/** * Copyright (c) 2016 - 2019, Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form, except as embedded into a Nordic * Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit in a product or a software update for * such product, must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * 4. This software, with or without modification, must only be used with a * Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit. * * 5. Any software provided in binary form under this license must not be reverse * engineered, decompiled, modified and/or disassembled. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "sdk_config.h" #if APP_USBD_ENABLED #include "app_usbd_string_desc.h" #include "app_usbd_langid.h" #include "app_usbd_core.h" #include "nordic_common.h" #include "utf.h" /** * @defgroup app_usbd_string_desc * @ingroup app_usbd * * USBD string descriptor management * @{ */ /** * @brief Array with language identifiers. * * This array is used to search the proper string for the selected language. */ static uint16_t const m_langids[] = { APP_USBD_STRINGS_LANGIDS }; /** * @brief Language ID descriptor. * * Language. */ /** * @brief Mnemonics for the string positions in the array. * * The mnemonics for the indexes of the strings inside the string array. */ enum { APP_USBD_STRING_ID_LANGIDS_ARRAY_POS = 0, /**< Supported language identifiers. */ #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_MANUFACTURER != 0) APP_USBD_STRING_ID_MANUFACTURER_ARRAY_POS, /**< Manufacturer name. */ #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_MANUFACTURER != 0) #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_PRODUCT != 0) APP_USBD_STRING_ID_PRODUCT_ARRAY_POS, /**< Product name. */ #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_PRODUCT != 0) #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_SERIAL != 0) APP_USBD_STRING_ID_SERIAL_ARRAY_POS, /**< Serial number. */ #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_SERIAL != 0) #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CONFIGURATION != 0) APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CONFIGURATION_ARRAY_POS, /**< Configuration string. */ #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CONFIGURATION != 0) #define X(mnemonic, str_idx, ...) CONCAT_2(mnemonic, _ARRAY_POS), APP_USBD_STRINGS_USER #undef X }; /** * @brief String index into internal array index conversion table. * * The array that transforms the USB string indexes into internal array position. * @note Value 0 is used to mark non-existing string. */ static uint8_t const m_string_translation[APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CNT] = { [APP_USBD_STRING_ID_LANGIDS] = APP_USBD_STRING_ID_LANGIDS_ARRAY_POS, #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_MANUFACTURER != 0) [APP_USBD_STRING_ID_MANUFACTURER] = APP_USBD_STRING_ID_MANUFACTURER_ARRAY_POS, #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_MANUFACTURER != 0) #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_PRODUCT != 0) [APP_USBD_STRING_ID_PRODUCT] = APP_USBD_STRING_ID_PRODUCT_ARRAY_POS, #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_PRODUCT != 0) #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_SERIAL != 0) [APP_USBD_STRING_ID_SERIAL] = APP_USBD_STRING_ID_SERIAL_ARRAY_POS, #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_SERIAL != 0) #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CONFIGURATION != 0) [APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CONFIGURATION] = APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CONFIGURATION_ARRAY_POS, #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CONFIGURATION != 0) #define X(mnemonic, str_idx, ...) [mnemonic] = CONCAT_2(mnemonic, _ARRAY_POS), APP_USBD_STRINGS_USER #undef X }; #ifndef APP_USBD_STRINGS_MANUFACTURER_EXTERN #define APP_USBD_STRINGS_MANUFACTURER_EXTERN 0 #endif #if APP_USBD_STRINGS_MANUFACTURER_EXTERN extern uint8_t APP_USBD_STRINGS_MANUFACTURER[]; #endif #ifndef APP_USBD_STRINGS_PRODUCT_EXTERN #define