < (LEN_APDUHEADER + PpsRng->wRandomDataLen)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } PpsResponse->wRespLength = 0; sApduData.bCmd = CMD_GET_RND; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsRng->eRngType; sApduData.wPayloadLength = LEN_PL_OID; INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer, (LEN_APDUHEADER + PpsRng->wRandomDataLen)); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = (uint8_t)(PpsRng->wRandomDataLen >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + 1] = (uint8_t)PpsRng->wRandomDataLen; sApduData.wResponseLength = (LEN_APDUHEADER + PpsRng->wRandomDataLen); //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } //strip 4 byte apdu header sApduData.wResponseLength -= LEN_APDUHEADER; if(PpsResponse->wBufferLength < sApduData.wResponseLength) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } OCP_MEMCPY(PpsResponse->prgbBuffer,sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer+LEN_APDUHEADER,sApduData.wResponseLength); PpsResponse->wRespLength = sApduData.wResponseLength; }while(FALSE); FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); return i4Status; } /** * Sets the Authentication Scheme by issuing SetAuthScheme command to Security Chip. * *
* Notes:
* - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API.
* - Currently only 1 session OID (0xE100) is supported by the security chip. * *\param[in] PpsAuthVector Pointer to Authentication Scheme data * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM */ int32_t CmdLib_SetAuthScheme(const sAuthScheme_d *PpsAuthVector) { /// @cond hidden #define SET_AUTH_SCHEME_APDU_BUF_LEN 10 /// @endcond int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; sApduData_d sApduData; uint16_t wPayloadSize; do { INIT_STACK_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer, SET_AUTH_SCHEME_APDU_BUF_LEN); if(NULL == PpsAuthVector) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } //verify the param if(eDTLSClient == PpsAuthVector->eAuthScheme) { //Verify the range of session ID if((SESSION_ID_LOWER_VALUE > PpsAuthVector->wSessionKeyId) || (SESSION_ID_HIGHER_VALUE < PpsAuthVector->wSessionKeyId)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_SESSIONID; break; } wPayloadSize = 4; } else if(eECDSA == PpsAuthVector->eAuthScheme) { wPayloadSize = 2; } else { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM; break; } //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; //Form the command //Assign Cmd,param,payload length sApduData.bCmd = CMD_SETAUTH_SCM; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsAuthVector->eAuthScheme; sApduData.wPayloadLength = wPayloadSize; //Assign the device private key OID at payload offset sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = (uint8_t)(PpsAuthVector->wDevicePrivKey >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD+1] = (uint8_t)PpsAuthVector->wDevicePrivKey; sApduData.wResponseLength = SET_AUTH_SCHEME_APDU_BUF_LEN; if(eDTLSClient == PpsAuthVector->eAuthScheme) { //Assign the session OID sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD+2] = (uint8_t)(PpsAuthVector->wSessionKeyId >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD+3] = (uint8_t)PpsAuthVector->wSessionKeyId; } //Transmit the Data i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } }while(FALSE); /// @cond hidden #undef SET_AUTH_SCHEME_APDU_BUF_LEN /// @endcond return i4Status; } #ifdef MODULE_ENABLE_TOOLBOX /** * Calculates the hash of input data by using the Security Chip.
* * Input:
* - Provide the required type of input data for hashing. Use \ref sCalcHash_d.eHashDataType with the following options, * - eDataStream : Indicates, sDataStream is considered as hash input. * - eOIDData : Indicates, sOIDData is considered for hash input. * * - Provide the input to import/export the hash context. Use \ref sContextInfo_d.eContextAction with the following options, * - #eImport : Import hash context to perform the hash. * - #eExport : Export current active hash context. * - #eImportExport : Import hash context and Export back the context after hashing. * - #eUnused : Context data import/export feature is not used. This option is also recommended for #eHashSequence_d as #eStartFinalizeHash or #eTerminateHash. * * Output:
* - Successful API execution, * - Hash is returned in sOutHash only if #eHashSequence_d is #eStartFinalizeHash,#eIntermediateHash or #eFinalizeHash.
* - Hash context data is returned only if \ref sContextInfo_d.eContextAction is #eExport or #eImportExport.
* * Notes:
* - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API.
* - #eTerminateHash in #eHashSequence_d is used to terminate any existing hash session. Any input data or hash context options supplied with this sequence is ignored. * - Sequences for generating a hash successfully can be as follows:
* - #eStartHash,#eFinalizeHash
* - #eStartHash,#eContinueHash (single or multiple),#eFinalizeHash
* - #eStartFinalizeHash
* - #eStartHash,#eIntermediateHash,#eContinueHash,#eFinalizeHash
* * - If the memory buffer is not sufficient to store output hash/hash context or the data to be sent to security chip is more than communication buffer,#CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY error is retured. * - This API does not maintain any state of hashing operations.
* - There is no support for chaining while sending data therefore in order to avoid communication buffer overflow, the user must take care of fragmenting the data for hashing.
* Use the API #CmdLib_GetMaxCommsBufferSize to check the maximum communication buffer size supported by the security chip. In addition, the overhead for command APDU header and * TLV encoding must be considered as explained below.
* * Read the maximum communication buffer size using the API #CmdLib_GetMaxCommsBufferSize() and store in a variable "wMaxCommsBuffer"
* Substract the header overheads and hash context size(depends on applicable Hash algorithm) respectively from wMaxCommsBuffer. The result gives the Available_Size to frame the hash data input.
