See the top of each source file for the license under which the file is released. The following licenses are used in the nRF5 SDK: i) nRF5 SDK license: The majority of the source code included in the nRF5 SDK (nRF5_Nordic_license.txt) ii) nRF5 Garmin Canada license: Files released by Garmin Canada included in the nRF5 SDK (nRF5_Garmin_Canada_license.txt) iii) SoftDevice license: The SoftDevice and its headers (..\components\softdevice\sxxx\doc\) iv) ARM 3-clause BSD license: CMSIS and system files (..\components\toolchain) v) FreeRTOS license: FreeRTOS configuration files (FreeRTOSConfig.h in the examples that show how to use FreeRTOS) vi) Third-party licenses: All third-party code contained in ..\external (respective licenses included in each of the imported projects)