APP_USBD_STRINGS_PRODUCT_EXTERN 0 #endif #if APP_USBD_STRINGS_PRODUCT_EXTERN extern uint8_t APP_USBD_STRINGS_PRODUCT[]; #endif #ifndef APP_USBD_STRING_SERIAL_EXTERN #define APP_USBD_STRING_SERIAL_EXTERN 0 #endif #if APP_USBD_STRING_SERIAL_EXTERN extern uint8_t APP_USBD_STRING_SERIAL[]; #endif #ifndef APP_USBD_STRING_CONFIGURATION_EXTERN #define APP_USBD_STRING_CONFIGURATION_EXTERN 0 #endif #if APP_USBD_STRING_CONFIGURATION_EXTERN extern uint8_t APP_USBD_STRING_CONFIGURATION[]; #endif /** * @brief String descriptor table. * */ static uint8_t const * m_string_dsc[APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CNT][ARRAY_SIZE(m_langids)] = { [APP_USBD_STRING_ID_LANGIDS_ARRAY_POS] = {APP_USBD_STRING_RAW16_DESC(APP_USBD_STRINGS_LANGIDS)}, #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_MANUFACTURER != 0) [APP_USBD_STRING_ID_MANUFACTURER_ARRAY_POS] = { APP_USBD_STRINGS_MANUFACTURER }, #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_MANUFACTURER != 0) #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_PRODUCT != 0) [APP_USBD_STRING_ID_PRODUCT_ARRAY_POS] = { APP_USBD_STRINGS_PRODUCT }, #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_PRODUCT != 0) #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_SERIAL != 0) [APP_USBD_STRING_ID_SERIAL_ARRAY_POS] = { APP_USBD_STRING_SERIAL }, #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_SERIAL != 0) #if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CONFIGURATION != 0) [APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CONFIGURATION_ARRAY_POS] = { APP_USBD_STRINGS_CONFIGURATION }, #endif // (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_CONFIGURATION != 0) #define X(mnemonic, str_idx, ...) [CONCAT_2(mnemonic, _ARRAY_POS)] = {__VA_ARGS__}, APP_USBD_STRINGS_USER #undef X }; /** * @brief Function for preparing UTF16 string descriptor. * * @param idx String descriptor ID. * @param langid Language ID. * * @return Pointer to the string descriptor. */ static uint16_t * app_usbd_prepare_string(uint8_t idx, uint16_t langid) { if (m_string_dsc[idx][langid][0] == 0x00) { return (uint16_t *) &(m_string_dsc[idx][langid][2]); } #if ((APP_USBD_CONFIG_DESC_STRING_SIZE * 2) + 2) <= NRF_DRV_USBD_EPSIZE uint16_t * string_buffer = app_usbd_core_setup_transfer_buff_get(NULL); #else static uint16_t string_buffer[APP_USBD_CONFIG_DESC_STRING_SIZE + 1]; // + 1 element for string descriptor type and size #endif uint8_t size = 0; const uint8_t * p_pos = m_string_dsc[idx][langid]; #if APP_USBD_CONFIG_DESC_STRING_UTF_ENABLED size = utf8UTF16Count((char *) p_pos, 0); ASSERT(size <= APP_USBD_CONFIG_DESC_STRING_SIZE); uint16_t * p_out = &(string_buffer[1]); uint32_t rune; while (*p_pos != 0) { p_pos = (uint8_t *) utf8DecodeRune((char *) p_pos, 0, &rune); p_out += utf16EncodeRune(rune, p_out); } #else while(*p_pos != 0) { ASSERT(size < APP_USBD_CONFIG_DESC_STRING_SIZE); ++size; string_buffer[size] = *p_pos; ++p_pos; } #endif // Descriptor size is length of the string times 2 bytes per character + 2 bytes for // descriptor type and size. string_buffer[0] = (0xff & (size * 2 + 2)) | ((uint16_t)APP_USBD_DESCRIPTOR_STRING) << 8; return string_buffer; } uint16_t const * app_usbd_string_desc_get(uint8_t idx, uint16_t langid) { /* LANGID string. */ if (APP_USBD_STRING_ID_LANGIDS == idx) { return app_usbd_prepare_string(APP_USBD_STRING_ID_LANGIDS_ARRAY_POS, 0); } /* Searching for the language. */ uint8_t lang_idx = 0; if (ARRAY_SIZE(m_langids) > 1) { while (m_langids[lang_idx] != langid) { ++lang_idx; if (lang_idx >= ARRAY_SIZE(m_langids)) { return NULL; } } } /* Get the string index in array. */ if (idx >= ARRAY_SIZE(m_string_translation)) { return NULL; } uint8_t str_pos = m_string_translation[idx]; if (str_pos == 0) { return NULL; } if ((ARRAY_SIZE(m_langids) > 1) && (lang_idx != 0)) { if (m_string_dsc[str_pos][lang_idx] == NULL) { lang_idx = 0; } } if (m_string_dsc[str_pos][lang_idx] == NULL) { return NULL; } return app_usbd_prepare_string(str_pos, lang_idx); } /** @} */ #endif // APP_USBD_ENABLED