* * - Only hash calculation :
*            Available_Size = (wMaxCommsBuffer - #CALC_HASH_FIXED_OVERHEAD_SIZE)
* - Import context to security chip and calculate hash :
* - Calulate hash and export context out of security chip :
* - Import context to security chip, calculate hash and export context out of security chip :
* * * \param[in,out] PpsCalcHash Pointer to #sCalcHash_d that contains information to calculate hash * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR */ int32_t CmdLib_CalcHash(sCalcHash_d* PpsCalcHash) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; sApduData_d sApduData; eDataType_d eHashDataType; uint16_t wMemoryAllocLen; uint16_t wInDataLen; const sHashinfo_d* psHashinfo; uint16_t wOptTagLen = 0; uint16_t wOptTagOffset = 0; uint16_t wOffset; uint16_t wBufferLen; do { //Initial value set it to NULL sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer = NULL; //Check for NULL inputs if(NULL == PpsCalcHash) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } i4Status = Get_HashInfo(PpsCalcHash->eHashAlg, &psHashinfo); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } //For eHashSequence_d as eFinalizeHash,validate sOutData if(((eFinalizeHash == PpsCalcHash->eHashSequence) || (eStartFinalizeHash == PpsCalcHash->eHashSequence) || (eIntermediateHash == PpsCalcHash->eHashSequence)) && (NULL == PpsCalcHash->sOutHash.prgbBuffer)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } //Validate the Context data buffer if optional tag is provided if((eUnused != PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction) && (NULL == PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.pbContextData)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } /// @cond hidden #define INDATA_LEN_OID (BYTES_OID + BYTES_LENGTH + BYTES_OFFSET) #define NIBBLE_LEN 4 /// @endcond eHashDataType = PpsCalcHash->eHashDataType; //For eHashDataType_d as eDataStream, validate psDataStream if(eTerminateHash == PpsCalcHash->eHashSequence) { wInDataLen = 0; eHashDataType = eDataStream; } else if(eDataStream == eHashDataType) { if(NULL == PpsCalcHash->sDataStream.prgbStream) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } //Set the total data length as input length wInDataLen = PpsCalcHash->sDataStream.wLen; } else { //Set the total data length as 6 bytes (2 byte OID + 2 bytes Offset + 2 bytes Length) wInDataLen = INDATA_LEN_OID; } //Calculate the offset and length for optional tags in the command APDU if(eUnused != PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction) { wOptTagLen = (eExport != PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction)? (CALC_HASH_IMPORT_OR_EXPORT_OVERHEAD_SIZE + PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.dwContextLen) : (CALC_HASH_IMPORT_OR_EXPORT_OVERHEAD_SIZE); //Total length of optional tag which includes tag, length and data if(eImportExport == PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction) { wOptTagLen += CALC_HASH_IMPORT_OR_EXPORT_OVERHEAD_SIZE; } wOptTagOffset = (eDataStream == PpsCalcHash->eHashDataType)? (OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ + BYTES_LENGTH + wInDataLen) : (OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ + BYTES_LENGTH + INDATA_LEN_OID); } //Validate the size of input data with the Communication buffer if((wInDataLen + wOptTagLen + CALC_HASH_FIXED_OVERHEAD_SIZE) > wMaxCommsBuffer) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } //Form data sApduData.bCmd = CMD_CALCHASH; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsCalcHash->eHashAlg; wMemoryAllocLen = CALC_HASH_FIXED_OVERHEAD_SIZE + wInDataLen + wOptTagLen; wBufferLen = CALC_HASH_FIXED_OVERHEAD_SIZE; //Check to validate sufficient memory to store the output //If Hash is the output if((eFinalizeHash == PpsCalcHash->eHashSequence) || (eStartFinalizeHash == PpsCalcHash->eHashSequence) || (eIntermediateHash == PpsCalcHash->eHashSequence)) { wBufferLen += psHashinfo->bHashLen; } //If context data is output if((eExport == PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction) || (eImportExport == PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction)) { wBufferLen += psHashinfo->wHashCntx; } if(wBufferLen > wMemoryAllocLen) { wMemoryAllocLen = wBufferLen; } // Allocate the memory INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer, wMemoryAllocLen); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = (uint8_t)(((uint8_t)eHashDataType << NIBBLE_LEN) | (uint8_t) PpsCalcHash->eHashSequence); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ] = (uint8_t)(wInDataLen >> 8); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ + 1] = (uint8_t)wInDataLen ; if(eTerminateHash != PpsCalcHash->eHashSequence) { //If the DataType is Data stream, copy the input data to the buffer if(eDataStream == eHashDataType) { OCP_MEMCPY(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ + BYTES_LENGTH], PpsCalcHash->sDataStream.prgbStream, wInDataLen); } else { //If the Data type is OID, copy the OID information to the buffer sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ + BYTES_LENGTH] = (uint8_t)(PpsCalcHash->sOIDData.wOID >> 8); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ + BYTES_LENGTH + 1] = (uint8_t)PpsCalcHash->sOIDData.wOID; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ + BYTES_LENGTH + BYTES_OID] = (uint8_t)(PpsCalcHash->sOIDData.wOffset >> 8); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ + BYTES_LENGTH + BYTES_OID + 1] = (uint8_t)PpsCalcHash->sOIDData.wOffset; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ + INDATA_LEN_OID] = (uint8_t)(PpsCalcHash->sOIDData.wLength >> 8); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SEQ + INDATA_LEN_OID + 1] = (uint8_t)(PpsCalcHash->sOIDData.wLength); } /// @cond hidden #define OFFSET_EXPORT_CNTXTAG (wOptTagOffset + BYTES_SEQ+ BYTES_LENGTH + PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.dwContextLen) /// @endcond //If the optional tag is either eImport or eImportAndExport, 0x06 tag is sent as part of command APDU if((eImportExport == PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction) || (eImport == PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction)) { sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wOptTagOffset] = (uint8_t)eImport; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wOptTagOffset + BYTES_SEQ] = (uint8_t)(PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.dwContextLen >> 8); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wOptTagOffset + BYTES_SEQ + 1] = (uint8_t)(PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.dwContextLen); OCP_MEMCPY(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wOptTagOffset + BYTES_SEQ + BYTES_LENGTH], PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.pbContextData, PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.dwContextLen); } //If the optional tag is either eExport or eImportAndeExport, 0x07 tag is sent as part of command APDU if((eImportExport == PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction) || (eExport == PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction)) { wOffset = (eExport == PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.eContextAction)?wOptTagOffset : OFFSET_EXPORT_CNTXTAG; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wOffset] = (uint8_t)eExport; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wOffset + BYTES_SEQ] = 0x00; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wOffset + BYTES_SEQ + 1] =0x00; } } //set data payload length is 3(BYTES_SEQ + BYTES_LENGTH) plus length of data to write sApduData.wPayloadLength = BYTES_SEQ + BYTES_LENGTH + wInDataLen + wOptTagLen; sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; sApduData.wResponseLength = wMemoryAllocLen; i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } /// @cond hidden #define TAG_HASH_OUTPUT 0x01 #define TAG_CONTEXT_OUTPUT 0x06 /// @endcond sApduData.wResponseLength -= LEN_APDUHEADER; //Validate the output buffer size if tag received on reponse is 0x01 and //copy the hash data to sOutput buffer if((TAG_HASH_OUTPUT == (*(sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + LEN_APDUHEADER))) && (sApduData.wResponseLength != 0)) { //Length check for sOutData if((psHashinfo->bHashLen) > PpsCalcHash->sOutHash.wBufferLength) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } PpsCalcHash->sOutHash.wRespLength = Utility_GetUint16(sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + LEN_APDUHEADER + BYTES_SEQ); OCP_MEMCPY(PpsCalcHash->sOutHash.prgbBuffer, (sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + CALC_HASH_FIXED_OVERHEAD_SIZE), PpsCalcHash->sOutHash.wRespLength); } //Validate the Context buffer size if the 0x06 context data tag is there in response and //copy the context data to pbContextData buffer if((TAG_CONTEXT_OUTPUT == (*(sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + LEN_APDUHEADER))) && (sApduData.wResponseLength != 0)) { //Length check for Context Data if((psHashinfo->wHashCntx) > PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.dwContextLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.dwContextLen = Utility_GetUint16(sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + LEN_APDUHEADER + BYTES_SEQ); OCP_MEMCPY(PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.pbContextData, (sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + CALC_HASH_FIXED_OVERHEAD_SIZE), PpsCalcHash->sContextInfo.dwContextLen); } }while(FALSE); FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); /// @cond hidden #undef INDATA_LEN_OID #undef NIBBLE_LEN #undef OFFSET_EXPORT_CNTXTAG #undef TAG_HASH_OUTPUT #undef TAG_CONTEXT_OUTPUT /// @endcond return i4Status; } /** * Verifies the signature over the input digest by using the Security Chip.
