/** * Copyright (c) 2018 - 2019, Nordic Semiconductor ASA * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form, except as embedded into a Nordic * Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit in a product or a software update for * such product, must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of Nordic Semiconductor ASA nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * 4. This software, with or without modification, must only be used with a * Nordic Semiconductor ASA integrated circuit. * * 5. Any software provided in binary form under this license must not be reverse * engineered, decompiled, modified and/or disassembled. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NORDIC SEMICONDUCTOR ASA OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "sdk_config.h" #include "nrf_libuarte_async.h" #include "nrf_libuarte.h" #include "app_error.h" #include "nrf_balloc.h" #include "nrfx_timer.h" #include "nrfx_rtc.h" #include "nrfx_clock.h" #include "nrfx_ppi.h" #include "nrf_uart.h" #include "nrf_queue.h" #define NRF_LOG_MODULE_NAME libUARTE_async #if NRF_LIBUARTE_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_LOG_LEVEL NRF_LIBUARTE_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL #define NRF_LOG_INFO_COLOR NRF_LIBUARTE_CONFIG_INFO_COLOR #define NRF_LOG_DEBUG_COLOR NRF_LIBUARTE_CONFIG_DEBUG_COLOR #else // NRF_LIBUARTE_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #define NRF_LOG_LEVEL 0 #endif // NRF_LIBUARTE_CONFIG_LOG_ENABLED #include "nrf_log.h" NRF_LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(); #if defined(NRFX_RTC_ENABLED) && NRFX_RTC_ENABLED #define RTC_IN_USE 1 #else #define RTC_IN_USE 0 #endif #if defined(NRFX_TIMER_ENABLED) && NRFX_TIMER_ENABLED #define TIMER_IN_USE 1 #else #define TIMER_IN_USE 0 #endif /** Macro is setting up PPI channel set which consist of event, task and optional fork. * * @param _ch Channel. * @param _evt Event. * @param _tsk Task. * @param _fork Fork. If NULL fork is not configured. */ #define PPI_CH_SETUP(_ch, _evt, _tsk, _fork) \ ret = nrfx_ppi_channel_assign(_ch, _evt, _tsk); \ if (ret != NRF_SUCCESS) \ { \ return NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL; \ } \ if (_fork) \ { \ ret = nrfx_ppi_channel_fork_assign(_ch, _fork); \ if (ret != NRF_SUCCESS) \ { \ return NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL; \ } \ } static void uart_evt_handler(void * context, nrf_libuarte_evt_t * p_evt) { ret_code_t ret; const nrf_libuarte_async_t * p_libuarte = (const nrf_libuarte_async_t *)context; switch (p_evt->type) { case NRF_LIBUARTE_EVT_TX_DONE: { NRF_LOG_DEBUG("(evt) TX completed (%d)", p_evt->data.rxtx.length); nrf_libuarte_async_evt_t evt = { .type = NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_EVT_TX_DONE, .data.rxtx.p_data = p_evt->data.rxtx.p_data, .data.rxtx.length = p_evt->data.rxtx.length, }; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->evt_handler(p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->context, &evt); break; } case NRF_LIBUARTE_EVT_RX_BUF_REQ: { uint8_t * p_data = nrf_balloc_alloc(p_libuarte->p_rx_pool); if (p_data) { ret = nrf_queue_push(p_libuarte->p_rx_queue, &p_data); if (ret != NRF_SUCCESS) { NRF_LOG_ERROR("(evt) RX buffer queue full."); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(false); } p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->alloc_cnt++; nrf_libuarte_rx_buf_rsp(p_libuarte->p_libuarte, p_data, p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_chunk_size); } else { NRF_LOG_ERROR("(evt) Failed to allocate buffer for RX."); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(false); } break; } case NRF_LIBUARTE_EVT_RX_DATA: { uint32_t rx_amount = p_evt->data.rxtx.length - p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->sub_rx_count; if (rx_amount) { p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_count += rx_amount; nrf_libuarte_async_evt_t evt = { .type = NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_EVT_RX_DATA, .data.rxtx.p_data = &p_evt->data.rxtx.p_data[p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->sub_rx_count], .data.rxtx.length = rx_amount, }; NRF_LOG_DEBUG("(evt) RX: %d (addr:0x%08X, internal index: %d)", rx_amount, p_evt->data.rxtx.p_data, p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->sub_rx_count); p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->sub_rx_count = 0; if(p_evt->data.rxtx.p_data != p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->p_curr_rx_buf) { NRF_LOG_ERROR("(evt) RX buffer address mismatch"); } ret = nrf_queue_pop(p_libuarte->p_rx_queue, &p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->p_curr_rx_buf); if (ret != NRF_SUCCESS) { NRF_LOG_ERROR("RX buffer queue empty."); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(false); } p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->evt_handler(p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->context, &evt); } else { NRF_LOG_ERROR("(evt) RX with 0 length: 0x%08X", p_evt->data.rxtx.p_data); //zero length packet is freed immediately and not forwarded to the application. APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(false); } break; } default: APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(false); break; } } void nrf_libuarte_async_timeout_handler(const nrf_libuarte_async_t * p_libuarte) { uint32_t capt_rx_count = p_libuarte->p_libuarte->timer.p_reg->CC[2]; if (capt_rx_count > p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_count) { uint32_t rx_amount = capt_rx_count - p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_count; nrf_libuarte_async_evt_t evt = { .type = NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_EVT_RX_DATA, .data.rxtx.p_data = &p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->p_curr_rx_buf[p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->sub_rx_count], .data.rxtx.length = rx_amount, }; NRF_LOG_DEBUG("(tmr evt) RX: %d (addr:0x%08X, internal index: %d)", rx_amount, evt.data.rxtx.p_data, p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->sub_rx_count); p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->sub_rx_count += rx_amount; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_count = capt_rx_count; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->evt_handler(p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->context, &evt); } } static void tmr_evt_handler(nrf_timer_event_t event_type, void * p_context) { nrf_libuarte_async_timeout_handler((const nrf_libuarte_async_t *)p_context); } ret_code_t nrf_libuarte_async_init(const nrf_libuarte_async_t * const p_libuarte, nrf_libuarte_async_config_t const * p_config, nrf_libuarte_async_evt_handler_t evt_handler, void * context) { ret_code_t ret; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->evt_handler = evt_handler; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_count = 0; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->p_curr_rx_buf = NULL; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_free_cnt = 0; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->sub_rx_count = 0; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->alloc_cnt = 0; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->context = context; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->timeout_us = p_config->timeout_us; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_PPI_CH_MAX; i++) { ret = nrfx_ppi_channel_alloc(&p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->ppi_channels[i]); if (ret != NRFX_SUCCESS) { //we don't free already allocated channels, system is wrongly configured. return NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL; } } uint32_t tmr_start_tsk = 0; uint32_t tmr_clear_tsk = 0; uint32_t tmr_stop_tsk = 0; uint32_t tmr_compare_evt = 0; if (p_libuarte->p_rtc && RTC_IN_USE) { nrfx_rtc_config_t rtc_config = NRFX_RTC_DEFAULT_CONFIG; nrfx_clock_lfclk_start(); rtc_config.prescaler = 0; ret = nrfx_rtc_init(p_libuarte->p_rtc, &rtc_config, p_libuarte->rtc_handler); if (ret != NRFX_SUCCESS) { return NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL; } ret = nrfx_rtc_cc_set(p_libuarte->p_rtc, 0, p_config->timeout_us/32, true); if (ret != NRFX_SUCCESS) { return NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL; } tmr_start_tsk = nrfx_rtc_task_address_get(p_libuarte->p_rtc, NRF_RTC_TASK_START); tmr_clear_tsk = nrfx_rtc_task_address_get(p_libuarte->p_rtc, NRF_RTC_TASK_CLEAR); tmr_stop_tsk = nrfx_rtc_task_address_get(p_libuarte->p_rtc, NRF_RTC_TASK_STOP); tmr_compare_evt = nrfx_rtc_event_address_get(p_libuarte->p_rtc, NRF_RTC_EVENT_COMPARE_0); } else if (p_libuarte->p_timer && TIMER_IN_USE) { nrfx_timer_config_t tmr_config = NRFX_TIMER_DEFAULT_CONFIG; tmr_config.frequency = NRF_TIMER_FREQ_1MHz; tmr_config.p_context = (void *)p_libuarte; ret = nrfx_timer_init(p_libuarte->p_timer, &tmr_config, tmr_evt_handler); if (ret != NRFX_SUCCESS) { return NRF_ERROR_INTERNAL; } nrfx_timer_compare(p_libuarte->p_timer, NRF_TIMER_CC_CHANNEL0, p_config->timeout_us, true); tmr_start_tsk = nrfx_timer_task_address_get(p_libuarte->p_timer, NRF_TIMER_TASK_START); tmr_clear_tsk = nrfx_timer_task_address_get(p_libuarte->p_timer, NRF_TIMER_TASK_CLEAR); tmr_stop_tsk = nrfx_timer_task_address_get(p_libuarte->p_timer, NRF_TIMER_TASK_SHUTDOWN); tmr_compare_evt = nrfx_timer_compare_event_address_get(p_libuarte->p_timer, 0); } else { NRF_LOG_ERROR("No timer or rtc defined"); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(false); } /*lint -save -e666 */ PPI_CH_SETUP(p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->ppi_channels[NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_PPI_CH_RXRDY_CLEAR], nrf_uarte_event_address_get(p_libuarte->p_libuarte->uarte, NRF_UARTE_EVENT_RXDRDY), tmr_start_tsk, tmr_clear_tsk); PPI_CH_SETUP(p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->ppi_channels[NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_PPI_CH_COMPARE_SHUTDOWN], tmr_compare_evt, tmr_stop_tsk, (uint32_t)&p_libuarte->p_libuarte->timer.p_reg->TASKS_CAPTURE[2]); /*lint -restore */ nrf_libuarte_config_t uart_config = { .tx_pin = p_config->tx_pin, .rx_pin = p_config->rx_pin, .cts_pin = p_config->cts_pin, .rts_pin = p_config->rts_pin, .startrx_evt = nrf_uarte_event_address_get(p_libuarte->p_libuarte->uarte, NRF_UARTE_EVENT_ENDRX), .endrx_evt = 0, .rxstarted_tsk = 0, .rxdone_tsk = 0, .hwfc = p_config->hwfc, .parity = p_config->parity, .baudrate = p_config->baudrate, .irq_priority = 7, }; ret = nrf_libuarte_init(p_libuarte->p_libuarte, &uart_config, uart_evt_handler, (void *)p_libuarte); if (ret != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ret; } ret = nrf_balloc_init(p_libuarte->p_rx_pool); if (ret != NRF_SUCCESS) { return ret; } nrf_queue_reset(p_libuarte->p_rx_queue); return ret; } void nrf_libuarte_async_uninit(const nrf_libuarte_async_t * const p_libuarte) { nrfx_err_t err = nrfx_ppi_channel_disable(p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->ppi_channels[NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_PPI_CH_RXRDY_CLEAR]); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(err == NRFX_SUCCESS); nrf_libuarte_uninit(p_libuarte->p_libuarte); if (p_libuarte->p_rtc && NRFX_RTC_ENABLED) { nrfx_rtc_disable(p_libuarte->p_rtc); nrfx_rtc_uninit(p_libuarte->p_rtc); } else if (p_libuarte->p_timer) { nrfx_timer_disable(p_libuarte->p_timer); nrfx_timer_uninit(p_libuarte->p_timer); } uint32_t i; ret_code_t ret; for (i = 0; i < NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_PPI_CH_MAX; i++) { ret = nrfx_ppi_channel_disable(p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->ppi_channels[i]); ASSERT(ret == NRF_SUCCESS) ret = nrfx_ppi_channel_free(p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->ppi_channels[i]); ASSERT(ret == NRF_SUCCESS) } } void nrf_libuarte_async_enable(const nrf_libuarte_async_t * const p_libuarte) { size_t chunk_size = NRF_BALLOC_ELEMENT_SIZE(p_libuarte->p_rx_pool); uint8_t * p_data; p_data = nrf_balloc_alloc(p_libuarte->p_rx_pool); p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->alloc_cnt++; if (p_data == NULL) { APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(false); } if (p_libuarte->p_rtc && NRFX_RTC_ENABLED) { nrfx_rtc_counter_clear(p_libuarte->p_rtc); } else if (p_libuarte->p_timer) { nrfx_timer_clear(p_libuarte->p_timer); } nrfx_err_t err = nrfx_ppi_channel_enable(p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->ppi_channels[NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_PPI_CH_RXRDY_CLEAR]); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(err == NRFX_SUCCESS); err = nrfx_ppi_channel_enable(p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->ppi_channels[NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_PPI_CH_COMPARE_SHUTDOWN]); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(err == NRFX_SUCCESS); p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->p_curr_rx_buf = p_data; p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_chunk_size = chunk_size; ret_code_t ret = nrf_libuarte_rx_start(p_libuarte->p_libuarte, p_data, chunk_size, false); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(ret == NRF_SUCCESS); } ret_code_t nrf_libuarte_async_tx(const nrf_libuarte_async_t * const p_libuarte, uint8_t * p_data, size_t length) { return nrf_libuarte_tx(p_libuarte->p_libuarte, p_data, length); } void nrf_libuarte_async_rx_free(const nrf_libuarte_async_t * const p_libuarte, uint8_t * p_data, size_t length) { p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_free_cnt += length; if (p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_free_cnt == p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_chunk_size) { p_data -= (p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_free_cnt - length); p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_free_cnt = 0; nrf_balloc_free(p_libuarte->p_rx_pool, p_data); p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->alloc_cnt--; if (p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->alloc_cnt<0) { NRF_LOG_ERROR("Freeing more RX buffers than allocated."); APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(false); } NRF_LOG_INFO("Freeing full buffer 0x%08X, %d, (currently allocated:%d).",p_data, length, p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->alloc_cnt); } else if (p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_free_cnt > p_libuarte->p_ctrl_blk->rx_chunk_size) { NRF_LOG_ERROR("Unexpected RX free input parameter.") APP_ERROR_CHECK_BOOL(false); } else { NRF_LOG_INFO("Freeing partial buffer: 0x%08X, length:%d", p_data, length) } }