
The f_putc funciton puts a character to the file.

int f_putc (
  TCHAR chr,  /* [IN] A character to put */
  FIL* fp     /* [IN] File object */


A character to be put.
Pointer to the open file object structuer.

Return Values

When the character was written successfuly, it returns number of characters written. When the function failed due to disk full or any error, an EOF (-1) will be returned.

When FatFs is configured to Unicode API (_LFN_UNICODE == 1), character encoding on the string fuctions, f_putc, f_puts, f_printf and f_gets function, is also switched to Unicode. The character encoding on the file to be read/written via those functions is selected by _STRF_ENCODE option.


This is a wrapper function of f_write function. Available when _FS_READONLY == 0 and _USE_STRFUNC is 1 or 2. When it is set to 2, a '\n' is converted to '\r'+'\n'.

See Also

f_open, f_puts, f_printf, f_gets, f_close, FIL