* * Input:
* - For eVerifyDataType * - #eDataStream indicates that sPubKeyInput is considered for signature verification.
* - #eOIDData indicates that wOIDPubKey is considered for signature verification.
* * Output:
* - Successful signature verification returns #CMD_LIB_OK.
* * Notes:
* - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API.
* - If the the data to be sent to security chip is more than communication buffer,#CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY is returned. Refer OPTIGA_Trust_X_SolutionReferenceManual_v1.x.pdf for more details. * * \param[in] PpsVerifySign Pointer to information for verifying signature * \param[in,out] PpsDigest pointer to a blob which holds the Digest * \param[in,out] PpsSignature pointer to a blob which holds the Signature to be verified * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR */ int32_t CmdLib_VerifySign(const sVerifyOption_d* PpsVerifySign,const sbBlob_d * PpsDigest,const sbBlob_d * PpsSignature) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; sApduData_d sApduData = {0}; uint16_t wWritePosition = OFFSET_PAYLOAD; uint16_t wCalApduLen = 0; /// @cond hidden ///Minimum length of APDU InData in case of Public Key from Host. [TLV Header(3) for Digest + TLV Header (3) for Signature + TLV Header(3) for Public Key + TLV for Algo (4)] #define DATA_STREAM_APDU_INDATA_LEN 13 ///Minimum length of APDU InData in case of Public Key OID. [TLV Header(3) for Digest + TLV Header (3) for Signature + TLV for Public Key OID (5)] #define OID_APDU_INDATA_LEN 11 /// @endcond do { //NULL checks if((NULL == PpsVerifySign) || (NULL == PpsDigest->prgbStream) || (NULL == PpsSignature->prgbStream)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } if(eDataStream == PpsVerifySign->eVerifyDataType) { //NULL checks if(NULL == PpsVerifySign->sPubKeyInput.sDataStream.prgbStream) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } wCalApduLen = OFFSET_PAYLOAD + DATA_STREAM_APDU_INDATA_LEN + PpsDigest->wLen + PpsSignature->wLen + PpsVerifySign->sPubKeyInput.sDataStream.wLen; } if(eOIDData == PpsVerifySign->eVerifyDataType) { wCalApduLen = OFFSET_PAYLOAD + OID_APDU_INDATA_LEN + PpsDigest->wLen + PpsSignature->wLen; } if((wMaxCommsBuffer) < wCalApduLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } //Allocating Heap memory INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,wCalApduLen); //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; sApduData.wResponseLength = wMaxCommsBuffer; //Set digest tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = TAG_DIGEST; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], PpsDigest->wLen); OCP_MEMCPY(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET],PpsDigest->prgbStream,PpsDigest->wLen); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET+ PpsDigest->wLen; //Set signature tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_SIGNATURE; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], PpsSignature->wLen); OCP_MEMCPY(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET],PpsSignature->prgbStream,PpsSignature->wLen); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + PpsSignature->wLen; if(eDataStream == PpsVerifySign->eVerifyDataType) { //Set TLV values for external public key sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_ALGO_IDENTIFIER; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], LEN_ALGO_IDENTIFIER); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET] = (uint8_t)PpsVerifySign->sPubKeyInput.eAlgId; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + BYTES_SEQ] = (uint8_t)TAG_PUB_KEY; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + BYTES_OFFSET], PpsVerifySign->sPubKeyInput.sDataStream.wLen); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + BYTES_OFFSET + BYTES_OFFSET; OCP_MEMCPY(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition],PpsVerifySign->sPubKeyInput.sDataStream.prgbStream ,PpsVerifySign->sPubKeyInput.sDataStream.wLen); //Total payload length sApduData.wPayloadLength = (uint16_t)(wWritePosition + PpsVerifySign->sPubKeyInput.sDataStream.wLen - OFFSET_PAYLOAD); } if(eOIDData == PpsVerifySign->eVerifyDataType) { //Set TLV values for public key OID sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_PUB_KEY_OID; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], LEN_PUB_KEY); Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET], PpsVerifySign->wOIDPubKey); //Total payload length sApduData.wPayloadLength = (uint16_t)(wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + BYTES_OFFSET - OFFSET_PAYLOAD); } //Form Command sApduData.bCmd = CMD_VERIFYSIGN; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsVerifySign->eSignScheme; //Transmit data i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } }while(FALSE); //Free the allocated memory for buffer FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); /// @cond hidden #undef DATA_STREAM_APDU_INDATA_LEN #undef OID_APDU_INDATA_LEN /// @endcond return i4Status; } /** * Generates a key pair by using the Security Chip.
* * Input: * - Provide the required option for exporting the generated keys. Use \ref sKeyPairOption_d.eKeyExport * - #eStorePrivKeyOnly indicates that only private key is stored in the OID and public key is exported. * - #eExportKeyPair indicates that both public and private keys are exported. * * Output: * - Successful API execution, * - Public key is returned in \ref sOutKeyPair_d.sPublicKey. * - Private key is returned in \ref sOutKeyPair_d.sPrivateKey , if input is #eExportKeyPair. * * Notes: * - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API. * - Values of #eKeyUsage_d can be logically 'ORed' and passed to \ref sKeyPairOption_d.eKeyUsage. * - If the memory buffers in #sOutKeyPair_d is not sufficient to store the generated keys,#CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY is returned. Refer OPTIGA_Trust_X_SolutionReferenceManual_v1.x.pdf for more details. * * \param[in] PpsKeyPairOption Pointer to #sKeyPairOption_d to provide input for key pair generation * \param[in,out] PpsOutKeyPair Pointer to #sOutKeyPair_d that contains generated key pair * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR */ int32_t CmdLib_GenerateKeyPair(const sKeyPairOption_d* PpsKeyPairOption,sOutKeyPair_d* PpsOutKeyPair) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint16_t wWritePosition = LEN_APDUHEADER; uint16_t wCalApduLen; uint16_t wLen; uint16_t wParsLen; uint8_t bMultiplier; sApduData_d sApduData = {0}; uint8_t wAlgoLen; sbBlob_d * psBlobKey = NULL; /// @cond hidden ///Tag for public key #define TAG_PUBLIC_KEY 0x02 ///Minimum length of APDU InData in case of Private key store. [TLV Header(3) of OID + OID (2) + TLV Header(3) for key usage identifier + Identifier (1)] #define PRIV_KEY_APDU_INDATA_LEN 9 /// Encoding bytes for private and public key #define KEY_PAIR_INDATA_LEN 4 /// @endcond do { //NULL checks if((NULL == PpsKeyPairOption) || (NULL == PpsOutKeyPair) || (NULL == PpsOutKeyPair->sPublicKey.prgbStream)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } wCalApduLen = LEN_APDUHEADER + PRIV_KEY_APDU_INDATA_LEN; bMultiplier = 2; if(eExportKeyPair == PpsKeyPairOption->eKeyExport) { //NULL checks if(NULL == PpsOutKeyPair->sPrivateKey.prgbStream) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } wCalApduLen = LEN_APDUHEADER + KEY_PAIR_INDATA_LEN + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET; bMultiplier = 3; } //Get key size using algorithm identifier i4Status = Get_KeySize(PpsKeyPairOption->eAlgId, &wAlgoLen); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } wCalApduLen += ((wAlgoLen * bMultiplier) + 2); //Allocating Heap memory INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,wCalApduLen); //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; sApduData.wResponseLength = wCalApduLen; if(eStorePrivKeyOnly == PpsKeyPairOption->eKeyExport) { //Set private key OID tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[LEN_APDUHEADER] = TAG_OID; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], LEN_PRI_KEY); Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET], PpsKeyPairOption->wOIDPrivKey); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET+ BYTES_OFFSET; //Set key usage identifier tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_KEY_USAGE_IDENTIFIER; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], LEN_KEY_USAGE_IDENTIFIER); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET] = (uint8_t)PpsKeyPairOption->eKeyUsage; wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + BYTES_SEQ; } if(eExportKeyPair == PpsKeyPairOption->eKeyExport) { //Set TLV values for extract key pair sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_EXPORT_KEY_PAIR; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], LEN_EXPORT_KEY_PAIR); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET; } sApduData.wPayloadLength = (uint16_t)(wWritePosition - LEN_APDUHEADER); //Form Command sApduData.bCmd = CMD_GENERATE_KEY_PAIR; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsKeyPairOption->eAlgId; //Transmit data i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } wParsLen = LEN_APDUHEADER; do { wLen = Utility_GetUint16(&sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[wParsLen+BYTES_SEQ]); psBlobKey = (TAG_PUBLIC_KEY == sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[wParsLen])?&(PpsOutKeyPair->sPublicKey):&(PpsOutKeyPair->sPrivateKey); if(wLen > psBlobKey->wLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } //Copy public key to output buffer OCP_MEMCPY(psBlobKey->prgbStream,&sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + wParsLen] ,wLen); psBlobKey->wLen = wLen; wParsLen += (wLen + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET); }while(wParsLen != sApduData.wResponseLength); }while(FALSE); //Free the allocated memory for buffer FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); /// @cond hidden #undef TAG_PUBLIC_KEY #undef PRIV_KEY_APDU_INDATA_LEN #undef KEY_PAIR_INDATA_LEN /// @endcond return i4Status; } /** * Calculates signature on a digest by using the Security Chip.
* * Input: * - Provide the signature scheme. Use \ref sCalcSignOptions_d.eSignScheme. * - Provide the digest to be signed. Use \ref sCalcSignOptions_d.sDigestToSign. * - Provide the OID of the private key. Use \ref sCalcSignOptions_d.wOIDSignKey. * * Output: * - Successful API execution, * - Signature is returned in PpsSignature.
* * Notes: * - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API. * - If the the data to be sent to security chip is more than communication buffer,#CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY is returned. Refer OPTIGA_Trust_X_SolutionReferenceManual_v1.x.pdf for more details. * - If the memory buffer in PpsSignature is not sufficient to store the generated signature,#CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY is returned. * * \param[in] PpsCalcSign Pointer to #sCalcSignOptions_d to provide input for signature generation * \param[in,out] PpsSignature Pointer to #sbBlob_d that contains generated signature * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR */ int32_t CmdLib_CalculateSign(const sCalcSignOptions_d *PpsCalcSign,sbBlob_d *PpsSignature) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint16_t wWritePosition = LEN_APDUHEADER; uint16_t wCalApduLen; sApduData_d sApduData = {0}; do { //NULL checks if((NULL == PpsCalcSign) || (NULL == PpsSignature->prgbStream) || (NULL == PpsCalcSign->sDigestToSign.prgbStream)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } /// @cond hidden ///Minimum length of APDU InData in case of calculate sign. [TLV Header(3) of OID + OID (2) + TLV Header(3) for digest ] #define CALSIGN_APDU_LEN 8 ///Tag for Signature length #define SIGNATURE_LEN 0x77 ///Total value required while sending the command #define TX_LEN (CALSIGN_APDU_LEN + PpsCalcSign->sDigestToSign.wLen) /// @endcond //Calculate the size of memory to be allocated wCalApduLen = LEN_APDUHEADER + (TX_LEN > SIGNATURE_LEN ? TX_LEN : SIGNATURE_LEN); if((wMaxCommsBuffer) < wCalApduLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } //Allocating Heap memory INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,wCalApduLen); //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; sApduData.wResponseLength = wCalApduLen; //Set digest tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[LEN_APDUHEADER] = TAG_DIGEST; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], PpsCalcSign->sDigestToSign.wLen); OCP_MEMCPY(&sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + wWritePosition],PpsCalcSign->sDigestToSign.prgbStream,PpsCalcSign->sDigestToSign.wLen); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + PpsCalcSign->sDigestToSign.wLen; //Set OID of signature key tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_OID_SIG_KEY; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], LEN_OID_SIG_KEY); Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET], PpsCalcSign->wOIDSignKey); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + LEN_OID_SIG_KEY; sApduData.wPayloadLength = (uint16_t)(wWritePosition - LEN_APDUHEADER); //Form Command sApduData.bCmd = CMD_CALC_SIGN; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsCalcSign->eSignScheme; //Transmit data i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } sApduData.wResponseLength -= LEN_APDUHEADER; if(sApduData.wResponseLength > PpsSignature->wLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } //Copy signature to output buffer OCP_MEMCPY(PpsSignature->prgbStream,&sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[LEN_APDUHEADER],sApduData.wResponseLength); PpsSignature->wLen = sApduData.wResponseLength; }while(FALSE); //Free the allocated memory for buffer FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); /// @cond hidden #undef CALSIGN_APDU_LEN #undef SIGNATURE_LEN #undef TX_LEN /// @endcond return i4Status; } /** * Generates a shared secret by using the Security Chip.
* * Input: * - Provide the key agreement algorithm for generating shared secret. Use \ref sCalcSSecOptions_d.eKeyAgreementType. * - Provide the OID of private key. Use \ref sCalcSSecOptions_d.wOIDPrivKey. * - Provide the algorithm identifier of the public key. Use \ref sCalcSSecOptions_d.ePubKeyAlgId. * - Provide the public key. Use \ref sCalcSSecOptions_d.sPubKey. * - Provide the OID to store the shared secret. Use \ref sCalcSSecOptions_d.wOIDSharedSecret. * - 0x0000 indicates that the shared secret is exported. * * Output: * - Successful API execution, * - Calculated shared secret is returned in PpsSecret if \ref sCalcSSecOptions_d.wOIDSharedSecret is 0x0000. * * Notes: * - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API. * - If the the data to be sent to security chip is more than communication buffer,#CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY is returned. Refer OPTIGA_Trust_X_SolutionReferenceManual_v1.x.pdf for more details. * - If the memory buffer in PpsSecret is not sufficient to store the calculated secret,#CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY is returned. * * \param[in] PpsCalcSSec Pointer to #sCalcSSecOptions_d to provide input for shared secret calculation * \param[in,out] PpsSecret Pointer to #sbBlob_d that contains calculated shared secret * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR */ int32_t CmdLib_CalculateSharedSecret(const sCalcSSecOptions_d *PpsCalcSSec,sbBlob_d *PpsSecret) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint16_t wWritePosition = LEN_APDUHEADER; uint16_t wCalApduLen = 0; sApduData_d sApduData = {0}; do { //NULL checks if((NULL == PpsCalcSSec) || (NULL == PpsCalcSSec->sPubKey.prgbStream)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } /// @cond hidden ///Minimum length of APDU InData in case of calculate shared secret. ///[TLV Header(3) of OID Private key + OID Private key (2) + TLV Header(3) for public key algoId + algoId (1) + TLV Header(3) for public key + TLV Header(3) for alternative ] #define CALCSSEC_APDU_LEN 15 ///Tag for public key #define TAG_PUBLIC_KEY 0x06 ///Len for privet key oid #define LEN_EXPORT_SHAR_SEC 0x0000 ///Len for share sec oid #define LEN_OID_SHARE_SEC 0x0002 ///Share sec OID zero value #define OID_SHARE_SEC_ZERO 0x0000 ///Tag for export share secret #define TAG_EXPORT_SHARE_SEC 0x07 ///Tag for share secret oid #define TAG_OID_SHARE_SEC 0x08 ///Minimum length of APDU #define TX_LEN (CALCSSEC_APDU_LEN + PpsCalcSSec->sPubKey.wLen + 2) /// @endcond //Considering the size of Indata for allocating memory as this size is also sufficient for storing the response wCalApduLen = LEN_APDUHEADER + TX_LEN; //NULL checks if(OID_SHARE_SEC_ZERO == PpsCalcSSec->wOIDSharedSecret) { if(NULL == PpsSecret->prgbStream) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } wCalApduLen -=2; } //Check max comms buffer size if((wMaxCommsBuffer) < wCalApduLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } //Allocating Heap memory INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,wCalApduLen); //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; sApduData.wResponseLength = wCalApduLen; //Set privet key tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[LEN_APDUHEADER] = TAG_OID; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET],LEN_PRI_KEY); Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET],PpsCalcSSec->wOIDPrivKey); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + LEN_PRI_KEY; //Set public key algoId tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_ALGO_IDENTIFIER; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET],LEN_ALGO_IDENTIFIER); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET] = (uint8_t)PpsCalcSSec->ePubKeyAlgId; wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + LEN_ALGO_IDENTIFIER; //Set public key tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_PUBLIC_KEY; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET],PpsCalcSSec->sPubKey.wLen); OCP_MEMCPY(&sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + wWritePosition],PpsCalcSSec->sPubKey.prgbStream,PpsCalcSSec->sPubKey.wLen); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + PpsCalcSSec->sPubKey.wLen; if(OID_SHARE_SEC_ZERO == PpsCalcSSec->wOIDSharedSecret) { //Set export share sec tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_EXPORT_SHARE_SEC; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], LEN_EXPORT_SHAR_SEC); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET; } else { //Set OID of signature key tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_OID_SHARE_SEC; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], LEN_OID_SHARE_SEC); Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET], PpsCalcSSec->wOIDSharedSecret); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + LEN_OID_SHARE_SEC; } sApduData.wPayloadLength = (uint16_t)(wWritePosition - LEN_APDUHEADER); //Form Command sApduData.bCmd = CMD_CALC_SHARED_SEC; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsCalcSSec->eKeyAgreementType; //Transmit data i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } sApduData.wResponseLength -= LEN_APDUHEADER; if(OID_SHARE_SEC_ZERO == PpsCalcSSec->wOIDSharedSecret) { if(sApduData.wResponseLength > PpsSecret->wLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } //Copy signature to output buffer OCP_MEMCPY(PpsSecret->prgbStream,&sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[LEN_APDUHEADER],sApduData.wResponseLength); PpsSecret->wLen = sApduData.wResponseLength; } }while(FALSE); //Free the allocated memory for buffer FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); /// @cond hidden #undef CALCSSEC_APDU_LEN #undef TAG_PUBLIC_KEY #undef LEN_EXPORT_SHAR_SEC #undef LEN_OID_SHARE_SEC #undef OID_SHARE_SEC_ZERO #undef TAG_EXPORT_SHARE_SEC #undef TAG_OID_SHARE_SEC #undef TX_LEN /// @endcond return i4Status; } /** * Derives a session key by using the Security Chip.
* * Input: * - Provide the key derivation method. Use \ref sDeriveKeyOptions_d.eKDM. * - Provide the OID of the shared secret. Use \ref sDeriveKeyOptions_d.wOIDSharedSecret. * - Provide the input seed. Use \ref sDeriveKeyOptions_d.sSeed. * - Provide the length for derived key. Use \ref sDeriveKeyOptions_d.wDerivedKeyLen. * - Provide the OID to store the derived key. Use \ref sDeriveKeyOptions_d.wOIDDerivedKey. * - 0x0000 indicates that the derived key is exported. * * Output: * - Successful API execution, * - Derived key is returned in PpsKey if \ref sDeriveKeyOptions_d.wOIDDerivedKey is 0x0000. * * Notes: * - Application on security chip must be opened using #CmdLib_OpenApplication before using this API. * - If the the data to be sent to security chip is more than communication buffer,#CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY is returned. Refer OPTIGA_Trust_X_SolutionReferenceManual_v1.x.pdf for more details. * - If the memory buffer in PpsKey is not sufficient to store the derived key,#CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY is returned. * * \param[in] PpsDeriveKey Pointer to #sDeriveKeyOptions_d to provide input for session key generation * \param[in,out] PpsKey Pointer to #sbBlob_d that contains the derived key * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_EXEC_ERROR * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR */ int32_t CmdLib_DeriveKey(const sDeriveKeyOptions_d *PpsDeriveKey,sbBlob_d *PpsKey) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; uint16_t wWritePosition = LEN_APDUHEADER; uint16_t wCalApduLen = 0; sApduData_d sApduData = {0}; do { //NULL checks if((NULL == PpsDeriveKey) || (NULL == PpsDeriveKey->sSeed.prgbStream)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } /// @cond hidden ///Minimum length of APDU InData in case of calculate shared secret. ///[TLV Header(3) of OID share secret + OID share secret (2) + TLV Header(3) for seed + TLV Header(3) for derive secret length + derive secret length(2) + TLV Header(3) for alternative ] #define DERIVEKEY_APDU_LEN 16 ///Tag for derive key #define TAG_DERIVE_KEY 0x03 ///Len for export derive key #define LEN_EXPORT_DERIVE_KEY 0x0000 ///Len for share sec oid #define LEN_DERIVE_KEY 0x0002 ///Derive key OID zero value #define OID_DERIVE_SEC_ZERO 0x0000 ///Tag for export derive share secret #define TAG_EXPORT_DERIVE_KEY 0x07 ///Tag for derive key oid #define TAG_OID_DERIVE_KEY 0x08 ///Minimum length of APDU #define TX_LEN (DERIVEKEY_APDU_LEN + 2) /// @endcond //Considering the size of Indata for allocating memory as this size is also sufficient for storing the response wCalApduLen = LEN_APDUHEADER + TX_LEN + (PpsDeriveKey->sSeed.wLen > PpsDeriveKey->wDerivedKeyLen ? PpsDeriveKey->sSeed.wLen : PpsDeriveKey->wDerivedKeyLen); //NULL checks if(OID_DERIVE_SEC_ZERO == PpsDeriveKey->wOIDDerivedKey) { if(NULL == PpsKey->prgbStream) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } wCalApduLen -= 2; } //Check max comms buffer size if((wMaxCommsBuffer) < wCalApduLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } //Allocating Heap memory INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,wCalApduLen); //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; sApduData.wResponseLength = wCalApduLen; //Set share secret key tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[LEN_APDUHEADER] = TAG_OID; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET],LEN_SHARED_SECRET_OID); Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET],PpsDeriveKey->wOIDSharedSecret); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + LEN_PRI_KEY; //Set public key algoId tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_SEED; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET],PpsDeriveKey->sSeed.wLen); OCP_MEMCPY(&sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + wWritePosition],PpsDeriveKey->sSeed.prgbStream,PpsDeriveKey->sSeed.wLen); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + PpsDeriveKey->sSeed.wLen; //Set public key tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_DERIVE_KEY; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET],LEN_DERIVE_KEY); Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET],PpsDeriveKey->wDerivedKeyLen); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + LEN_DERIVE_KEY; if(OID_DERIVE_SEC_ZERO == PpsDeriveKey->wOIDDerivedKey) { //Set export share sec tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_EXPORT_DERIVE_KEY; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], LEN_EXPORT_DERIVE_KEY); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET; } else { //Set OID of signature key tag, length, data sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition] = TAG_OID_DERIVE_KEY; Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET], LEN_DERIVE_KEY); Utility_SetUint16(&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[wWritePosition + TAG_VALUE_OFFSET], PpsDeriveKey->wOIDDerivedKey); wWritePosition += TAG_VALUE_OFFSET + LEN_DERIVE_KEY; } sApduData.wPayloadLength = (uint16_t)(wWritePosition - LEN_APDUHEADER); //Form Command sApduData.bCmd = CMD_DERIVE_KEY; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsDeriveKey->eKDM; //Transmit data i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } sApduData.wResponseLength -= LEN_APDUHEADER; if(OID_DERIVE_SEC_ZERO == PpsDeriveKey->wOIDDerivedKey) { if(sApduData.wResponseLength > PpsKey->wLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } //Copy signature to output buffer OCP_MEMCPY(PpsKey->prgbStream,&sApduData.prgbRespBuffer[LEN_APDUHEADER],sApduData.wResponseLength); PpsKey->wLen = sApduData.wResponseLength; } }while(FALSE); //Free the allocated memory for buffer FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); /// @cond hidden #undef DERIVEKEY_APDU_LEN #undef TAG_DERIVE_KEY #undef LEN_EXPORT_DERIVE_KEY #undef LEN_DERIVE_KEY #undef OID_DERIVE_SEC_ZERO #undef TAG_EXPORT_DERIVE_KEY #undef TAG_OID_DERIVE_KEY #undef TX_LEN /// @endcond return i4Status; } #endif/*MODULE_ENABLE_TOOLBOX*/ #ifdef MODULE_ENABLE_DTLS_MUTUAL_AUTH /** * Gets Handshake message from Security Chip.
* * * Notes:
* - User should provide a callback through #sCallBack_d. * - This callback allows the caller to allocate memory for the message and keep copying data into the memory in case of lengthy messages. * - Allocated buffer is returned to user in #sCBGetMsg_d. * - The callback should return #CMD_LIB_OK for successful allocation of memory else #CMD_LIB_ERROR in case of error.
* * - Any Message specific data must be provided by the user in the union puMsgParams.
* The union is defined as #uMsgParams_d. * * - The user must provide correct data in puMsgParams.This function does not
* validate the content of the message specific data. * E.g For sending gmt_unix_time for Client Hello message,uMsgParams_d.sMsgParamCH_d.dwUnixTime must be set. * If puMsgParams is set to NULL,then random dwUnixTime will be considered for Client Hello message
* and certificate will not be send for Client Certificate message. * * The psBlobInBuffer pointer which is member of sProcMsgData_d should be set to NULL * * \param[in,out] PpsGMsgVector Pointer to DTLS Handshake Message parameters * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM */ int32_t CmdLib_GetMessage(const sProcMsgData_d *PpsGMsgVector) { ///@cond hidden #define STACK_ALLOC ///@endcond int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; sApduData_d sApduData; uint8_t bFragSeq ; uint16_t wRespLen; sbBlob_d sBlobMessage; do { //To use stack memory for APDU buffer, define STACK_ALLOC locally else heap memory is used #ifdef STACK_ALLOC INIT_STACK_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,MAX_APDU_BUFF_LEN); #else INIT_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,MAX_APDU_BUFF_LEN); #endif //NULL checks if((NULL == PpsGMsgVector) || (NULL == PpsGMsgVector->psCallBack) || (NULL == PpsGMsgVector->psCallBack->pfAcceptMessage) || (NULL == PpsGMsgVector->psCallBack->fvParams)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } //Verify the range of the param if((eClientHello != PpsGMsgVector->eParam) && (eClientHelloWithCookie != PpsGMsgVector->eParam) && (eClientCertificate != PpsGMsgVector->eParam) && (eClientKeyExchange != PpsGMsgVector->eParam) && (eCertificateVerify != PpsGMsgVector->eParam) && (eClientFinished != PpsGMsgVector->eParam)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM; break; } //Verify the Session OID reference if((SESSION_ID_LOWER_VALUE > PpsGMsgVector->wSessionKeyOID) || (SESSION_ID_HIGHER_VALUE < PpsGMsgVector->wSessionKeyOID)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_SESSIONID; break; } //Set the fragment sequence to start bFragSeq = (uint8_t)eStart; //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; while((eFragSeq_d)bFragSeq != eFinal) { //Form data and assign to apdu structure //Assign cmd,param,length sApduData.bCmd = CMD_GETMSG; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsGMsgVector->eParam; //Total payload length is Session ID Length sApduData.wPayloadLength = BYTES_SESSIONID; //Form the data in order in the buffer //Add the session ID to the buffer sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = (uint8_t)(PpsGMsgVector->wSessionKeyOID >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + 1] = (uint8_t)PpsGMsgVector->wSessionKeyOID; sApduData.wResponseLength = MAX_APDU_BUFF_LEN; if(((uint8_t)eClientHello == sApduData.bParam) && (NULL != PpsGMsgVector->puMsgParams)) { sApduData.wPayloadLength += LEN_TAG_ENCODING + BYTES_GMT_TIME; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG] = TAG_GMTUNIX_TIME; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG_LEN] = 0x00; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG_LEN + 1] = BYTES_GMT_TIME; Utility_SetUint32 (&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG_DATA],PpsGMsgVector->puMsgParams->sMsgParamCH_d.dwUnixTime); } else if(((uint8_t)eClientCertificate == sApduData.bParam) && (NULL != PpsGMsgVector->puMsgParams)) { sApduData.wPayloadLength += LEN_TAG_ENCODING + BYTES_OID; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG] = TAG_CERTIFICATE_OID; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG_LEN] = 0x00; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG_LEN + 1] = BYTES_OID; Utility_SetUint16 (&sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG_DATA],PpsGMsgVector->puMsgParams->sMsgParamCert_d.wCertOID); } //Transmit data i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } //Remove 4 byte apdu header + tag encoding sApduData.wResponseLength -= (LEN_APDUHEADER + LEN_TAG_ENCODING); //Verify the TLV encoding //Verify the Tag if(TAG_UNPROTECTED != (*(sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + LEN_APDUHEADER) & MASK_HIGHER_NIBBLE)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_TAG; break; } //Extract the fragment sequence information bFragSeq = *(sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + LEN_APDUHEADER) & MASK_LOWER_NIBBLE; //extract the tag length field wRespLen = Utility_GetUint16(sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + LEN_APDUHEADER + 1); //Length validation for response length with the tag length if(sApduData.wResponseLength != wRespLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_TAGLEN; break; } //Assign the handshake message pointer to the sblob sBlobMessage.prgbStream = sApduData.prgbRespBuffer + LEN_APDUHEADER + LEN_TAG_ENCODING; //Assign the response length(only Handshake message) excluding the tag encoding sBlobMessage.wLen = sApduData.wResponseLength; //Call back function to allocate the memory for handshake message based the response length i4Status = PpsGMsgVector->psCallBack->pfAcceptMessage(PpsGMsgVector->psCallBack->fvParams, &sBlobMessage); if(i4Status != CMD_LIB_OK) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; break; } } //Note: If data is encoded with eContinue then loop to get complete data till eFinal is encoded //The response pointer should be updated for each loop and check for buffer overflow }while(FALSE); //Free the allocated memory for buffer #ifndef STACK_ALLOC FREE_HEAP_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer); #else #undef STACK_ALLOC #endif return i4Status; } /** * Sends Handshake message to Security Chip for processing.
* * * Notes:
* - Input buffer must be provided by the user.
* - Clearing of the buffers is the responsibility of the user. * * - The input pointer should contain sufficient memory to accommodate
* APDU header and data formatting. * * - The API will not recopy the Authentication message data but add the header and data
* formatting information before it, in the same input buffer. * * The puMsgParams and psCallBack pointer which is member of sProcMsgData_d should be set to NULL * * \param[in] PpsPMsgVector Pointer to DTLS Handshake Message parameters * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM */ int32_t CmdLib_PutMessage(const sProcMsgData_d *PpsPMsgVector) { int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; sApduData_d sApduData; do { //NULL checks if((NULL == PpsPMsgVector) || (NULL == PpsPMsgVector->psBlobInBuffer) || (NULL == PpsPMsgVector->psBlobInBuffer->prgbStream)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM; break; } //Zero length checks if(0x00 == PpsPMsgVector->psBlobInBuffer->wLen) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_LENZERO_ERROR; break; } //Verify the range of the param if(((eServerCertificate > PpsPMsgVector->eParam) || (eServerHelloDone < PpsPMsgVector->eParam)) && ((eServerHello != PpsPMsgVector->eParam) && (eHelloVerifyRequest != PpsPMsgVector->eParam) && (eServerFinished != PpsPMsgVector->eParam))) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_PARAM; break; } //Verify the Session OID reference if((SESSION_ID_LOWER_VALUE > PpsPMsgVector->wSessionKeyOID) || (SESSION_ID_HIGHER_VALUE < PpsPMsgVector->wSessionKeyOID)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_SESSIONID; break; } //Length of data + OverHeadLen should not to be more than wMaxCommsBuffer //Currently, chaining is not supported by Command library and security chip.Hence, this length check is performed. if(PpsPMsgVector->psBlobInBuffer->wLen > (wMaxCommsBuffer) ) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY; break; } //Assign In memory pointer to the APDU Buffer in the Apdu structure sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer = PpsPMsgVector->psBlobInBuffer->prgbStream; //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; //Form data and assign to apdu structure //Assign cmd,param,length sApduData.bCmd = CMD_PUTMSG; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)PpsPMsgVector->eParam; //Total payload length is sum of length of Session ID , Tag, Tag length and the data sApduData.wPayloadLength = PpsPMsgVector->psBlobInBuffer->wLen - OFFSET_PAYLOAD; //Add the session ID to the buffer sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = (uint8_t)(PpsPMsgVector->wSessionKeyOID >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + 1] = (uint8_t)PpsPMsgVector->wSessionKeyOID; //Add the encoding tag to the buffer sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG] = TAG_UNPROTECTED; sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG] |= (uint8_t)eFinal; //Add the tag length to the buffer //lint --e{702} suppress "Acknowledging the shift. Reviewed it" sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG_LEN] = (uint8_t)(((PpsPMsgVector->psBlobInBuffer->wLen) - (OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SESSIONID + LEN_TAG_ENCODING)) >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_TAG_LEN + 1] = (uint8_t)(PpsPMsgVector->psBlobInBuffer->wLen - (OFFSET_PAYLOAD + BYTES_SESSIONID + LEN_TAG_ENCODING)); sApduData.wResponseLength = PpsPMsgVector->psBlobInBuffer->wLen; //Transmit data i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } }while(FALSE); return i4Status; } /** * * Closes the DTLS session as indicated by the Session OID.
* * * \param[in] PwSessionRefId session OID to be closed * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_SESSIONID * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY */ int32_t CmdLib_CloseSession(uint16_t PwSessionRefId) { /// @cond hidden #define CLOSE_SESSION_APDU_BUF_LEN 6 /// @endcond int32_t i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_ERROR; sApduData_d sApduData; do { INIT_STACK_APDUBUFFER(sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer,CLOSE_SESSION_APDU_BUF_LEN); //Verify the session id if((SESSION_ID_LOWER_VALUE > PwSessionRefId) || (SESSION_ID_HIGHER_VALUE < PwSessionRefId)) { i4Status = (int32_t)CMD_LIB_INVALID_SESSIONID; break; } //Set the pointer to the response buffer sApduData.prgbRespBuffer = sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer; //Form the command //Assign Cmd,param,payload length sApduData.bCmd = CMD_GETMSG; sApduData.bParam = (uint8_t)eCloseSession; //Total payload length is equal to session ID length sApduData.wPayloadLength = BYTES_SESSIONID; //Assign the session key sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD] = (uint8_t)( PwSessionRefId >> BITS_PER_BYTE); sApduData.prgbAPDUBuffer[OFFSET_PAYLOAD + 1] = (uint8_t)PwSessionRefId; sApduData.wResponseLength = CLOSE_SESSION_APDU_BUF_LEN; //Transmit the Data i4Status = TransceiveAPDU(&sApduData,TRUE); if(CMD_LIB_OK != i4Status) { break; } }while(FALSE); /// @cond hidden #undef CLOSE_SESSION_APDU_BUF_LEN /// @endcond return i4Status; } /** * Encrypts data by issuing ProcUpLink command to Security Chip.
* * * Notes:
* - Input and Output buffers must be provided by the user. *Buffer deallocation is the responsibility of the user.
* * - The input data in #sbBlob_d sInData should contain sufficient memory to accommodate APDU header, *data formatting,Plaintext.
*The Plaintext and any specific data for encryption should start after an overhead of #OVERHEAD_UPDOWNLINK.
* * - wInDataLength in #sProcCryptoData_d should be greater than zero.
* * - Ciphertext is returned in #sCmdResponse_d* sOutData from zero offset.
* * - In addition to the Ciphertext, the length of buffer in sOutData *should be sufficient to accommodate Response APDU header and data formatting. This is defined as #OVERHEAD_ENCDEC_RESPONSE
*The total length of the Ciphertext is returned in wRespLength of #sCmdResponse_d.
* * - The current implementation of Security chip does not support command chaining. *The maximum value of wInDataLength depends on the value supported by the security chip.
* * - Currently,the security chip supports only 0xE100 as session key OID. * * \param[in,out] PpsEncVector Pointer to structure containing Plaintext and Ciphertext * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_SESSIONID * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_LEN * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM */ int32_t CmdLib_Encrypt(sProcCryptoData_d *PpsEncVector) { return CmdLib_EncDecHelper(PpsEncVector,CMD_ENCDATA,PARAM_ENC_DATA); } /** * Decrypts data by issuing ProcDownLink command to Security Chip.
* * * Notes:
* - Input and Output buffers must be provided by the user. *Buffer deallocation is the responsibility of the user.
* * - The input data in #sbBlob_d sInData should contain sufficient memory to accommodate APDU header, *data formatting,Ciphertext.
*The Ciphertext and any specific data for decryption should start after an overhead of #OVERHEAD_UPDOWNLINK.
* * - wInDataLength in #sProcCryptoData_d should be greater than zero.
* * - Plaintext is returned in #sCmdResponse_d* sOutData from zero offset.
* * - In addition to the Plaintext, the length of buffer in sOutData *should be sufficient to accommodate Response APDU header and data formatting. This is defined as #OVERHEAD_ENCDEC_RESPONSE
*The total length of the Plaintext is returned in wRespLength of #sCmdResponse_d.
* * - The current implementation of Security chip does not support command chaining. *The maximum value of wInDataLength depends on the value supported by the security chip.
* * - Currently,the security chip supports only 0xE100 as session key OID. * * \param[in,out] PpsDecVector Pointer to structure containing Ciphertext and Plaintext * * \retval #CMD_LIB_OK * \retval #CMD_LIB_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_SESSIONID * \retval #CMD_LIB_INVALID_LEN * \retval #CMD_DEV_ERROR * \retval #CMD_LIB_DECRYPT_FAILURE * \retval #CMD_LIB_NULL_PARAM */ int32_t CmdLib_Decrypt(sProcCryptoData_d *PpsDecVector) { return CmdLib_EncDecHelper(PpsDecVector,CMD_DECDATA,PARAM_DEC_DATA); } #endif /* MODULE_ENABLE_DTLS_MUTUAL_AUTH*/ /** * @} */